29. Pain...

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Much to Annika's amusement, Caia had already broken a rule three times by 10am. The first had been putting clothes on in the bedroom without permission. It was an easy slip. She had assumed that because she was about to go downstairs, she wouldn't have to ask permission. The second incident was mere moment later, when Annika told her she had broken a rule. In response, she had uttered a quiet shit, under her breath.

The third had been going into the fridge and pouring herself a glass of juice without permission. She hadn't even registered until she looked up into Annika's eyes, and the silent lift of a brow that told her she had tripped up.

None of these incidents had received a consequence as yet. Annika loved the power she held over Caia, knowing that at some point throughout the day, she would cash in on her punishments. It amused her to no end to see Caia glance at her in apprehension.

It was late morning before they had had the chance to be alone. And the moment they were, Annika had gesture for Caia to follow her upstairs.

The instant the bedroom door was closed, Caia had hurried to undress down to her lingerie.

"Good girl," Annika said, smiling. You're learning."

"Yes, ma'am," Caia said, her eyes wide in anticipation.

"Do you know why I brought you up here?"

Caia nodded. "You're going to punish me for breaking three rules."

Guilt overturned the amusement Annika felt. For a moment she felt shame for controlling the woman she loved. She felt selfish and cruel.

Shaking away her thoughts, Annika took a seat on the edge of the bed. "Come and kneel in front of me." When Caia did, she smiled. "Safewords and traffic lights are for me just as much as they are for you. So right now, I'm going to bring up the orange light, because I need to check in with you."

"Okay," Caia said, frowning. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm just..." Annika sighed. "I'm having a lot of feelings of guilt right now. The things I'm considering doing to you are things I know may trigger you or push your limits."

"Are they on the list?"


"Then you don't need to feel bad."

"Even if I'm jumping to something rather intense?"

Caia smirked. "Is it hitting me with the riding crop?"

"What makes you say that?"

"You stopped breathing when you reached that part of the list," Caia said, grinning.

It had been an unexpected addition to the list. One Caia had clearly put a lot of thought into. Perhaps research as well. She had been explicit in the kinds of impact play she felt she would be able to tolerate. Being hit with a crop on the back of her legs had been one of them, with the proviso that she was always warned before hand of an incoming punishment.

Annika would never consider punishing Caia without warning, but it reassured her to know Caia had put so much thought into it.

"Yes. That's exactly what I was planning. Three strikes for three transgressions."

Caia rose up and pressed their lips together, taking advantage of the pause in play. "I love you, and I trust you. And I wouldn't have put anything on that list if I didn't want you to do it."

"I know, I just..." Annika frowned. "I've said before that I'm not a sadist. And I know me using the crop on you will not be pleasant for you, especially the first time. Although, you may eventually become conditioned to enjoy it. So... why does the idea of it excite me so much?"

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