
156 9 1


Author P.O.V

There is a little girl sleeping in her room peacefully. Suddenly she heard a loud sound coming from the outside of her room. She flinched.

She went outside of her room. There she saw nothing. When she about to go back to her room, she heard the loud noise again.

Now she was scared. The sound was coming from the living room which is not very far from her room. So she slowly step forward to the living room.

When she came near the living room, she sneak a peek and there her eyes widened.

Her body was frozend. She can't even move forward or step back. Unbeknownst to her, tears began to fall from her eyes.

There she saw her parents lying on the floor in a bloody state.

There was some unknown people who were standing in front of them.

???: Huh!! This two are dead now.....right?

???: Yes!! Boss....

???: Hmm.....good. But where are their kids?

???: Maybe.....they are sleeping boss....

???: Hmmm....Then put them to sleep for the rest of their lives.

The unknown person said this with a smirk in his face. Then he went to the couch and sat down and lit up a ciga rette.

The little girl saw these everything.  She couldn't control herself anymore.

But whenever she about to go inside the room, someone grabs her face from behind.  So that she could not enter or speak.

???: Don't you dare to speak or step forward.......if you then your condition will be like them......

This is the end of ep 1.

Bye Bye~~

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