Island Divided

978 16 2

Gloria has been in pursuit of Alex after he fled from the lemurs.

Alex keeps ranting in a weepy voice about how they have to leave the island. Thank goodness Gloria was the level-headed one, otherwise nobody would see Alex again.

The chase ended on the beach with the lion shoving many leaves out of the way as he dashed on the sand, his hands wave to his sides vigorously, desperately reaching for the water he avoided last night.

"Get me out of here!" He cried. "We gotta get out of here!"

"Help!" He screamed before taking a desperate attempt to get back to New York, diving into the ocean.

Gloria pulls him back by his tail. Hard.

"Alex. What are you doing?!" The female hippo asks him as the lion struggles in her hold.

"I'm swimming back to New York!" He yells as Marty and Ayana run out from the jungle, celebrating.

"Yeah, baby! We are in the wild," Marty cheers, throwing a coconut on the ground like a football.

"I know my chances are slim, but I have to try!" Alex continued, making swimming gestures.

"You can't swim!"

"I said my chances are slim!"

Melman dashes out of the jungle, he whirled around and around, trying to dislodge the small tangle of jungle encasing his head.

"Nature!" He shouted. 'It's all over me! GET IT OFF! I can't see! I can't see!"

Melman ran by and Gloria steps on a loose vine to yank off the rest. The giraffe had a smile immediately plastered on his face after a moment of surprise.

"I can see!" He gasped. Then everything came rushing back.

Melman wails, shoving his head into the ground like an ostrich.

During the whole charade of Gloria calming down the two other Zoosters, Marty and Ayana celebrate in the back.

The zebra pulled off a perfect pirouette with his leopard friend catching him by his sides and twirled him for a moment. Marty was set on the ground, and he grabs a pair of vine pom-poms so he could dance even more.

"Ok, look. There's obviously just been a little mistake." Gloria said. "I'm sure the people didn't dump us here on purpose...As soon as they realize what happened, they'll come looking for us, right?"

"Yeah! Right!" Melman agreed from beneath the sand.

"Smokey! I don't know the words But we're born free!" Marty sings, landing a split in the back with Ayana posed in a move like the Flashdance water pour scene, except without the chair and the water is all the way over to the beach.

The two zoosters, despite how their friends are acting before them, gave a happy fist bump to one another.


"Well, boys, it's gonna be ice-cold sushi for breakfast!" Skipper announced, causing his teammates and to high-one each other.

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