Their Talk

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Everybody was silent until Melman spoke up.

"What's eating him?" Melman pondered after have to watch the gloomy zebra walk away as if the conversation didn't happen.

"Maybe you should talk to him, Alex. You know, go over and give him a little pep talk." Gloria suggested.

"Hey, I already gave him a snow globe." The lion objected. "I can't top that."

"Well someone decided to give him the gift of a lifetime," Ayana said sarcastically. "Pretty sure you should've gotten him the alarm clock."

"Yeah, I said the same thing. Knew I should've gone for the alarm clock." Alex indicates, missing the Leopard's eye roll.

"Alex..." Gloria hissed.

"I can see where this is going." Melman yawns, raising his neck and sliding off his birthday bat. "It is getting late. I guess I'm gonna..." His sentence ended with him falling asleep and snoring on the spot.

After the giraffe had passed out, Gloria and Alex began to bicker back and forth in a silent argument. Flailing their hands wildly, indicating their side of the argument with body language. It quickly ended when Gloria pounded her fist into her palm repeatedly in a threatening manner. Alex backed away immediately, almost fearfully.

"Come on. He's your best friend." Gloria whispered, before glancing over to Ayana who shrugged, standing up from her spot.

Alex sighed in defeat. "All right, all right. OK."

"Night, Ayana," Gloria told her, moving to leave.

"Night, Glo." She called back, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Night, Marty!"

"...Night, Glo."

Gloria stood before her pool, turned back to the two large cats and pointed at the duo, then back to Marty. It was like she was trying to explain how to approach the downcast friend and come up with a solution. Finally, she landed into her pool, with a backflip, causing a humongous splash.

Ayana sat near Alex as he presented his custom made umbrella, sheltering them both from the downpour. After the rain of chlorine water ceased, Gloria's hand sprouted from the rippling pool to point back and forth between the cats and the zebra until it sunk under the waves.

After hiding the umbrella, Alex began to ponder and turned to Ayana for advice.

She blinked. "I have nothing. Seriously, nothing."

"Great." Alex groaned. "The most selfless animal I know can't think of a way to help someone."

"Well, how would you go out by helping out our bemused best friend?"

Alex took her words and the advice he gave Marty, and laid down on his back on the flat surface of his brick wall, with paws folded under his head and legs crossed so he could get relaxed.

Alex sighed in content. "What a day. I mean, just really, really I mean I tell you, it just doesn't get any better than this, you know? Ooh! It just did." He exclaimed.

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