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Alex The Lion would be the source of the mumbling. He'd talk in sleep, mumbling absolute nonsense, and would suck his thumb. It was an occurrence, but nobody would actually be in his enclosure except him.

well, not until tonight that is.

"Come on, now, baby." The mumbling continued. "My little filet. My little filet mignon with a little fat around the edges. I like that. I like a little fat on my steak. My sweet, juicy steak. You are a rare delicacy. But nothing compared to Ayana. She's priceless." Alex began sucking his thumb.

"Hey, Alex. Psst," Melman whispered, he stretched his neck over so that he was peering down the sleeping lion. "Alex. Alex. Alex!"

"What? What?" Alex yanked his thumb out of his mouth and stared up at his friend.

Melman recoiled. "You suck your thumb?"

Alex realized what had happened and hid his thumb under his body, in hopes that the giraffe would forget about it. "What is it, Melman?"

"Okay, okay. Woah. You know how I have that bladder infection -" he looked around quickly as if someone were around to hear. "- and I have to get up every two hours? Well, I got up to pee, um, and looked over at Marty's pen, which you know I usually don't do- I don't know why- but I did- And this time I looked over and-"

Alex was watching Melman with the expression that someone would wear if they were yanked out of a good dream and then someone else frantically explained something that sounded like gibberish. "What, Melman? What's going on?" Melman stopped in the middle of his story.

"It's Marty and Ayana...they're gone!"

"Gone?!" The lion bumps his head on the concrete of his pen roof. "What do you mean, 'gone'?"

The giraffe had led him to Marty's pen, and Melman noticed a small hole in the ground.

"How long has he been working on this?" Melman wondered aloud, sticking his muzzle down the hole the penguins made earlier.

"Marty! Ayana!" He shouted gently.

Gloria huffed. "They wouldn't fit down there,"

Melman mentally kicked himself at that. Of course, they couldn't fit down this 3 inched hole! Their friend was missing! But he did feel less silly when he saw what Alex was doing.

"Marty? Ayana? Guys! Guys!" Alex asks as he frantically dug through Marty's bedding as if the zebra could be hiding beneath a single piece of hay.

Gloria sighed anxiously and put a hand on her head while Melman stuck his snout inside the hole in the ground once more."This doesn't make any sense! Where would they go?!" She asked herself.

Alex lets out a shaky breath and thought for a second before gasping in horror. He placed his paws on his head, covering the half top of his mane, screaming out the answer:


Gloria's eyes widened in disbelief. "They wouldn't..."

"They would!" Alex yelled. "Ayana talked to me about leaving with her, and I thought she was joking!"

"Oh, no!" Melman gasped, looking back and forth between the mammals rapidly, feeling like he would have a heart attack. "What are we going to do? We gotta-- we gotta-- I mean, we gotta-- we gotta-- we gotta call somebody!"

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