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This is where everything began.

The sky shines a striking yellow of the disc of the sun peeking from the eastern horizon. The grass is lush, the palm trees reaching for the skies and a wild yell is heard. Enter a zebra swinging from a vine. He sails majestically through the air, his mohawk mane flowing behind him, black and white colors that flocked his body, gleaming in the light. He lands on one hoof and runs through a choir of penguins, who each fly away in a perfect diagonal pattern.

The zebra takes a running leap and jumps over a canyon, landing softly on the other side and continuing running.

From behind a bush, a lion arises, gaping after the zebra with ambition and frenzy in his eyes. His brown and gold mane and ocean blue eyes look ruffled and crazed.

The lion starts creeping after the zebra, then initiates a full-on sprint, both running towards the water, the glistening, glorious water...and the lion stops before the zebra.


The zebra screams as he falls backward off of his treadmill, plunging into an accidental double somersault, slamming his head against the wall at the back of his enclosure.

"Alex," he yells to the lion, who was leaning in his treadmill. "Do not interrupt me when I’m daydreaming! When a zebra,'s in the zone, leave him alone."

"Come on, Marty. Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday." Alex replied.

The zebra stops at his track and smiled softly. "Hey, man, thanks."

Alex groaned from the pain on the right side of his jaw, rubbing his cheek. "Hey, um, I got s-I got something stuck in my teeth. It's driving me crazy. Can you help me? Please?"

"Ah! You came to the right place, my friend. Dr. Marty, D.D.S., is in the house. Please hop on top of my sterilized examination table, if you may." Alex hops onto a brick wall separating Marty's pen from another's and he opens his mouth wide.

"I don't see anything."

"It's on the left," Alex mumbled while Marty was basically in the depths of his mouth.


"Oh, sorry."

"OK, just don't talk with your mouth full." Marty goes deeper into the mouth and found the problem. "Aha! Right in here."

After a few seconds of examination, he finds the object.

"What the heck is this doing in there," he exclaims, holding a miniature snow globe with Alex’s likeness in it in his hand.

"Happy birthday!" Alex exclaims.

"Aw, hey, thanks, man." The zebra remarked. "You put it in behind the tooth. You all right."

"These aren't even on the shelf yet. Here." Alex grabs the souvenir and shakes the globe before handing it back to Marty. "Check it out. Check it out. Look at that. Ooh! Look at that. Ooh!"

After Marty got his gift back, he looked closer to see a sculpture of his friend in the center of the snow globe doing his pose.

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