
just a reminder that today's the last day for the writing contest! i know that some of u said u wanted to so maybe u just have ur stories lying around and just haven't sent them? if u wanna send one in just check the announcement i posted about a month ago for the details. also, if u for some reason need to send urs in late just let me know and i'll just look for it later bc im totally happy to accept late stuff. hope to see u all enter!!


Hi darling! Let’s be friends. If you say no I’m writing a self insert my little pony fanfic about us. 


@penisgirl48 did you actually write it? I wanna read it 


just a reminder that today's the last day for the writing contest! i know that some of u said u wanted to so maybe u just have ur stories lying around and just haven't sent them? if u wanna send one in just check the announcement i posted about a month ago for the details. also, if u for some reason need to send urs in late just let me know and i'll just look for it later bc im totally happy to accept late stuff. hope to see u all enter!!


do u guys want me to extend the deadline for the writing contest? it was supposed to be today but i haven’t gotten very many submissions and i just realized i only gave u guys like 2 weeks to write so i think i’m gonna extend it till the end of the year so those of u who are interested still have some time!!


Це повідомлення може бути образливим
          Or no? 
          Because destiel is fucking great 


Sabriel too?


lOVE destiel 


hi everyone, just wanted to remind you all about the writing contest that i'm holding! submissions end on december 21, and try to keep your submissions between about 1,000 to 2,000 words if possible. 
          its winter/winter holiday-themed, and i'm going to be posting the top three entries with permission from the writers, and the first place winner will get a 25 dollar gift card of their choice!
          to keep it anonymous i'd really appreciate it if you guys would email your submission to writeyourlifeaway6@gmail.com and then dm me the title of your submission so i know who to tag but the contest is still anonymous. submissions should be judged by december 31, and that sound be when i reach out to the winners. dm me with any questions, and i'm really excited to see your submissions!


hey so school has been killing me so far and this year is wayy more important than any of my others so i just wanted to let you know that there might be less updates, especially until i get a little settled in. i’m hoping to be able to do weekly updates soon but just know that if i miss a week here and there i’m really sorry, i’m just trying to prioritize my education. hope you all understand, and don’t worry because there’s definitely going to be one next saturday!


@write-your-life-away that's a bummer but I guess it's a good excuse to go reread all of your stuff. But hey we get it. Education is super important and I'm more than willing to miss out if it means that your life will be less stressful. See you next time bb!