
Happy 2023 everyone! I’m hoping for a better year and more writing compared to last year. Sorry for my absence work and mental health has been hurting me but I’m working on getting out of this funk.
          	Hopefully I can get book 2 finished this year. Help me manifest it? ❤️
          	Hope yalls 2023 is great!


@mek_14 I wish you all the best this year for your books and yourself. Hope that this year is better than last year for you


Happy 2023 everyone! I’m hoping for a better year and more writing compared to last year. Sorry for my absence work and mental health has been hurting me but I’m working on getting out of this funk.
          Hopefully I can get book 2 finished this year. Help me manifest it? ❤️
          Hope yalls 2023 is great!


@mek_14 I wish you all the best this year for your books and yourself. Hope that this year is better than last year for you


This year has been incredibly rough for me. With everything going on with school at the beginning, how rough april was for me on this app, and now the recent passing of my grandma, I haven't had it easy mentally.
          Things can really chip away at your mental health without you realizing it until its to late and theres just nothing left. June was incredibly rough for me as what little mental strength I had left was gone. I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed some days, couldn't even think about touching a laptop to write and barely even though about my oc's.
          I've been doing a lot better recently and have been able to get writing done and prep work for other stuff. I want to get back into the swing of things and you can learn a bit more in my authors note of the latest chapter of CSD.
          I've been back to checking wattpad occasionally the past two or so weeks and they've slowly made me feel a lot better about writing. It's really helped to see support even when I was at my lowest. I want to do better, and I'm aiming to do that over the following months. Getting back into the swing of things is my main goal right now.
          Thank you all, so much.


I’m glad you feel a little bit better and I hope you continue to get better!


Hope you continue to get better! 


I completely understand how you feel, having gone through similar things with myself, I hope that you feel even better than you do now! I wish you all the best in hopes that your life will turn out to be amazing (hopefully nothing like mine lol). Mental health is such a big issue at the moment so I hope you do get better soon!
            lots of love, Will xx


I remember reading the book a while ago, I dropped it for some reason back then but I saw your book again and I want to read it again because I really enjoyed the book. I don't really get why people are getting mad that there is no smut in the book. If they really smut they should look for another book, I think it's a really good story and I understand why you would remove the smut and set it only available on your patreon. Ignore the hate because there are a lot of people who do enjoy your writing!


I got to ch 32 and the comments make no sense, like there are probably around 1000 more stories with like an exact same scenario of smut, why can’t people just get it out of their system somewhere and read a normal storyline?


I do understand a little bit of feeling robbed since u do have to pay for the chapter on paetreon, but still it’s not a big deal and people can get there fix elsewhere 