
قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
hey guys. it's been a bit but I think imma leave Wattpad. I've stopped liking to write here and I don't like anything I've written on this site because trance romanticizes self-harm and depression, burned has stereotypes, the x depressed reader is just downright shit, and to be honest this place isn't comfortable anymore. I love the friends I've made here but it's cringe and many members of the fandoms on here make me feel generally unsafe. Goodbye, everyone and sorry for all of the trouble!


@lonecosmovoltronwolf Okay, hun! I hope you have an amazing experience with life, and don't let others bring you down. 


@lonecosmovoltronwolf byeeee, I hope you have a swell life!! 


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
hey guys. it's been a bit but I think imma leave Wattpad. I've stopped liking to write here and I don't like anything I've written on this site because trance romanticizes self-harm and depression, burned has stereotypes, the x depressed reader is just downright shit, and to be honest this place isn't comfortable anymore. I love the friends I've made here but it's cringe and many members of the fandoms on here make me feel generally unsafe. Goodbye, everyone and sorry for all of the trouble!


@lonecosmovoltronwolf Okay, hun! I hope you have an amazing experience with life, and don't let others bring you down. 


@lonecosmovoltronwolf byeeee, I hope you have a swell life!! 


قد تكون الرسالة مسيئة
Instead of "where stories live" Wattpad's slogan should be "If it exists, there's a fanfic for it" because holy shit there's something for everything here and I've contributed to it.


@lonecosmovoltronwolf yeah, I think there's at least one Tim x Moby fanfic (the person and robot from BrainPOP if anyone somehow doesn't know what that is-)


Just wanted to say that I’ll be inactive May 1-May 15 due to all of the POC writers doing that since I’m a person of color! Very sorry for the short notice!


@poiesis- Idrk tbh. I heard it from someone so I wanted to take part


@lonecosmovoltronwolf same here, I don't know what's going on?