
Hey so I have an insta account about bnha! This way nobody has to see my personal account. Anyone who cares, it's ochakolateuraraka 
          	Ok. That's all. Bye. -Em


Oh, DAMN. Your profile says you joined yesterday. Hello, newcomer. You'll find the longer you stay on here, you'll make a few friends, meet true memers, and lose your innocence. You can find even more different genres you like, fanfiction, bxb, omegaverse, etc. Anyway have a nice night, day, or whatever it is for you.  Wattpad is so fun for me, so I hope you enjoy it the Same way. 
          Buh byeeeee! uwu


@KindaSortaEdgy oh ok I just need to go to desktop mode then. Thankss


@KindaSortaEdgy On the browser do you have the pencil sign in the middle on the bottom? If it's not there then you can't write any stories.
            Oof sOrRy bOuT tHaT I fEeL dUmb NoW


@KindaSortaEdgy while you are being all nice and stuff, I have a question for ya.. as a browser only mobile user, do I need to use the desktop version of the site to write stories? Or do you know? The help site is useless lol