
Hi all! With Eid being this weekend I will not be able to update Not What It Seems this week HOWEVER I will post 2 chapters next week to catch up so look forward to that! 


Hi! So I don't want to beat around the Bush. I absolutely love 'Not What It Seems'. It's by far my favourite tw and tvd crossover. I'm not one to push writers to update because I'm not a consistent updater. But I would really, really, really like to know what happens next. I hope my message doesn't come across as pushy or anything I'm just overly excited, so uhm bye! 


@mimi107 hi, sorry for the late reply but to answer your message, no sorry I still can't see you... As a matter of fact I can't see any of my pm's 


@teenwolfchic101 let me know if you can see my messages otherwise I'll post here :) 


@mimi107 oh, sorry I didn't get, I'm having some problems on my end


Hey everyone :) I have FINALLY FINISHED Interns in Barca! So go read that if you haven't :) Also I have uploaded a new drama story for all you ARMY fans and I should be updating Not What It Seems very soon :) I am also redoing Lay Your Guard Now which is now known as The Bet
          I'm back so look forward to updates!
          Love you guys!


Not what it seems readers! I will try my best to update this weekend. For those of you who don't know I'm moving countries and am a bit preoccupied but hopefully once I move and am settled in then I can get into a proper schedule! Bear with me and I hope you are all having an awesome day! :D


Hey I was wondering when you will be able to update Not What It Seems. Not to sound inpatient or anything. Take your time. I just love that book. Keep up the good work!


@awesome12311 still sick but its up!!! :D


@mimi107 its fine. Do not worry
            I understand. I hope you get better!


@awesome12311 hey, I'm so sorry, I really planned for it to be up tonight but I'm feeling so sick :( I will have it up by tomorrow! 


Hey everyone! Don't worry I will update both not what it seems and Interns this week :) 
          Just a message that I am republishing a story and it's based on Neymar since so many of you have been asking for him. So check it out if you're a fan of Neymar or love hate relationships :p