
Good evening, Everyone!  Excited to share that Forged in Fire:  Stories of Wartime Japan was recently added to the  @WattpadMilitaryFiction "War Tales" reading list!   Honored to be included among such a great group of stories!


I am thrilled to find your story and can’t wait to read it. I have a similar tale of my mother-in  law who also survived the war, and post-war eta in Japan… these women were so strong. I want to tell her story as well, but she wasn’t as forthcoming as your mother… the Japanese stoicism never truly left her. I miss her, she died in 2011 at 83 as well. I have your book in my library! 


@JELyrica  Thank you so much for your kind comments and for adding Forged in Fire to your library!  I’m sorry to hear about your mother-in-law but it’s wonderful that she shared her story with you.  She lives on through your memories of her!  Hope you enjoy reading the story.  <3


Good evening!
          It's been a long while since I last posted here and life has changed dramatically since then.  Hope everyone is well and staying safe.
          Five years have passed since I first joined Wattpad in April 2015 and I'm grateful to have made so many dear friends here.  What I appreciate most about the Wattpad community is how deeply readers engage with stories and writers.  I am thankful for each person who has taken the time to read and vote on Mom's story and am humbled by those who have added it to special reading lists.
          In light of everything going on right now in the world, I just want to send kind thoughts to each of you.  BLACK LIVES MATTER.  They always have to me.  Wishing good health, happiness and peace to everyone.  <3


Happy Thanksgiving!  I'm thankful for Wattpad and for all of the wonderful readers and writers I've met here.   A special thank you to the following people for their kindness , friendship and support on and off of Wattpad:
          Have a wonderful weekend! <3 <3 <3


@alexibonsson Thank you so much! 


Hi Everyone!,
          Today is the anniversary of my Mom's birthday!  Just wanted to thank all of you who have taken the time to read, vote, comment and add her story to your reading lists.  I know how thrilled she would have been to know how many of you have enjoyed her book.  
          I've met so many awesome people here.  Wattpad readers and writers are truly the best!  <3 <3 <3


Happy New Year, Everyone!  
          This message may be a bit belated but it is no less heartfelt!  You have no idea how much I appreciate the kind and thoughtful writers and readers I have met here on Wattpad.  Thank you for your ongoing support and enthusiasm!  May 2019 be a great year for all of you.  :)
          Alexia (and Rita)


Hello Everyone,
          This past week was the anniversary of my Mom's birthday!  I know she would have been incredibly happy to know how many Wattpad readers have been enjoying her stories.
          In related news, I read today that Studio Ghibli director Isao Takahata passed away at the age of 82.  His animated film "Grave of the Fireflies" is one of my all-time favorites.  It's the survival story of a brother and sister living in Japan during WWII.  When I first saw this film years ago, I was stunned to discover that such a story existed; up until that point, my knowledge of events that had taken place in Japan during WWII came entirely from my mother.  What a surprise it was to see these types of tragic experiences depicted with such beauty and heartbreaking depth. 
          Years later as I worked with Mom to gather her stories and pull them together in book form, it was truly humbling to confront all that she had lived through and to realize how many others had experienced it as well.  Mom's story has come a long way here on Wattpad and I'm grateful to have connected with so many kind, supportive and amazing writers, many of whom have become dear friends.  :)
          Happy Birthday to Rita Tomoko; Rest in peace, Isao Takahata.  Your stories live on!  <3


@pinklover237 I look forward to reading it one day!  <3 <3 <3


@alexibonsson Thank you, and I hope to write a story about my family too!


@pinklover237  p.s.  Congratulations on becoming a Wattpad Ambassador!  :D


Greetings Everyone!  
          After catching the WattCon 2017 live stream this past weekend, I was inspired to update this profile a bit.  I've posted an old photo of me with my mom, Rita, to emphasize the fact that Forged In Fire is her story. 
          I've also added a note to the first part of The Occupation section as well as link to a recent news article.
          That's all for now.  Have a great evening!


Hi Everyone!
          It has been a while since I've posted here but it's Mom's birthday today so the occasion has given me a reason to reflect upon the anniversary of what would have been her 86th year.
          Forged in Fire: Stories of wartime Japan was first published on Wattpad in April of 2015.  Since then, its readership has grown.
          From the Demographics page on Wattpad, I found that her story has been read in the following countries:
          1.  26.214% - United States;
          2.  17.476% - Philippines;
          3.  5.825% - Indonesia;
          4.  4.854% - Australia; Kenya; Nigeria; United Kingdom;
          5.  3.883% - Malaysia; South Africa;
          6.  2.913% - India;
          7.  1.942% - Canada;
          8.  0.971% - Argentina; Germany; Iraq; Japan; Jordan; Korea; Morocco; New Zealand; Norway; Pakistan; Senegal; Turkey; Venezuela
          This would not have been possible without Wattpad!  Thanks to @Wattpad for their support and for providing such an innovative and useful platform for writers and readers. There are so many talented writers here:  currently, I'm reading some interesting work by @Fairytale_Fabler and @Voyageavecmoi.  Visit their profiles if you have a chance.
          Thank You also to the awesome readers who have taken the time to vote and post kind, thoughtful comments!  Special thanks to the amazing writers and readers who have gone out of their way to help promote Forged in Fire: @OllieRedfern @MorrighansMuse @rosegluckwriter @CheyTaylor1 @tamoja  @qalmhi @Anniemena and @DevilSurvivor012 !
          Mom's stories have always been a deeply ingrained part of my childhood, as much any story by the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, Laura Ingalls Wilder, or Dr. Seuss.  Interacting with you, Dear readers, has given me the chance to see Forged in Fire through different eyes and view its themes in a more universal context.  I know Mom would have loved knowing that her story has touched so many along the way.
          Happy Birthday, Mom!  Here's to you! <3


@OllieRedfern Aw, I appreciate that so much, Ollie!  xoxo


@OllieRedfern  Thank you so much, Ollie!  Yes, you were the first to discover it and for that I am forever grateful!  <3 <3 <3


@Fairytale_Fabler Thanks so much, Alicia!  I'm so glad to have connected with you on Twitter as well!  You're a great writer and I'm looking forward to reading future chapters from you!  :D