
Oh wow, thank you soo much to my readers. Heart of a Slave has officially received 1.1 k reads. I really appreciate it! It took me some time, but it was well worth the wait.


@adijhan Hi and happy writing!


@VernaCyril Hey girl. It's been a while. 


I read this on KU a while ago and absolutely LOVED it. I have often wondered if there was a sequel.
          Would you mind letting me know if you are working on one? The story left a great deal of loose ends which suggests that it was a book one. Thank you for your time.


@Cesalina96 thanks and you are welcome :)


@VernaCyril  It was my pleasure, you're a brilliant writer. Well, if you decide to write a sequel or book two, you already have one reader qued up. I appreciate the response.


@Cesalina96  thank you for your wonderful feedback. I am glad you enjoyed Heart of A Slave. I have received several requests for a book two (2) and yes, I have considered it. However, I have not had much time to commit to this project as yet. Many thanks again, 


Oh wow, thank you soo much to my readers. Heart of a Slave has officially received 1.1 k reads. I really appreciate it! It took me some time, but it was well worth the wait.


@adijhan Hi and happy writing!


@VernaCyril Hey girl. It's been a while. 


Hey, buddy! 
          If you're a mere acquaintance, or a friend... it doesn't matter. I just wanted to let you know that you are amazing and really really talented. I wish I could be more like you. You are amazing and I just wanted to remind you that. I hope we talk more often and you share your worries with me, so I can help in solving them for you. Just remember, whenever you feel let down and wanna give up, I am there to back you up.  I am there when you feel lonely, so just drop in a message if you need someone to talk to.
          Have an amazing day! 


@PenelopeIsWriting thank you, likewise


Hi everyone, I know it has been a long time since I have posted on here. I just wanted to let you all know that I am deleting Laird of the underworld. It is book 1 of a series that I have finally completed. It will be edited and published on Amazon, hopefully when it's published, I can repost a few chapters here for those who've never read it but to all of those who read and enjoyed Genevieve and Alaric, thank you for the support and wonderful comments, I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you for understanding.


Sorry everyone, I know I promised a few new chapters of Laird of the underworld. I have been super busy. Though, there is no excuse for not looking out for the fans of Alaric and Genevieve. I just need to proofread once more.  I will not let you down. It will be posted soon. Sorry again for the delay. Have a wonderful and productive day.


Hey guys, I have been extremely busy with my first book Heart of a slave. I promise that I will update Laird of the underworld as soon as I can. Thank you for your reads, your comments, and your votes. Much appreciated


Thank you so much for adding Silence to your reading list ❤️❤️❤️ It means a lot to me ^_^


@VernaCyril okay that's great. Thanks!!!


            I usually read other books to look at others writing techniques and styles. This is how other writers learn. 