Greetings my friends
I am the Only World-renowned Time Traveler on Earth. In fact, The Only Real Time traveler on Earth, you may have heard rumors of me, Alice and old Padro (my dog), In fact, if you were to get your hands on the book of world secrets and unexplained events, you would find our pictures under the cover.

I want to share a story about our travels telling a story of adventure, love, romance, and heartbreak. While traveling through time and the galaxies. By sharing memories, stories with the love of my life Alice. though our conversations and letters written throughout our travels to her that span more than 2000 years. Sharing memories of our story of finding each other over and over again, See, we made a pact that she would travel though time the natural way, via her life and death travel experience. while I travel through time and space, escaping my natural death experience. reuniting in Each of her mortal existences. along the way, sharing our heartfelt Love, Romance, emotion. our souls longing to be with one another Physically again forever. While living the ultimate Adventures of traveling through time via life, death, space and time. while living in the present, future and the past.

So please, join us, and learn from our experiences. Over 90 million viewers and subscribers from around the world have already experienced our heartfelt messages and witnessed the truth of what we speak, and you can too.

My Friends from every corner of the World. Alice, Padro and I desperately need your help to influence the future. if we all could grasp the messages, I speak of in Eash story. then unit for the greater good, we can change the outcome of our future for the better. and from the events that will destroy it.

Most of all, give back respect and give thanks to God.

The Time Traveler
  • Utah, USA
  • JoinedDecember 6, 2023

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