~insert lazy description here~

Our differences are the things that make ourselves unique.

I love drawing. It's more like an escape route in my times of trouble. Even though it physically doesn't take me anywhere, I always seem to let my mind drift to the very ends of the world.

Writing and reading is also a small retreat. It tells me that everyone has their own story which is worthy to share.

I love learning about new things. Surprise surprise!

Now... Here comes my more.. How do you say it..? 'Interesting' likings..?

Musicals! (Hamilton and other musicals that must not be named)

Anime (Yes, yes... Deal with it...)

Documentaries! (I already sound like a lame person... WHATEVER!)

Food! (As long as it doesn't contain nuts and tastes good)

And... that's me!

Anyway, so long people!
  • Pripojený/áApril 11, 2017

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