
My brand new book about the Tod and Vixey from the fox and the hound! A very underrated movie and underrated community and underrated romance! It’s honestly one of my favorite movies of all time. Hopefully for the people that are looking for something like this because there isn’t many on this ship, Tod x Vixey, will like it! Hope you enjoy!


My brand new book about the Tod and Vixey from the fox and the hound! A very underrated movie and underrated community and underrated romance! It’s honestly one of my favorite movies of all time. Hopefully for the people that are looking for something like this because there isn’t many on this ship, Tod x Vixey, will like it! Hope you enjoy!




A couple of months have past by and I still haven’t updated my books. I haven’t been in the mood to write. Kinda been stuck on what to do, but I’m going to try to get back into the groove as I’m in spring break right now. Hopefully I can get a new chapter out sooner than later! Than you guys for being patient!!


@RonsIQ yes thank you thank you but I have finally updated with a new chapter XD


@TheFoxyBoi yeah I feel ya I did have a similar thing, no need to rush.