
Hey Guys! Just wanted to greet you! Even if if Christmas is over and New year is done, I'm such a lazy arse, HAHAHA but anyways Merry Christmas and Have a Good New Year! Well even though its already New year and- Okay, i'll stop.


@NerdShortyGlasses I finally found your wattpad acc my mission is finished


hello, I want to speak with you regarding your book. 
          I'm a representative of Letterlux. We are interested in signing one or more of your stories on our platform. 
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          Total: $500
          120,000 words
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          Total = $600
          150,000 words 
          $100 Signing bonus
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          200k words and above = $100 signing bonus
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"We Live Under The Same Sky" is a heartwarming novel that explores the complexity of love, loss, and self-discovery. Aparna, the protagonist, has always struggled to express her feelings due to her introverted personality. 
          After the painful loss of Rudra, Aparna is struggling to pick up the pieces of her shattered life. 
          Her journey of self-discovery leads her to question whether she wants to let go of Rudra and start a new chapter in her life with Niall. 
          ON-GOING ♥️



Please update billionaire's last chance..... I'm super curious... I really really really need to read it or I'll die out of curiosity  so please update that book 


@MillaLizTom and so they died out of curiosity 


@AnuTripathi120 tbh no  wbu.... Did you get answer?
