
Wow, I got a message from Wattpad's service about a helpline and prevention service portal. Curious. Someone's been watching this account.
          	However, it doesn't matter.
          	If all goes well, this should be the last announcement you see from me in a while. Please, restrain your relief and excitement: I'm finally about to leave.


Wow, I got a message from Wattpad's service about a helpline and prevention service portal. Curious. Someone's been watching this account.
          However, it doesn't matter.
          If all goes well, this should be the last announcement you see from me in a while. Please, restrain your relief and excitement: I'm finally about to leave.


What is there to announce?
          If all goes well, I'm slowing moving on from this account. There's seldom left for me here, and while supporting upcoming people and accounts is good, it's not enough to keep me content, sorry to say.
          Feel free to ignore this if you don't care. But I figured it was best to make it at least somewhat known.


Sounds like a lot of fun. I know those can be quite complex at times though


@buddy227 Well, this account will be less about me interacting with people, and more about me writing a connected universe of stories over time.


@LeafeonPower Cool. It’s always good to start out fresh! If I moved or made a new account I’d feel as though people would still somehow connect me to either with how I interact and how I write though lol


Hey Leafeon power! I got pics sent to me from my wisconsin friends saying they all saw the Aurora!! It's so beautiful!!


@Jae_Ja I've seen pictures too, and it is amazing to behold.
            I unfortunately missed the best part last night, but I saw faint strands of it. I'm hoping to catch a glimpse tomorrow.


To all whom it may concern:
          The northern lights will potentially be visible tonight around midnight. They're saying it might be visible as far south as Alabama, so if you live in the north, I'd suggest getting up around midnight and seeing if you can spot them.


@LeafeonPower ooo, ig the view from my window isn't good enough :(


@Jae_Ja People in southern Florida apparently saw them.


@LeafeonPower aw shuckles, I wish I was still in Wisconsin so I can see them :(




Wow, that's a loaded schedule it sounds like.
            I don't really know what all to say. I hope things between you and your friends can be resolved, and they can receive the help they need. It's rather good to hear you're trying to help them. I hope they see that too.


So I’m like not necessarily mad, sad or happy I’m just kinda chilling


All while planning what my next shenanigan for school should be ( I wear a tf2 scarf everywhere and just to crazy stuff like climbing into places I shouldn’t be, drinking several bottles of syrup and even fitting a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, 3 bowls, a bag of milk and 3 spoons plus my iconic cereal killer spoon all in my scarf by using the fact that it’s hollow)


Sorry to announce again. I must just say that life is just a race.
          And Wattpad has added to that race against time by either forcing me to lose half a dozen years of memories via pms, or take screenshots of all of them to preserve them.
          Well, I won't let myself lose them.
          So now I've got a week and a half to take screenshots of the thousands of messages that I've exchanged with folks over the years.
          What fun.


@buddy227 I've got six years worth of messages between some people.
            It'll take a while.


            Fortunately I don’t have much in PM’s other than writing offers and a few hi’s to people…


The number of posts I've made quietly, then deleted after a day or so is pretty staggering.


@LeafeonPower the notifications i receive and my subsequent failure to locate the message


So uh... Wattpad is removing private messages?
          I hope this is bologna. I can't find it, so I don't know where people got the information, but given Wattpad's controversial streak, I'm not surprised.
          I was surprised that when I searched up 'Wattpad getting rid of pms' the Microsoft copilot AI was even throwing shade at Wattpad for doing it. Now that's how you know you've goofed.


@buddy227 I went to their Twitter and showed the picture of Microsoft Copilot calling them out.
            I don't think they'll be dissuaded.


@Neekcaller Where do I find it? I've already submitted a formal complained to their feedback page on the site, not an email...yet


@LeafeonPower there's a change.org petition for it apparently, for all the good it does


          I know this probably won't go much of anywhere on here, but the link above is for a GoFundMe I started for a friend I have in Nigeria.
          I'm asking that you either donate if comfortable and willing, or share the link to others elsewhere.
          She's really experiencing rough straits lately, and aside from a terrible economy, has been subject to crimes committed against her personally by others. She's in need of funds, and I plan on separately giving to her. I'm just asking that you share this link to others you know (or don't even) to spread the word. I want her to know she's not alone.


I don't think people who want to die realize what impact having that mentality has on people.
          At least half a dozen people I once knew attempted or succeeded in ending their lives. I just saw someone I've known for a while post that they died.
          It kind of breaks my mind and shakes my trust in myself to be a friend. How can I be a friend to people if I can't help those who wish to die?
          Life is more than what your five senses can detect. There's 8 billion people out there in a vast world. Please look beyond your present circumstances. You're so young and have so much potential. Don't rob everyone of yourself.


@Kage-Ao Yes, this is correct. But what I meant, is that they don't know how much damage their self-destruction is causing to those around them.
            They lose sight of everyone else in favor of elevating their hatred of themselves, and that drives them to be blind toward others.
            I will say suicide is the proclamation that someone doesn't have the will to try and better themselves, so they remove themselves instead. It's not selfless to murder yourself.
            I've thought a lot about this subject from both sides of it, and that's what I've arrived to.


Oh no they do realize the impact on others, in fact they are highly logical in their thinking. They realize the impact their actions have on others and the logical solution is to remove themselves from the equation, the problem is them to them, this is selfless behavior in their own mind. They were not given a choice in being born into this world, the problem is that they don’t feel like they have any options or choices.


@LeafeonPower It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem