
táto správa môže byť urážlivá
Four Word . Prompts
          	“Please, come with me.”
          	“You’re always number one.”
          	“I can’t do this.”
          	“I won’t let you.”
          	“Maybe I’m just crazy.”
          	“I’m not even sorry.”
          	“Honestly, just stop it.”
          	“I believe in you.”
          	“Don’t be an ass.”
          	“Who were you with?”
          	“Please talk to me.”
          	“I can’t trust you.”
          	“I need you, though.”
          	“Don’t be fucking rude.”
          	“Is that my shirt?”
          	“So, it was you.”
          	“I need to go.”
          	“Just stay with me.”
          	“You can trust me.”
          	“Alright, I love you.”
          	“I’m sorry, but no.”
          	“Will you help me?”
          	“You’re a terrible cook.”
          	“Can you shut up!?”
          	“You love me, right?”
          	“I really need you.”
          	“I don’t love you.”
          	“I’m not doing this.”
          	“I really need you.”
          	“You don’t want me.”
          	“Let me help you.”
          	“You’re such a bitch.”
          	“I can’t do this.”
          	“You think you’re funny?”
          	“Hey, I said stop!”
          	“Will you marry me?”
          	“Wanna go out sometime?”
          	“I don’t want this.”
          	“You always this quiet?”
          	“Are you fucking insane!?”
          	“I don’t want you.”
          	“I’m not wearing that.”
          	“Sorry, were you sleeping?”
          	“This was never right.”
          	“You look really tired.”
          	“I’m out of here.”
          	“You need to go.”


táto správa môže byť urážlivá
Four Word . Prompts
          “Please, come with me.”
          “You’re always number one.”
          “I can’t do this.”
          “I won’t let you.”
          “Maybe I’m just crazy.”
          “I’m not even sorry.”
          “Honestly, just stop it.”
          “I believe in you.”
          “Don’t be an ass.”
          “Who were you with?”
          “Please talk to me.”
          “I can’t trust you.”
          “I need you, though.”
          “Don’t be fucking rude.”
          “Is that my shirt?”
          “So, it was you.”
          “I need to go.”
          “Just stay with me.”
          “You can trust me.”
          “Alright, I love you.”
          “I’m sorry, but no.”
          “Will you help me?”
          “You’re a terrible cook.”
          “Can you shut up!?”
          “You love me, right?”
          “I really need you.”
          “I don’t love you.”
          “I’m not doing this.”
          “I really need you.”
          “You don’t want me.”
          “Let me help you.”
          “You’re such a bitch.”
          “I can’t do this.”
          “You think you’re funny?”
          “Hey, I said stop!”
          “Will you marry me?”
          “Wanna go out sometime?”
          “I don’t want this.”
          “You always this quiet?”
          “Are you fucking insane!?”
          “I don’t want you.”
          “I’m not wearing that.”
          “Sorry, were you sleeping?”
          “This was never right.”
          “You look really tired.”
          “I’m out of here.”
          “You need to go.”


What is the name of your new book? I need it in order to make the cover. 


@ProudInLove and also can you message me the appearance that you want? I lost the paper and all i can remember is pale skin tone and black hair which might not even be right. Thanks!


@ProudInLove  I think I'm going to call it Six and sorry it took so long i didn't see it in my notifications :)


omg I love Hamilton! 


I WANT TO GO BUT TICKETS ARE $293757294820472948295839304838204939349291049462930592849 of you want to have a good view. 