
hey so thanks to whoever contacted Wattpad out of concern for my safety, I appreciate the support but I am actually perfectly fine.  I don't think I'm going to post anymore but I want to let you all know that I appreciate all the sweet comments and messages and also I want to make sure it's clear that I am safe.  I know Why We Live covers some dark topics and that was a pretty hard time for me but it's been two years since I first wrote it and I'm doing a lot better now.  thank you for all the kindness and compassion


@soloangeloshipper and that may or may not be the reason i decided( after many hard hours of reasoning) to not read it.


I can't find your story "Why we live" in your profile. 


@NightingaleB07 it was also on AO3 but theyve deleted it there too ;-;


Its been gone for awhile...idk why tho


I wonder wtf is happening with Wattpad today....


hey so thanks to whoever contacted Wattpad out of concern for my safety, I appreciate the support but I am actually perfectly fine.  I don't think I'm going to post anymore but I want to let you all know that I appreciate all the sweet comments and messages and also I want to make sure it's clear that I am safe.  I know Why We Live covers some dark topics and that was a pretty hard time for me but it's been two years since I first wrote it and I'm doing a lot better now.  thank you for all the kindness and compassion


@soloangeloshipper and that may or may not be the reason i decided( after many hard hours of reasoning) to not read it.


ummmm get traught.... pls update why we live pt. 2. It's just.... the ending of the prequel kinda hit me and I just wally and dick to be together (although that might be impossible). I hope yoy get over your writer's block. Thank you for reading my message


ahh I'll try soon, it's just finals right now and I'm kinda dying of stress but like soon it'll be over and then I'll update.  thanks.


ey human beings-- so I have not been writing enough at all and I really need to get out of this writer's block so I'm going to start doing weekly one-shots beyond just my longer stories.  I'm going to try for more but this way I have some sort of schedule to force myself to.  I'm working on quite a few right now-- mostly focusing on my three favorite batboys, but also some westallen, supergirl and gotham fics.