
Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
          	This is important.
          	If you support Wilbur Soot, expecially his actions, get the fuck off my account.
          	You are not welcome here, and never will be.
          	If you are stuck in a fixation and trying to leave and don't support him and his actions at all, you're on thin ice.
          	Every past book with him that I've ever commented on was when I was fixated. Know that now I hate his fucking guts.


Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
          This is important.
          If you support Wilbur Soot, expecially his actions, get the fuck off my account.
          You are not welcome here, and never will be.
          If you are stuck in a fixation and trying to leave and don't support him and his actions at all, you're on thin ice.
          Every past book with him that I've ever commented on was when I was fixated. Know that now I hate his fucking guts.


Hi heres some tips for pwople who write x readers or stories with mutiple caharcters
          X readers:
          - Specify what gender the reader is in the title. Don't just make it female reader without specification because what if some people thought it was gender neutral? Not everyone is female.
          - don't choose what teh reader wears or what they look like. Its an x READER for a reason. You have no clue what we look like and its our choice how we look
          Stories with multiple characters:
          Instead of putting stuff like:
          [Character]: blah blah blah
          I reccomend using talking marks (" ") and specifying who said what:
          "Blah blah blah" [Character] said
          And maybe add some emotion to it, using stuff like chirped when happy or muttered when sad
          This goes if you want to write more formal however and you don' have to do this, but it does make it a lot easier to read rather than reading the characters name over and over
          Ill also make this a story so more people see it


          anyways i probably won't write anything soon sorry




          I haven't touched wattpad in a while so I'm going to try and recap as much as I can
          I've been working on doing quite a lot of videos lately for my yt channel meaning I couldn't get any stories out, and I also just haven't had and motivation too
          I have also been trying to catch up on streams and videos aswell, along with trying to get rid of my artblock throughout the holidays
          I do have school starting next week again, so the chances of the possiblility of even an update coming out is highly unlikely
          I have also been working on my novel during english whenever I have the time and I'm currently on the second chapter, i don't know how many chapters it will have but i know it won't come out for a while and I don't want to wait
          I do actually also have an ao3 account now, so yay and it does have the first chapter uploaded but thars because I didn't know you couldn't leave it unpublublished (or don't think so)
          Now onto some more personal stuff on more reasoning and the recap
          A good thing has happened and I can't remember if I've said it here before, but I finally got rid of my gender dysphoria, along with change my name on the role to my pefered name so yay! But that sadly doesn't add to the motivation
          And times have been kinda rough for me causing the lack of motivationto only lower, and my therapist isn't really helping as I'm way to scared to tell her as I know if I tell her I'd get sent to a mental hospital, but I'm pushong through and I don't want you to worry about me
          The chances of me even simply being on wattpad are low, but I will try to every now and then update you all on stuff.
          For now, goodbye, and hope you all have a great day/night!


          so y'know how in the end we got to choose if GL!ranboo dies or not, and how Ranboo said that if he would live he would be pulled away kicking and screaming then be forced to entertain (and possibly leading to him going insane if he somehow keeps living)? What if I made that into a story
          I've had it on the mind for a few days and might actually do it


Speaking as if in the ending it wasn't him having a mask shoved onto him