Hello lovelies <3

Extreme fangirl, professional procrastinator, aspiring writer, grammar Nazi, music junkie, Cali girl, awkward teenage girl.

I quite like Wattpad (maybe a little more than is healthy) and I spend a good majority of my time just reading God knows how many stories on here.

I think one of my biggest pet peeves is authors who use amnesia or memory loss as a shortcut because they're either too lazy to come up with a backstory, or in the case of wattpad, had a "fantastic story idea at 1 in the morning and wanted to start it right away without giving it any planning or thought whatsoever." Honestly, this makes me so mad. I mean, I won't deny I've read some "amnesia" stories that were very well executed and/or original/well thought out/ etc, but a lot of authors on here are simply lazy or not very creative. Hmph. //rant over

I adore reading and writing at ungodly hours of the morning ~

If you want me to check out your story, message me the link and I promise I'll give it a shot! I'm always looking for new things to read c:

If ever you find yourself completely out of stories to read, check my reading lists. There's something for everyone on those lists, and I guarantee every single one of them is an amazing story worth every minute of your time *-*

I am slightly (okay, maybe more than slightly) obsessed with Assassin's Creed and so, on the off chance that you, whoever you are, also are (maybe a little more than slightly) obssessed with Assassin's Creed, I'm literally begging you to send me a message here or on my tumblr ( http://eziowhore.tumblr.com/ ) because I'm simply dying for someone who I can fangirl over Assassin's Creed with. I mean, seriously, someone? anyone? ...no? okay I guess I'll go cry in the corner then

-Kari x
  • Southern California
  • JoinedMay 18, 2012