
this message may be offensive
          	Admin Kun: so I'm feeling like shit rn. As you may know I am bigender meaning I am a mixture of two genders for me I am a mixture of male and female. I was born female and like a feminine appearance (dresses/skirts, makeup even though I suck at putting it on, just in general feminine features) but am SO much more comfortable with male pronouns. 
          	I came out to my mother (who has told my father) 1. Whole. Year. Ago. And I have told them multiple times to call me by my preferred name and pronouns when my siblings are in bed and they listen for like that one night and then completely stop every night after and it's just so damaging to my self-esteem but they don't even seem to care that much or at least my dad doesn't seem to care. 
          	Whenever I get called by my dead name or am talked about with female pronouns when my siblings are in bed the only way I can think to describe it is I feel like I'm not being respected or not even like I'm in my own body. Like I'm living another humans life and I know if I keep going like this I won't do well cause I'm already an inch away from just ending it all. 
          	I don't want to end it all but all of this is too much for me I just want it to stop. But nothing I've done has helped if anything my most recent attempt has just made me feel worse cause of how they reacted to the idea. At this point I wish I never got siblings cause all they've done so far is make my life even worse. I can't think of a single time they've made an impact on my life that wasn't negative. 
          	I don't know what to do. I can't take this anymore. 


@-emo_nightmare- Admin Kun: hopefully not


@-Desert_Bird- ah, I see, I am not harming anyone this beautiful day


@-emo_nightmare- Admin Kun: he said I haven't shown any signs of being bigender hence the worry. He said if I go to a therapist and they go "he's bigender" Then he'll be completely supportive and they'll talk to my siblings about it so I can always have my correct pronouns but for now we wait for my mom to find a therapist/therapists (we both probably need therapy) 


this message may be offensive
          Admin Kun: so I'm feeling like shit rn. As you may know I am bigender meaning I am a mixture of two genders for me I am a mixture of male and female. I was born female and like a feminine appearance (dresses/skirts, makeup even though I suck at putting it on, just in general feminine features) but am SO much more comfortable with male pronouns. 
          I came out to my mother (who has told my father) 1. Whole. Year. Ago. And I have told them multiple times to call me by my preferred name and pronouns when my siblings are in bed and they listen for like that one night and then completely stop every night after and it's just so damaging to my self-esteem but they don't even seem to care that much or at least my dad doesn't seem to care. 
          Whenever I get called by my dead name or am talked about with female pronouns when my siblings are in bed the only way I can think to describe it is I feel like I'm not being respected or not even like I'm in my own body. Like I'm living another humans life and I know if I keep going like this I won't do well cause I'm already an inch away from just ending it all. 
          I don't want to end it all but all of this is too much for me I just want it to stop. But nothing I've done has helped if anything my most recent attempt has just made me feel worse cause of how they reacted to the idea. At this point I wish I never got siblings cause all they've done so far is make my life even worse. I can't think of a single time they've made an impact on my life that wasn't negative. 
          I don't know what to do. I can't take this anymore. 


@-emo_nightmare- Admin Kun: hopefully not


@-Desert_Bird- ah, I see, I am not harming anyone this beautiful day


@-emo_nightmare- Admin Kun: he said I haven't shown any signs of being bigender hence the worry. He said if I go to a therapist and they go "he's bigender" Then he'll be completely supportive and they'll talk to my siblings about it so I can always have my correct pronouns but for now we wait for my mom to find a therapist/therapists (we both probably need therapy) 


Admin Kun: I'm now noticing I don't understand the memes about being hungry at 3 am
          When I'm hungry I just tell myself that I deserve this and suffer cause idk probably an eating disorder at this point or just depression being a God damn bitch


@-Desert_Bird- It's probably an eating disorder, and you should probably get it checked out, but gang gang we dont undersysnd
            But believe me you deserve to eat and you deserve anything but to suffer, you the best bitch in the world :)


Admin Kun: well today is by far the worst day of my life so far.
          Had some cereal and misjudged how much was left when I was full and to an extent clogged the sink not the worst part but didn't help, tried to reheat some leftover food and both reheated awfully once again not the worst but still bad, went to sleep at 2 PM woke up at 9 PM and my period started- 10 days late may I mention -still waiting for my stuff to finish cleaning so I'm on my floor rn, didn't get to watch videos with my mom and cried cause of it, didn't eat cause of thoughts during my crying, had some of the Mac and cheese I didn't reheat properly earlier cause mom did it for me, took some Midol but it took forever to kick in, sat on the toilet while waiting for Midol to kick in and I ran out of toilet paper so I gmailed my mom and about 20 minutes into waiting I started yelling for her. It took 20 minutes of yelling and crying for her to care about the yelling thinking it was my siblings then finding me crying my ass off cause I had been there for 40 minutes with no way to clean myself thinking that cause of her I was just gonna be stuck there for the whole night she tried making jokes to life the mood but it didn't help, and then that leads us to right this second. 
          So how are you doing? 


Admin Kun: you know what I want rn? 
          For someone to just basically spoon my chin with their hand while cuddling with me and letting me just sleep on them
          The lack of this in my life h u r t s


            *hugs you* i will uwu


@Dave_of_GAY Admin Kun: please love me I'm lonely-