Propheticshipping Mga Kuwento

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6 Mga Kuwento

Do I feel something for you ? ni ThiagoBiondo
Do I feel something for you ?ni The shipper
Ryu only seeks self improvement,he has a power within him,a uncontrollable power,it makes him hurt people he cares about,but there was once a time when Ryu was lost in t...
Flying with Dragons ni Kiko-san17
Flying with Dragonsni Kaye Mok
After a final battle, (that might've torn a hole of time and space) they end up in a world unfamiliar to their own. They have to navigate with no one else but each other...
Ryu X Sakura:Couple days ni ThiagoBiondo
Ryu X Sakura:Couple daysni The shipper
This is a continuation to "Do I feel something for you ?"This are short stories about how Ryu and Sakura spent their days together,and some new friends will al...
Two Paths Apart [Discontinued] ni Kiko-san17
Two Paths Apart [Discontinued]ni Kaye Mok
After that day, Sakura couldn't get that moment out of her head, constantly on repeat as Ryu wonders what she truly wants. Both going their separate ways, with Sakura se...
Deception ni Ravenous_Howl
Deceptionni Ravenous_Howl
"... you're on your own." "At least give me something to remember you by!" SNAP --- What you see is not always the same. It has its own shadow, It h...