Mindvoice Mga Kuwento

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4 Mga Kuwento

Seriously? ni hallelujahjb
Seriously?ni hallelujahjb
Just letting my inner thoughts flow..
Cringe Questions ni misfit2996
Cringe Questionsni misfit2996
Funny take on 'normal' questions
RARELY IN REALITY.... ni picassa_24
RARELY IN REALITY....ni picassa_24
nothing to say about this just a random half stories......on the way...for dreamers like me.....
"нope" [h.s.] ni memoriesarefrozen
"нope" [h.s.]ni ⚠️Pati⚠️
You know what true pain is when you find yourself loosing hope. They didn't believe in love. They only believed in the devil. They believed that darkness is where the de...