Jayesh Mga Kuwento

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6 Mga Kuwento

Jayesh Saini: What Does Kenya's Health System Look Like? ni sandeshbukate
Jayesh Saini: What Does Kenya's He...ni sandesh bukate
Jayesh Saini, a Nairobi resident, said that many people who cannot afford private hospitals had to stay dependent on public hospitals. Here, those getting their treatmen...
Sad Imagines /O2l, Omaha, Magcon\ ni SoLadyLike
Sad Imagines /O2l, Omaha, Magcon\ni SoLadyLike
Just comment or sent me a message and I'll make it. {I TAKE REQUESTS}
WHY YOU DON'T SEE... ni jxp_to_the_dab
My first poem to describe my recent issues in life, Friendships Broken........ Trust lost............. Cruelty and Criticism on me .. I would like you to have A glimpse...