Ilaria कहानियाँ

टैग द्वारा परिष्कृत करें:

14 कहानियाँ

1dammie1lola द्वारा Taint Me More ☑️
Taint Me More ☑️Lux DammieLola द्वारा
A dirty past! Secrets! Ilaria Vitale-forced to leave her home of many years behind to a new state in search of a new life. She was starting to enjoy her "new life&q...
Animation_Studio द्वारा L'INSEGUITORE
L'INSEGUITOREAnimation_Studio द्वारा
Una storia scritta da: Ilaria_Cirillo
Sturdast द्वारा LA RAGAZZA VAMPIRO
La storia di Kathreen,una ragazza vampiro, che ama un umano,il prescelto destinato a ristabilire l'equilibrio tra bene e male. ODIO PAURA AMORE sentimenti che lei prova...
Imagine00z द्वारा Eccedentesiast/ Ongoing
Eccedentesiast/ OngoingImagine00z द्वारा
Ilaria Gonzalez is an eccedentesiast and has always thought know ones noticed, and she is fine with it because she doesn't want/need help, but when Nox Romez starts to n...
_Celiena_ द्वारा Bound By Blood
Bound By BloodCeliena द्वारा
---ON HOLD--- It was never part of her plans to end up in Elynthia - in the middle of the Citadel no less - with no real memory of how she got there. But neither was los...
Ilaura_9596 द्वारा Love Over Everything
Love Over EverythingIlaria&Laura द्वारा
The story of two sisters living abroad without meeting each other for almost 7 years They work in entertainment companies. But the fate has a lot of surprises for them...
Amaterasu_Okumera द्वारा Writing the future-IV
Writing the future-IVAmaterasu_Okumera द्वारा
Amaterasu reincarnated. A phoenix never dies but is rather reborn from its remnants. It's about three or four weeks since that horrid event with Asura at the DWMA, the b...
ilytraditi द्वारा Pillole di vita|
Pillole di vita|ilaria traditi द्वारा
C'è un interesse in ciò che è nascosto e ciò che il visibile non ci mostra. Questo interesse può assumere le forme di un sentimento decisamente intenso, una sorta di con...
Beessintrap द्वारा WHY ME
WHY MEBeessintrap द्वारा
"Your the worst daughter anyone can have, your a disappointment to this family" What happens when Ilaria's life turn up side down just from one guy DARIO.
lopezez द्वारा Ilaria troia
Ilaria troialopezez द्वारा
Ilaria puttana colpa Leopardi
manusc88 द्वारा solo...vivere...amare
solo...vivere...amareManuAssante द्वारा
raccolta di pensieri e aspettative di vita