Alle auswählen
  • Izbranka
    42 4 2

    Miray, 13 letno dekle, je izbrana, da se poda na nemogočo nalogo, ki jo lahko stane življenja. Kot dedinja ognja je prisiljena uporabiti svoj dar proti zlim silam, da bi ubranila sebe in svoje bližnje. Ona in Izbranci iz drugih treh mest se bodo podali skozi neprehodne gozdove in ljubka mesta, da bi ukradli nekaj, kar...

  • Moj greh
    1.1K 40 13

    Ena vroča noč z neznancem, ki obema za vedno spremeni življenje.kk

  • Moj Vojvoda
    6.9K 371 20

    Ta zgodba spada med zgodovinske romance. Sarah je stara štiriindvajset let. Zaradi nesreče, ki se ji je pripetila pred sedmimi leti, so ji ostale trajne posledice. Od takrat se večino svojega časa zadržuje doma in na vrtu kjer se ukvarja s svojimi rožami. Ko v njeno mirno življenje nepričakovano vstopi vojvoda Walterm...

  • On a plane with Ian Somerhalder (#2 ; With Ian Somerhalder)
    18.6K 539 17

    Sitting next to a stranger on a flight from Boston to Georgia alters the entire course of Isabelle's life. It took having the worst day to make her see the brightness in others, especially HIM. Their connection is passionate and undeniable. Fate put them together, and they grew closer, and formed an unbreakable bond...

    1.5K 84 5

    Anastasija je tvrdoglava i prkosna srednjoskolka. Kristijan je zreo muskarac na celu najvece ruske mafije. Njihove puteve ce se spojiti kada on dobije zadatak da otme tu neposlusnu devojcicu koja mu skace na zivce. Anastasija ne zna to, ali njena otmica je planirana, a iza svega, kriju se duboke razloge i vece slike...

    5.5K 458 7

    Imala je sve. Savrseni roditelji, najbolji prijatelji, ljubav svog zivota. Bila je kcer za pozeleti, san svakog muskarca, uzor svakoj devojcici i zavist svakoj devojci. Imala je sve - do te noci. Noc kad je njeno nevino detinjstvo bilo ubijeno. Noc kad su njeni beskrajni i neisprljani snovi bili ubijeni. Noc kad je on...

    1.1K 41 1

    "Samo..." - njen glas po prvog puta mi zvuci nekako tiho, nemocno, krhko, rekao bih cak i pokorno, ali njen pogled ostaje cista suprutnost prkoseci mi do samog kraja, na sta zaintrigovano skupim svoje obrve iscekivajuci ostatak njenog pitanja, ili izjave. - "Samo mi reci... Sta se dogadja?" - slabasno i polusvesno dov...

  • Ljubiti škorpijona
    4.5K 790 59

    Jezna bikica in šarmerski škorpijon. Catalina Diaz je odločena, da ne bo nikoli odpustila Leonu Elderju, a kaj ko ima on vse, kar si je kdaj želela. Očarljive čokoladno rjave oči, poln hlev in velik traktor. Z njim ima možnost pobegniti vsakodnevnemu mestnemu vrvežu v umirjeno vaško kmetijo. Obstaja le ena majhna teža...

  • Lajf ni zmeraj perfect
    2K 78 14

    LIA; punca ki živi normalno najstniško žalostno življenje izve da vbistvu prihaja z Tendonije; druge dežele oz.planeta. Čeprav ima fanta, pa ima glavo polno misli skrivnostnega čarovnika Ajaxa. A kaj ko ne moreta biti skupaj. Kdo ali kaj je razlog za to? Svet poln skrivnosti, magičnih bitj, ljudi ki jim ne moraš zaup...

  • Bojevniki
    4.3K 291 13

    "Preteklost. Naredila te je takšnega, kot si. V prihodnosti pa lahko postaneš tisto, kar želiš biti." On je... Pravi bojevnik po duši in srcu, ki je razklano na koščke: nekateri bi ga opisali kot ZELO čednen, spreten in nadležen pojem sarkazma, ki je v svoji jezi zmožen zanetiti tretjo svetovno vojno. Ona pa... Navadn...

  • Njena Kri
    529 37 9

    Zgodba se gre o 16 letni Lari, ki je mati umrla, svojih sorodnikov pa ni poznala oz. ni imela. Tako se samo njena zgodba začne. Na Larini poti je dosti ovir, ki jih mora preit in kdo ji pomaga?..... Ugotovite sami........... To je moja prva zgodba. Upam, da uživate. Vsaka kritika je dobrodošla. Če sem izkrena je zgod...

  • Crown of Blood | The White Princess
    53.4K 1.4K 85

    - 𝐸𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒, 𝐸𝑚𝑝𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑙 - It's the year 1485 and King Richard III has been slain at the battle of Bosworth along with his beloved wife and Queen, Marian of Lancaster. Their eldest daughter, Lisbet, is given little time to grieve and is forced to watch as her brothers flee into exile and her...

  • York's Hope.
    110K 3.1K 74

    Everyone seemed to know my destiny before I did. I am their Hope, I am His Hope. Hope is what I was names and Hope is what I shall bring. To my father, to my family, to my King.

  • Mafia Love
    3.6M 97.1K 36

    [HIGHEST RANK 06 IN ROMANCE] "Dont make me repeat myself kitten. Be a good girl, sit in the car and seal your lips" he whispered in my ears. But that whisper was not a normal one. It was threatening. I did as he said and he smirked and somehow I hated that smirk of his. Curiosity killed the cat but here, curiosity...

  • Anne Boleyn's Golden Age
    32.3K 381 9

    What if things started differently starting with the death of Katherine of Aragon? What happens to England now? Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN THE TUDORS OR THE COVER PIC!

  • The Last York Prince [AU]
    84.7K 2.5K 155

    HISTORICALLY INACCURATE: Based on Philippa Gregory "The White Princess" timeline, but AU: What if Richard III had a son before he was killed in Bosworth? Young Richard Plantagenet was brought up in court at the behest of his mother, Elizabeth of York, who claimed him as a bastard in hopes that her son with the previou...

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  • Arthur
    120K 4.3K 45

    Elizabeth of York married Henry Tudor after the bloody War of the Roses ended. Their first son, Arthur, represented everything England needed: union, peace and prosperity. The Houses of York and Lancaster finally together in one. However, Elizabeth had a horrible feeling as she held him for the first time: that her pr...

    22.7K 956 12

    (12/29/2018) ''We have calcium in our bones, iron in our veins, carbon in our souls, and nitrogen in our brains. 93 percent stardust, with souls made of flames, we are all just stars that have people names.'' - Nikita Gill. AFTER THE DRAMATIC END OF THE WAR OF THE ROSES, 1485'S ENGLAND BURNS WITH UNSPOKEN TENSION. Wit...

  • An English rose
    3.1K 57 6

    What if the war of the roses ended differently? What if Elizabeth of York never married Henry vii? What if York won and Elizabeth and her siblings were returned to the throne? What if she married someone else? *loosely based off of the white queen and the white princess however the story will be different. The only...

    316K 8.8K 64

    In which King Edward IV finds himself captivated by a woman he cannot have and no matter how many years pass or how hard he tries, he is unable to give up on their love. For she had a place in his heart no one else could have, a place not even his own wife was able to have. THE WHITE QUEEN BOOK ONE IN THE COUSIN'S WAR...

  • The Rose of Lancaster | The White Queen
    132K 3.4K 82

    -𝑂𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑙𝑙- It's the year 1466 and King Edward IV is on the throne of England. His wife and Queen ,Elizabeth Woodville, has just given birth to her first daughter ,Lizzie, but not all is well... 12 year old Marian of Lancaster is the only surviving daughter...

    123K 3.1K 49

    In Nora of Lancaster is dead, but her legacy lives on through Marie of Burgundy, the Tudor's ward, and Princess Katherine Tudor, the eldest daughter of Lizbeth of York and Henry Tudor. THE SPANISH PRINCESS BOOK THREE IN THE COUSIN'S WAR SERIES

    89.5K 2.9K 46

    In which Nora of Lancaster continues to fight for her family and their rightful place on the throne of England, despite all that she has lost already. THE WHITE PRINCESS BOOK TWO IN THE COUSIN'S WAR SERIES

  • Drugačna
    1.6K 89 62

    Zgodba o dekletu, ki se čuti izobčeno. Ampak novo šolsko leto prinese novosti in kaj hitro se s prihodom novega sošolca stvari spremenijo. Na šolskem izletu pa se vse zelo zaplete. Kako?

  • Pošast - Remus Lupin and the Marauders fanfiction (Slovensko)
    4.3K 574 40

    V tistem trenutku sem ga razumela. Remus v sebi ni videl nadarjenega čarovnika. Ni videl prelepega fanta, ki sem ga videla jaz. Videl je morilca. Videl je ničvredno zver. Videl je pošast.

  • Kadilnica
    1.2K 167 15

    - Dim je gostejši od zraka. In polnejši od človeških duš.

  • Očetov najboljši prijatelj
    12.2K 284 21

    Kaj se zgodi, ko se zaljubiš v očetovega prijatelja? Ali boš lahko kontrolirala čustva okrog njega? Lucas je 30-letni fant, močnejše postave, skodrani lasje, modre oči in Lana je dijakinja na srednji zdravstveni šoli. Kot vsaka 18-letna najstnica, hormoni ne popuščajo. Zato pač sledi, kar sledi. Njen oče dela v pisar...

  • Perfect Scars
    17.4M 614K 61

    When a case of mistaken identity leads to an innocent girl being kidnapped by a gangster, will one man bent on revenge push them together or destroy them? ***** Hayden King and Violet Smith couldn't be more different. While he was a feared gangster, she was a simple college student, a deli...

  • Nikoli ne ubupaj
    33 3 1

    PROLOG: Sem precej nenavaden otrok. Nekateri mi pravijo da sem nadnaravna, apak jaz nevem zakaj. No kako sem neuljudna... še predstavila se nisem. Sem Julia stara sem 11 in prebolela že veliko bolezni. Najhujša bolezen ki sem jo prebolela je bila levkemija. Nisem ubupala ko sem imela kožnega raka, levkemijo ali zastoj...

  • Polubrat
    4.1K 139 17

    "Dimitrije molim te prestani, pobogu ti si mi brat, ne bi smjeli ovo raditi" "Samo se opusti ljubavi niko neće saznati"
