By Toveeya

18.4K 738 19

Living in mystic falls,Bonnie Bennett craved adventures,something different. When two very hot strangers ente... More



1.9K 72 0
By Toveeya

        Mystic Falls was the type of town to have just one of everything. One shopping mall,one cinema. So it doesn't come as a shocker for having just one bar. The mystic Grill. It was everything combined in a single building. A restaurant,a karaoke bar and also a regular bar. It was also where the local teenagers hung out.
              Bonnie entered the mystic grill and immediately saw her friends already at a table. Elena waved her over,her smile quickly turned into a frown when she saw Elena's bodyguards(Damon and Stefan) both sitting to the left and right of her respectively. She got to their table and saw Caroline and her boyfriend,Tyler,both wearing matching scowls on their faces. "Great,this night is already turning to a shit show" she muttered under her breath. "I didn't know this was a date night". She said ,scowling at her friends. "It's not supposed to be" said Caroline,gritting her teeth,giving Damon and Stefan the evil eye. "Right" muttered Bonnie side eyeing Tyler.
        Dinner was a shit show as was already stated before. Elena and her boyfriends made the environment so uncomfortable for everyone. Tyler and Caroline didn't make it any easier. They kept making bedroom eyes at each other. "Um I need to use the restroom."said Bonnie,hoping the girls would take the hint that she needed a little girl's time in the restroom,but unfortunately her friends were denser than she thought. Sighing really loudly,she dragged her feet to the restroom that she really didn't need.
             Coming out of the restroom,she felt a strange sensation,something she had never felt before. She saw two guys,extremely hot she might add. A blonde with blue eyes and the pinkest and most kissable lips she had ever seen on a guy(well,Damon might definitely give him a run for his money. She might hate him but that didn't take away her sight). He was quite tall,though that was not saying much due to her lack of it. The other was just as tall,with black hair. She really couldn't tell the color of his eyes but he was equally gorgeous. "They must be something in the water from wherever they're from" she thought. "You guys are hot and all but it's really creepy to be standing in line at the girls bathroom,unless there's something you're hiding and in which case,good for you,I'm not judging" she rambled not bothering to look at the bewildered expression they're both wearing. "Are you talking to us?" The blonde guy asked,surprised. "Um,I'm pretty  sure I'm not blind;and unless there are other guys behind you,then yes. I'm talking to you. Here you dropped this". She said. She picked Jace seraph blade which started glowing upon impact. "Fancy" she thought. "Here" she said,giving the blade over to Jace.  "Could you at least move out of the way" she snapped getting tired of their dumbfounded looks. She walked to her table grudgingly.

          When Jace was given the assignment to go to a small back water town,he really wasn't expecting much. He saw it as a chance to take a break from Clary. The pretty red head has been on edge lately,and he really wasn't the consoling type,so this was exactly the break he needed. The town was as boring as dirt,so he really didn't see much excitement.

               There were news that a bunch of demons have been flocking to the town,looking for something,though nobody knew what,and they weren't really being quiet about it,leaving dead bodies wherever they went.
          Alec tracked a demon a  to the bar and they were supposed to be inconspicuous,but apparently that didn't work. "Who the hell is that?"asked Alex,surprised. "She could see us".  "Obviously Alec".replied Jace with a roll of his eyes. His eyes followed Bonnie until she took her seat among a group  that he assumed were her friends. "Let's go,we have demons to deal with and we seriously don't have rooms for anymore strays!" He said scowling,referring to Clary Fray. Jace wasn't really happy about that statement. It's been more than a year,you'd think he would've gotten over that.
                "Took you long enough Judgy,I was starting to get worried". Said Damon,sarcastically with his annoying smirk permanently etched on his face. She was so furious she felt like there was steam coming out from her ears. "Stupid airhead"she muttered. "What did you say Judgy?" "Why are you here Damon?,I mean seriously,you're a grown ass man hanging out with a bunch of teenagers. That is really creepy and seriously depressing" she said tautingly. "Better watch your words little girl or I'll ...........I'll. "You'll what!? Smother me with your looks!? I'm outta here" she said ,angrily. She stood up then glared at Elena and Caroline. "Thanks a lot guys,for being the same as usual all for a bunch of dicks!". She said,stomping out angrily. "Oooooh,Judy used a curse word" mocked Damon. "Bonnie wait". Called Caroline but she was already far gone.

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