By harwin-strong

61.4K 2.5K 476

❝yeah well, sight is overrated.❞ [TEEN WOLF AU] [TEEN WOLF AND MARVEL CROSSOVER] [DEREK HALE x MATT MURDOCK] ... More



2.9K 168 14
By harwin-strong

Matt sighed as he settled on the couch Scott had lead him to. He was in what he presumed was Derek Hale's home, seeing as the man was the only one present when Matt and Scott arrived.

Speaking of Derek, Matt could feel the werewolf staring at him from what Matt presumes is the doorway.

"Something interesting on my face, Mr. Hale?" Matt asks. Derek gives a grunt as an initial response but before he could respond verbally, Scott walks in.

"Not all of the pack is going to be present, it'll only be me, Derek, Peter, Stiles, Lydia and Malia," Scott says, "They'll be here in a minute."

"I'd say that's a shame but I don't really care," Matt said with a chuckle. He could practically feel Derek's eye roll. "Let's just get this over with, I am quite tired. Teaching high schoolers is no easy feat."

They stayed silent for a while, none of the three men wanting to start conversation, for different reasons, Scott wasn't sure how to respond to Matt's rudeness, Derek just didn't want to talk and Matt didn't want to waste his energy talking. Before anyone could start speaking, Peter, Stiles, Lydia and Malia walked in. Matt could practically feel the suspicious glares three of them were shooting him. That didn't bother Matt, he was too tired to care.

The four newcomers sat down, all away from Matt and forming some sort of circle around Scott from what he could tell. It was a werewolf thing, he noticed. Once again, the silence in the room was so thick it could be cut with a knife. No one wanted to ask the blind guy why he was the way he was.

Matt chuckled a bit before saying, "Am I going to have to start the conversation, Mr. McCall? If I do recall well, you were the one that wanted us to have a conversation with your pack. So far, no conversation is happening." He was slipping back into what Foggy liked to call his lawyer sarcasm.

Silence was a he heard back. It seemed like the pack was having a conversation with their gazes, because he could hear the low growls Peter and Derek gave.

Matt sighed, it seemed like he was going to be the one leading the conversation then. "Well, if you all must know, I came here from Hell's Kitchen, New York. I'm an attorney, I teach Spanish at the local high school and if you couldn't already tell, I'm blind. Now I assure you, I do not want to be involved in whatever mess you all are in. Any questions?" Well, no one said Matt wanted to make the conversation long. So what if he went straight to the point? He was tired.

His bluntness seemed to have stunned the others since no one seemed to be able to talk. He nodded to himself and stood up to leave. "Well, this has been an enlightening conversation. Have a nice day."

As he was walking away Derek called out to him. "You can't walk away from this mess, Matt. Like I already told you, once you get in Beacon Hills' mess, there's no way out."

Matt halted then turned around towards where he knew Derek was sitting. He gave what he knew was a smirk and said, "Well, for all of our benefits I sure hope that isn't true."

filler chapter, writing matt is so hard and even if i know the direction i want to take this book to it's so hard because matt is such a complex character. i know this isn't even 600 words but the next scene deserves a whole chapter of its own. WE'RE FINALLY GETTING INTO THE RELATIONSHIP OF MATT AND DEREK! well, beginnings of since derek is repressed and matt has tough history with love... *cough* elektra *cough*

not edited, i'll come back in a few weeks to check back on it lmao TELL ME UR THOUGHTS!?


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