
By MrsReigns19

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Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4-
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
I don't Know Why
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
It's Up

Chapter 1

6K 146 32
By MrsReigns19

"Ciara when your done lock up!"Angelica yelled as she tossed the keys. I huffed and caught them mid air and stared at them..

"Its my last day here anyways." I mumbled under my breath. Angelica chuckled. She was my boss, and has been for the past year now.

"I can hear you babygirl." She said as she put her jacket on and zipped up. She walked over gave me a long hug.

"Give Avery a kiss for me. Be a good girl and move on with your life. Im glad you have this opportunity. It'll get your mind off of-"

"Im fine. " I whispered. Angelica smiled and kissed my forehead before walking out. "Im going to miss you." She called out behind her. I smiled small and I set my cap on the counter and looked around the empty McDonalds resturant. I've worked here for over a year. It wasn't the ideal place to work but it was suitable for that time and it also provided for my daughter one year old daughter and I.

I cleaned up and hung up the apron. The kitchen was sparkling clean and the floor was freshly mopped and smelled like lavender extract. I sighed and leaned against the counter. It was 12:50 in the morning and had to wake up early for my new job, but here I am cleaning up in McDonalds.

I was a going to be a new costume designer for the WWE. It was exciting to start a new adventure with my daughter. All the superstars and divas are so talented, but I have alot of ideas for the outfits and they'd look perfect.

I grabbed my bag from the back locker room and was about to leave when the door opened and two guys walked in. I looked up and brushed my fly away hair out of my face.

"Excuse me, we'd like to order 6 hot and spicy McChickens and two large fries." A tall half blonde half brown haired guy spoke up. His friend looked around and I squinted to see in the dim light. I didnt have my glasses or contacts on so it was pretty difficult.

"Sorry. Uh, we stopped serving an hour ago." I said respectfully as I slipped on my coat and zipped up. The other guy sucked his teeth and slouched a little.

"Cant you just do us this one favor? We just had finished a show and.." The other asked trailing off.

"Im hungry as hell." He finished. I placed a hand on my hip getting irritated.

"I already cleaned up and Im not about to get things oinkiut again. There is a Wendy's two blocks down, I'm already late to pick up my daughter." I said rubbing my eyes. The first one sucked his teeth and tapped his friend. His friend looked back at me before they both walked out. I rolled my eyes and followed behind them. They hopped into their car and left. I locked the doors and hung the keys on the wall before going out.

The cold air bit my cheeks and nose and I huffed seeing my breath in the air. I walked to the bus stop and waited for a while. I really wish I had a car, it'd make life a whole lot better. The bus came down after 30 minutes and I hopped on.

My one year and five month old daughter Avery was at my neighbor Mrs. Robinson's house. She must be fussy by now since she didnt see me. I smiled at the thought of Avery and leaned my head back. I arrived at my apartments withing 15 minutes and rushed inside. The hot air began warming me up immediatly. Once I got Avery from Mrs. Robinson's I went upstairs to my apartment 3A.

I kicked off my shoes and sighed. A very was wide awake. I pulled off her shoes and leaving her in her pajamas.

It was one-thirty in the morning and our flight would be leaving in 2 hours. I sure was tired but there was no point in resting. I'm a heavy sleeper, so I most definitely will miss the flight if I sleep now.

I cleaned Avery up and dressed her in fresh blue footie pajamas. I sat her close by as I took my shower.

Avery fussed and rubbed her eyes as I finished lotioning up and dressing.

"What's up sweetie? You hungry?" I asked but she began crying.

"No no no no no dont start." I said as I pulled a fresh crisp white t-shirt over my head and smoothed it down.

I pulled on some grey joggers and picked my baby up. I bounced her on my left arm and kissed her fingers calming her down a little.

"Hungry?" I asked her. Of course she didnt respond. She snuggled into my chest and began to slowly drift off. I kissed her head and layed her on the air matress.


I pulled on some sneakers and a sweatshirt. Avery was still asleep so I put her coat on her and placed her into her carseat. I put a blanket over the top and some snacks in my purse. Airplane food is gross. I put a couple of fruit snacks in for Avery and made sure I had our boarding tickets.

Stephanie McMahon and her husband Triple H were so generous us the tickets free. Since the superstars and divas were here in Los Angeles after RAW, then we'd all be boarding together.

I can't wait to actually meet them. Every single one of them is talented.

I called for a taxi. As I waited, I rubbed my eyes and looked thorough my boring phone. I don't have friends. I've never had friends.

In my freshman year of highschool I was bullied. In sophmore year a senior from Samoa transfered to our school and at first we hated eachother but we dated through highschool. He was sort of popular so people couldnt understand why we were together when we were nothing alike. But-

A car honked from outside snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Here we go." I muttered to a sleeping Avery. I held her carseat with one hand and rolled one suitcase down the stairs.

When the Taxi driver saw me he immediately came out and helped me. He even went back inside the building and brought the remaining suitcases down.

I strapped Avery's carseat in and put a seatbelt on her.

Soon enough we reached the airport. I payed the taxi driver and someone came out and helped us with our bags since I had sleeping beauty.

After we checked in and got our bags checked in, I went over to the gates.

I gasped in shock. Superstars and divas were seated and haveing normal conversations with eachother. I exhaled sharply and fanned myself.

Stephanie walked up to me and smiled.

"Nice to meet you again Ms. Owens." She greeted me holding out her hand for me to shake. I smiled widely as I shook her hand.

"The feeling is mutual." I said respectfully. We chatted small. A few wrestlers glanced over occasionally. I would either smile or wave.

"Flight to Union City New Jersey will now be boarding."

I adjusted my purse on my shoulder and bent down to pick Avery's carseat back up when someone walked by.

"You look like you could use a hand."

I looked up and squinted seeing a guy with half blonde half brown hair. I smiled at him but shook my head no thanks. It might sound rude but I can't just trust a stranger holding my baby.

We stood and the more I stared at him the more I recognized him. "Seth, Seth Rollins?" I asked in disbelief. He smiled.

"Hey your the mean lady from McDonalds." He joked. I smiled as we began walking toward the entrance of the plane.

"Im not mean. I just had to get my daughter." I explained handing my ticket to the lady. Rollins sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes.

"The least you could have done was give us some fries. Wendy's is disgusting. Besides, what are you doing here." He asked me as I walked my way down the aisle of the airplane looking for my seat 28B.

"Oh I dont know. Hmm what do people get on the plane to do?" I respond sarcastically.

Seth laughed but shook his head. "You've got a nasty attitude." He said. I shrugged it off and sat Avery's carseat by the window since she was 28A. I guess I have a middle seat.

"Deal with it." I mumbled. Rollins shook his head. He sat across in 27C, the aisle seat across from mine and plugged his Beats into his phone.

I dont mean to come off as rude but it just happens.

Someone plopped next me and slapped hands with Seth. He had a long Samoan trible tattoo from his shoulder to wrist His long black hair was pulled into a low bun and I recognized him immediately. Roman Reigns the powerhouse.

My breathing hitched in my throat as Seth pointed to me. Roman turned to me, locking his bluish-grey eyes with my brown ones.

"Hey." He said. I finally found my breath and smiled at him. "Hey." I replied. I turned to face the back of someone else's seat. The airplane was full in no time and soon we were riding down the runway at full speed. I tired plugging Avery's ears but once she heard the noise, she squirmed and began fussing which turned into a full on cry. I felt like everyone's head snapped back to look at us but it didn't bother me.

Once all the noise stopped and we were finally in the air, I took Avery out of her carseat and patted her back calming her down. She hiccupped and I wiped the tears from her face.

"Momma's here." I said kissing her finger. I pretended to bite them and that got her giggling.

"Your a great mother." Roman said from my side. I smiled and Avery looked up at him.

"Thanks." I replied. Avery reached for his beard and he actually took her out of my hands.

"She's too adorable. What is she." Roman laughed as Avery studied his beard.

"A baby." I said in a duh tone squinting. Roman sucked his teeth and began playing with Avery.

"Stop playing. I mean nationality." Roman explained.

"Well. Black." I answered dully. Roman shook his head and I rolled my eyes. "Her father was Samoan." I explained. Roman smiled.

"We Samoans make some good babies." He said then paused. "Was?" He question.

Who the hell is he to question my life.

"Its complicated." I shrugged and Roman dropped it. Avery reached for me and I kissed her nose holding her to my chest.

"Hungry?" I asked. She nodded. I reached into my bag and pulled out a bag of fruit snacks and her eyes lit up. I opened it and handed it to her.

I was about putting the bag away when Roman cleared his throat. I looked at him and he had his hand held out. I glared at him but placed a bag of fruit snacks in his palm but he laughed and shook his head.

"Im just messin." He chuckled. Seth reached over and snatched the candy from Roman's palm.

"Hmph. I'll take it." Seth muttered opening up the bag and popping them into his mouth.

Oh boy, this is going to be a long ride

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