Chapter 5

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The night was pretty eventful. But later tonight Roman has a tag team turmoil with Daniel Bryan. Sandra had to leave for a confernce meeting after fixing everyone's ring gear. I had stashed Roman's ripped vest in my bag. He can go out and wrestle in whatever he wants to. All I know is that Im not going to be fixing a vest for someone as disrespectful as him.

To pass the time, I worked on a sketch for Brie's new outfit.

Avery soon fell asleep on my chest and I walked out of the office slowly heading to the catering area. Brie smiled and waved me over. "Hey girl." She greeted.

I smiled shyly and sat by her. "Hey." I replied. She bit into a slice of pepperoni pizza and Avery stirred in my arms. Brie smiled and wiped her mouth.

"She is even adorable in her sleep." She gushed over Avery. I looked down at my baby girl and smiled. I rocked my feet back and forth akwardly. What am I supposed to say? Ive never really had friends who were girls before. Its different with the boys because....Well boys are boys.

They consist of baisically nothing but being boys.

Brie finished up and cleared her plate. She left without a word. I sighed and stood up treding to Seth and Dean's locker room. Everyone here baisically knows eachother and was having a great time.

I stepped in their locker room and closed the doot behind me. It was dark inside. I felt around for the light switch and when I found it I flicked it on. The bathroom door creaked open and Roman walked out with a towel wrapped around his body. His black hair was wet and water dripped from it down his rock hard abs. I tried looking away quickly but I couldnt. The water glistened off of his body making me legs wobble. I may not like him but he sure is beautiful.

It was slient for a while but then he flinched at me. "What the hell you looking at?" He growled. I held my sleeping Angel tighter and rolled my eyes.

"Nobody was looking at your ugly ass." I retorted walking in fully. I looked around for something to lay Avery down on.

"You were obviously staring at me. Anyways..."Roman started trailing off looking through his bag. He pulled out his signature "One Versus All" T shirt, a bottle of lotion, fresh undergarnments and his signature black cargo joggers.

"Did You get Sandra my vest?" He asked. I walked to the couch  and rested her on it.

"She had a meeting."I responded shrugging. I reached into Avery's diaper bag and pulled out her favorite blanket. I heard shifting and soon Roman  was close to me.

"Well then did you fix my vest?" He asked. I sucked my teeth. "One, I most definitely am not your maid. And two, put some clothes on. My daughter is present." I replied. A small growl escaped his throat making me flinch and step back a little.

"You sniveling dumb-ass." He said lowly stepping closer to me. I stepped back a little and crossed my arm getting prepared to curse back at him when the door opened. Laughter from Dean and Seth soon filled the room but died down as they noticed the growing tension between Roman and I.

"Oh...Sorry to ruin the moment." Dean chuckled. Seth slapped his neck and he cringed.

"Shut up. They werent having a moment." Seth said rolling his eyes. He pushed angry Roman back a little.

"Dude back up a little. Your practically suffocating the girl. Find some clothes." Seth came to my defense. I smirked and Roman shook his head at me before walking back into the dressing portion of the Locker room.

"Thanks two-tones." I smiled at Seth. He chuckled and tried giving me a hug but I moved away. "Clean up first. I dont need my outfit to be ruined." I sassed. Seth stepped even closer and smiled. He brushed a lock of hair from my face and looked down at me.

I looked at how close together we were and began to blush deeply. Its been a while having someone touch me like that. That single touch sent shivers down my spine.

"How about I shower and we grab a bite to eat before heading to the hotel." Seth suggested. I found my breath and blinked hard.

Wouldnt hurt to go out and have a little fun, besides, its just a friendly outing.  I shrugged twisting my lips to the side pretending to think.

"Yeah..I'd like that.

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