By Desertbiitch28_

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"god everything about you is just trouble and stress, can you just act like a human being for once in your li... More

Authors Note
Character Boards


6.9K 121 264
By Desertbiitch28_

if you're here from tiktok welcome and enjoy. from now on there will be a * at the top or chapters there is smut.

chapter trailer is at the top there as well as a small sketch of a floor plan of charlie's flat, very basic i'll let y'all fill in the decorations. use ur imagination and set it up how you'd like. enjoy my lil nuggets;)


{Charlie's P.O.V}

"So-" he says looking around the space. "You gonna give me a tour" I smile and hop off the stool and start towards the living room.

"So this is the living room" I gesture with my hand, in a joking manner, I hear a mock gasp come from behind me.

"No. I thought this was the back porch" he mocks with an amused tone and an even more amused look when he sees my sarcastic face.

"Anyways, I spend most my time in here, I usually have a puzzle out on that table-" I state point to my little rustic run-down coffee table. "But I finished on this morning so I haven't taken one out yet."

"Ah yes the puzzles" he states with a smile on his face, which threw me off a bit because I'm still not used to people thinking it was such a normal thing. Most people would find it stupid, and childish. Then again I don't know most people

"Yeah, it's something I always did with my mom as a kid, as you know. You know my dad and I had cars, so my mom and I had puzzles when I asked why of everything she chose puzzles shes said because it was like a car, she knew I was good with them, taking the engine apart labelling everything, it's like an overgrown puzzle, so we did the small ones. And she just liked them" I inform, mindlessly. "Well we had that and gymnastics"

"Gymnastics?" he questions in shock. I turn to him with puffed and no doubt flushed cheeks.

"Yup. I did gymnastics for 7 years" I inform him awkwardly, no one really knows that. Actually, the only people who know are Sloan and Dean, then again they're my only friends.

"So when you said gym earlier you meant-"

"The gymnastics gym not the other one" he looks at me, his lips tucked under his teeth trying not to let a smile breakthrough.

"You, Charlotte Davis, continue to surprise me every damn day" he states, with a certain look of...adoration? In his eye, or so it looks. And normally I hate when people use my actual name, I despise it. Sloane nor Dean can call me that, but when Harry says it, when it rolls off his tongue so effortlessly, the way his throat annunciation the first half and he really he gets the sound on those 'T's' it really melts every bit of moral fibre I have.

Fuck Harry.

"Ok, continuing on" I drag turning on my heel and heading to the simple 5 tiered shelves and record player standing in between the two full-length windows. I feel Harry hot on my heels, and when I come to a stop I feel him slip his free arm around my waist as he pulls himself up against my back. My heart nearly stopped though not expecting the genuine acts, but dear God if I minded, it caused the butterflies in my stomach to go wild and fly all the way up to my chest, leaving me all warm and fuzzy. I then felt his head dip down and rest in the crook of my neck, I bite my lips trying to contain my smile at the sudden affection and the kiss he leaves on my neck, his lips moving to my ear.

"I'll have to test out that flexibility of yours sometime," he remarked lowly, his teeth just grazing my ear lobe, my breath hitched in my throat, I tried to contain my smile.

"Can't wait" I replied cheekily, just for effect. I feel him smile triumphantly against my neck.

"That's my bay window, I like to sit there a lot and watch the ocean. This is just books here on the top shelf, middle one, just some pictures, the two under that are stacked with half the puzzles I own and the last one, records that I don't listen too all that ofter, hence the reason they're not in the crate under the table holding the actual player" I explain trying to not get distracted by his arm that just decided it was going to stay around my waist. Now im not complaining at all, but it is making my bones turn to jello slowly.

"That's cute" he says, pointing to the picture of my mom dad and I. "Graduation day?"

"Yeah high school"

"You look adorable, those bangs-"

"We don't talk about those" I say in a groan.

"No no come on you look so cute, the frizzy poofy straight shoulder-length cut really works for you" he teases, quite sarcastically with a shit-eating grin on his face. In retaliation I take one of my arms and bring it to his side and pinch him, causing him to jolt to the side.

"Ow" he whines.

"Leave my 18-year-old hair alone" I say sternly but jokingly. He scowls at me for a second but i bush it off and head towards my right.

"Then finally the tv. I've got a stellar DVD collection, cable too though, Netflix, and Mario cart" I state turning back to him. "And that concludes our tour for this evening sir" I say with an accent I didn't really know. He looks at me blankly.

"So you're telling me you sleep on the couch?" he questions humourlessly. I chuckle and plaster a smirk on my face, taking a few steps closer to him till im about a foot away.

"No, I have a bedroom. And if you behave maybe you'll get to see it" I watch his demeanour fall a bit and his eyes darken just a smidge, almost as if he's telling me he's accepting the challenge. I flash him a cheeky smile before stalking off back to the kitchen. When I get there I
see him staring at the wall to the right of the tv stand.

"What's this?" he asks softly, staring at the wall in confusion but curiously. I cringe when I remember what he's looking at. Fuck I forgot it was even there.

"Oh-uh that's nothing, just like a thing" I stutter out, I mean it's kind of embarrassing, not to mention the fact that I put them up on the wall. My words do nothing except make him more intrigued.

"Are these-?" he moves closer to one of the polaroids. "Are these... puzzles?" I sigh and drop my head. Well, I can't avoid it now, I scratch the back of my neck while heading towards him.

"Remember how I said, I like doing puzzles. Well at some point you have to take them apart so you can do another one but before I do I take a picture of them with my little camera on the shelf there and hang them up. Some of them have some memory behind them, some are just ones I've done." I explain pathetically. He says nothing but continues to look at them. Ha, great, now he this im weird. " I-i know it's pathetic, embarrassing really. My mom got the camera for my birthday and I didn't really have any use for it and then I realized that I take the puzzles apart and never see them again so I figured I'd, take a picture of them because I do them so much. I mean I could've easily taken them on my phone but then id run out of space on my phone so I figured I'd put the camera to use. I completely forgot I had those up I was in a rush I would've taken the down had I had the ti-" my words were cut off in a split second, when I felt his hand on my cheeks, not even processing that because his lips hit mine in half that time, in a firm motion.

The kiss only lasted a couple of seconds before he pulled away with a knowing smile and shake of his head.

"You talk too much Ace" he murmurs in a whisper his lips only inches from mine.

"If that's how you're gonna shut me up maybe I just shouldn't stop talking" I whisper back, glancing down at his pink lips, pulling my own bottom one between my teeth before looking back up at his mossy green eyes. He sent a smirk my way before pulling back a bit more.

"It's cute, it's very you" I couldn't meet his eyes, I felt too weird about it, I mean think about it take pictures of puzzles so that I can remember them, most people think the puzzle part is childish or I'm an old person, add taking polaroids of them on top of them, I'm surprised it didn't send him running

At this point I'm sure, I'm just beating myself up over this too much. I'm just not used to having new people here, especially gorgeous specimens that look like they've been crafted by God himself.

"Hey stop overthinking it." he tells me softly lifting my head by my chin. "Besides everyone has that one thing" he shrugs. I chuckle and furrow my brows.

"Huh?" he shrugs nonchalantly again, at my words

"Everyone has just like that one thing, they say or do that's just uniquely them. Little things that just define character" he explains. Looking back at my wall in fascination. As if he couldn't take my heart and just blow it up some more, he proved me wrong.

"Alright then I have two questions for you"

"Ask away" he says simply looking back at me a taking a sip of his wine.

"What does that say about my character?" I ask. He bites his lip in a smile.

"You appreciate the little things, the smaller gestures more than most people-" he turns back to the wall and points to the white part at the bottom of the polaroid. "I mean these numbers are what, dates?"

"Yeah when I started, and when I finished" I reply a slight heat creeping up on my cheeks.

"See, you appreciate and put time into things that matter to you, no matter how small. You also value memories, you said some remind you of things, makes me think you like to hold on and have that reminder of the good times. I respect that" he adds, my heart just clenching.

Great, he's a fucking poet too.

I've never thought of it that way, I always just thought it was a way to not waste space on my phone and cover up the bare wall. But after his words, I looked back at the wall in a different light. I guess he's kind of right, some of those do have a story behind them, like some I've done with Sloane or some shit, some are places I want to travel to. Damn, he really has a way with words.

"Ok, and next question," I say snapping myself out of my thoughts, he downs the rest of his wine before heading back in the direction of the kitchen. "What's your little thing?" I ask following and taking my spot back on the island stool propping my chin on my fist while looking at him with squinting eyes trying to smile as I pretend to evaluate him.

"Stick around long enough and maybe you'll find out" he quips back with a smirk before refilling his glass. My face immediately drops and I give him a deadpanned look, which only makes him burst into a hearty laugh before walking out of the kitchen and towards my record players.

"Come on that's not fair, you know my little thing but I don't know yours" I pout from my seat, facing him with my arms crossed. He points to the player and gives me a questioning look.

"Do you mind?" he asks even though he's already rifling through the vinyls.

"Harry" I whine with a smile in my voice I couldn't suppress. He laughs again before standing up with his record of choice in hand before looking at me.

"Come on Ace, I know you like a challenge, besides it keeps things entertaining" he smirks with a shrug of his shoulder and lowering the needle. "Now let's see what we have to work with" he smiles rubbing his hands together walking over to my fridge. I had no idea what record he put on until the first words started playing, and I couldn't help the smile that broke out onto my face.

"I can not believe you put on Shania Twain" I laugh snatching his glass of wine and taking a sip, too lazy to refill my own.

"I can't believe you have a Shania album" he retorts.


"It was my mother's, thank you very much. She loved Shania" I explain, hopping off the stool and head around the island till I was in the kitchen where I hoisted myself up onto the counter. I really just moved because I wanted to be closer to him. There was something about seeing him so...domestic that made my heart skip a beat. Being in the spotlight isn't easy and it's hard to understand a person when all you see is them in front of a camera all the time, or on the cover of some magazine, or online, I would know it was my dad's whole life, and I was the one that suffered greatly from it. I either had people who wanted nothing to do with me, or everyone wanted something to do with me but never actually cared about me. Just needed me for the image of it all. It was the worst in high school, got slightly better in university, mainly cause I met Sloane. But even now, just trying to go on a date is so fucking infuriating because it just always goes bad. My dad brought me around and held me in front of every camera like I was a trophy, and I know he loved me and he thought it was genuine, but that was the problem. My father loved the attention, but had no idea, as I got older of course, that it left me so fucking lonely.

So when I see Harry walking around my kitchen prepping stuff for dinner, seeing him so normal and genuine, instead of a douchy person who lets the spotlight go to their head, it makes me feel, firstly, a lot less lonely, and secondly just so fucking... pure in a way. Seeing him like this does things to my mind, and heart that just makes me feel the thing I've been longing for, for so long. Now I'm not saying I want to get married and have his babies, absolutely not but having him around and just being uniquely him, and playful and that boyish charm he has, makes me feel appreciated for being me, and not the me that everyone uses to be known for. I mean it was like at the track back during Harry's race, the second I came out of hiding, they were on me like crows to a dead corpse, just when I thought everyone had forgotten about 'The Jets' daughter I was thrown right back under the spolight-

"Hey, you wanna come back down to earth now" I hear harry say, snapping his finger in my face, breaking me from my sad thoughts. When I catch his gaze, his emerald eyes were boring into mine, and I noticed even from sitting on the counter he had just a few inches on me still. Can't say it's surprising, everyone I know is taller than me. He was also standing between my legs his hands on either side of me on the counter, a couple of inches between us "Glad to have you back. Where'd you go?" he asks with a curious smile, and in doing that I caught myself looking at his lips.

"Just... thinking" I murmur dragging my eyes away from his lips to his adorable little dimple until i reached his eyes again.

"Care to share?" his voice dropped down a bit almost to a whisper and his eyebrows raised suggestively. I bite my lip in a smile and bring my arms up, smoothing them up his arms, shoulders and then wrapping them around his neck until I clasped my hands behind his neck, forcing him to come slightly closer.

"Stick around long enough and maybe you'll find out" I repeat his words from earlier, teasingly

"Using my own words against me. Hardly fair" he whispers jokingly his lips now dangerously close to my own, I could feel his breath against my own. I lean forward and capture his bottom lip between my teeth, pulling it slightly before watching it bounce back. His reaction was everything I wanted, the way his breath hitched, and he inched forwards expecting a kiss.

"Deal with it" I mumble my voice barely above a whisper. The air around us was hot and filled with tension, it has been since he got here, the super subtly teasing was enough to kick start it. It's my own damn fault, my body reacts to him in ways I didn't know was possible and I couldn't tell if I liked it or not. I craved him, his taste his touch I wanted it all, and all the time, whether it's genuine or on purpose, he understood my body in ways no one else has, including random dates and mindless fucks. So when his lips smashed against mine I couldn't help but let out a breath of relief.

This kiss was not like the ones we shared since he got here. This one was a desperate mess of clashing teeth and tongue. No hesitancy or foreplay as his tongue mangled with mine in a mess of need for each other. My hands were in his hair at the nape of his neck and his were on my hips and yanked my forward. I gasped into his mouth as I felt his growing bulge against my pussy that was already uncomfortably wet, and his hand slithered up to the back of my head and grasped my hair to tug it backwards causing my head to jerk back, I moaned into his mouth at the slight pain as well as the angle changed and he took the lead. He sucked my tongue into his mouth, just dominating over mine. Teeth clashing in an uncoordinated mess, and heavy breaths through our noses as we kissed each other as if we needed it to live, feeding off each other as if we've been deprived of one another's taste. I started grinding my hips against his in need of some relief when in reality all it did was intensify my need for him. Fuck I missed the way he felt, how he fucked me when he forced me to look at him as I came, the dominance of it all. Fuck now I'm wondering how dominant he could get, and if it would live up to my...certain standards. All I know is im more than willing to find out.

So with that in mind, I slowly pulled one arm away from his neck and slid it slowly down his chiselled chest, grazing my thumb over his nipple earing a nice groan from the back of his throat. I kept going until I reached the hem of his shirt and slid my hand underneath it and scratching at the trail of hair leading to his confined dick that I wanted so fucking bad. I finally reached the front of his jeans and palmed his bulge roughly which caused him to pull away and drop his head down to the crook of my neck, his on arm holding him up by resting on the counter while the other remained on my hip.

"Jesus fucking christ" he groaned. Raspy deep breaths falling from his lips, heaving chest as I continued my movements and brought my lips down to his neck, kissing and sucking my way around until I found this one spot closer to the base of his throat that made his cock twitch in my hand when I sucked on it, so I focused on it more, sucking harder and biting roughly, to make sure I left my mark, making him buck his hips into my hand. When I was done I kissed my way back up, his neck already gaining a thin sheen of sweat, and I stopped when I got to his ear and bit the lobe before I spoke.

"I wanna taste you so fucking bad" I practically moaned out. Fuck I wanted him in my mouth, I wanted to feel him hit the back of my throat over and over till I couldn't speak, I shifted uncomfortably on the counter at the mere thought of it. After all, he'd eaten me out last time, I wanted to return the favour. I felt him grip my jaw and force me to look at him, through my lashes because he was still taller than me in this position. I moaned at the slight pain his hand caused.

"Oh is that right" he teased jerking my head towards him. Before I responded looking deep into his eyes, I took my free hand and brought it up to his hand wrapped around my jaw. Instinctively he loosened his grip, probably thinking I was uncomfortable with it which was quite the opposite. It benefitted me as I placed my hand over his and moved it to my throat and closed my hand, making his close too, as well as giving it a squeeze, signifying what I wanted. I watched his eyes literally darken and his pupils dilate, as well as his breath hitching and dick twitching, nice knowing he wanted it just as much as I did.

"So my Ace is a dirty little angel, isn't she. First, she wants my cock down her throat, then me choking her till she's dizzy." I cut him off with a moan as he squeezed my head started to get that euphoric buzzed feeling. "So dirty, I'm not sure you deserve my cock. You've been teasing me, and making all the demands. We both know that's not how it works sweetheart."  he added before pulling me forward and kissing me roughly, giving my neck a squeeze once more before loosening his grip but keeping his hand there. At this point I was panting like a wild animal, my head was a blur of thoughts and the throbbing between my legs was so intense I could barely focus.

"What do I have to do?" I breathed out against his lips. I watched a devilish smirk appear on his lips, almost a victorious one while mischievous at the same time.

"Beg" he spits back with a squint in his eyes as if testing the words falling from his mouth, whereas I couldn't be more fucking giddy.

"Fuck please let me taste you. I want to choke on your cock, hit the back of my throat and make me gag till I can't breathe. Please let me suck you off please daddy" all the breath left my lungs the second that last words fell from my lips and my eyes widen slightly. That wasn't part of the fucking plan. I don't know what happened it just slipped out. It's not my fault I have a bit of a daddy kink, problem is if he doesn't have one I've just massively embarrassed myself.

I stayed frozen refusing to move or even breathe as I waited for his reaction. God, I'm so stupid this is why I never show anyone this side of me because it always scares them away. They cant live up to this aspect of me and no doubt I've scared him away too. So here I am sitting on the counter his hand around my throat my hand on his dick and refusing to meet his eyes, that was of course until I felt his grip on my neck tighter and pull my head to look up at him. When I looked into his eyes I saw no shift in emotion, still blown out pupils and lust ridden, that's good right. His next words came out slow and in a deep low raspy voice that made goosebumps rise all over my skin, and I couldn't tell if it was in a good way or bad.

"What did you just call me?"

Haha, im fucked.  

Im so confused is he going to run away or fuck me senseless now. My brain was running wild and I couldn't focus on a single thought of an answer.

"I-i uh- I'm so-" I stumbled on my own words until he gave my throat a little squeeze and pulled me forward till his lips were just brushing against mine, his heavy breaths hitting my lips with every word

"What did you just call me" his voice was dangerously deep now and filled with a heavy rasp it sent a shiver down my spine. Looking in his eyes, now dark and almost black, from his blown-out pupils I could see in his eyes he was being serious about me answering him. I slowly raise my eyes up to his, look at him through my lashes.

"Daddy" I replied, my voice a little small and shy now. He let out a small moan while his dick jumped in his pants at the name. He squeezed my neck and smiled tauntingly.

"Aw baby come on, I know you're louder than that. Put that throat to good use before you cant use it at all" and that was the last thing he said before he used his hand on my throat to pull my lips to his till they crashed together he moved his hand from my neck and back down to my waist where he abruptly pulled me off the counter and flipped our bodies so that he was leaning against the counter. He pulled away from my mouth and grasped my throat but didn't apply pressure.

"Get on your knees. Now" he sneered.

Fuck, he didn't have to tell me twice I was on my knees in seconds my hands already working on his belt while my mouth came up to his hip just to the side of his happy trail, where I started sucking to leave my marl. I then got his pants undone and bite down at the same time the zipper feel and he moaned out in partial pleasure as well as relief.  I looked up at him and saw he had his head tilted back, his hand on the counter on each side of him, holding himself up. I finally grip the edge of his briefs and pull them down and the second his dick sprang free and hit his abdomen I clenched my thighs together. Fuck he seemed a lot bigger than before, and I couldn't be more excited. his briefs finally came to rest around his ankles and I figured with his eyes away from me id tease him a bit. Leaving my hands on his thighs, I brought my mouth down and his tip a small lick, the moan that fell from his lips was enough to make me shift in my spot on the floor. I gave his tip two more small licks before he groaned in frustration and grasped my throat again and his face came down to meet mine.

"So you're gonna be a brat now. Fucking teasing me is that it" I smiled cheekily up at him and he chuckled darkly shaking his head, those beautiful tresses bouncing with the movements. I wanted to run my fingers through it. "You're not helping yourself, baby. You're asking for it" he informs me.

"Fuck yes, please do whatever you want" I practically moaned out. He smiled that mischievous, devilish smile.

"You shouldn't have said that" he remarked before pressing his lips to mine, it wasn't as crazy as they were before though, no tongue tangling or crashing teeth, just his lips on mine assuringly, and he pulled away and looked into my eyes I could see the sexual facade had dropped and the seriousness in his eyes and I made me nervous for a moment because I thought maybe this was where hed run, or tell me im horrible, one of the two.

"Tap my thigh once for 'we're good'. Twice for 'slow down'. And three times for 'stop', are we good with that" he asked his voice gentle but stern in a way where I knew he was being serious and my heart fucking fluttered like a moth when it sees light.

How is he so fucking hot. And respectful?

I nodded in response but he shook his head.

"Words please baby" he murmured softly, and I bit my lip to try and contain my smile.

"Yes" I breathed out. He pecked my lips in agreement and stood back up and after he did I opened up my mouth and stuck my tongue flat out, but didn't approach his dick in any way. He looked at me with a squint in his eye, confused, but I held my position until I saw his eyes flash with amusement.

"There something you want angel?" he asked in amusement. At this point, I knew he knew what I wanted, but he was being a shit disturber about it. Either way, I nodded. He chuckled while leaning back down to me.

"What did I say about using that throat of yours. Tell me what you want angel" he prods. Fuck he's really going to make me say it. Now I'm nervous because anytime I've said it I was always made to feel bad about it, made to feel freak about it. But he seems to know what I want and is still telling me to say it, there just seems to be somet8ing different in his eye, some form of excitement, acceptance, and assurance all wrapped into one. So I spoke.

"Spit in my mouth" I whispered. I watch him smile down at me adoringly, before grabbing my throat and squeezing the sides. I watch him start to work his jaw as if already getting ready.

"I think you're missing something there" he taunts with a cheeky smile and I roll my eyes.

"Please spit in my mouth, Daddy" I emphasize this time with a pout and he hums approvingly before forcing my jaw open with his hand. I watch him intently perch his lips and watch in fascination as his spit dribble onto my tongue. I didn't even try to suppress the moan that fell from my lips as I retracted my tongue but didn't swallow. He stood back up and I finally brought my mouth down to his aching cock, and spat whatever he gave me plus my own down onto his dick before wrapping my mouth around his tip and pushing down to catch any spit from falling. The abrupt movement caught him off guard, and the obscene moan that fell from his mouth was just more motivation.

I pulled back and took in a breath before going back down until he hit the back of my throat, I moaned at the sensation. Fuck, I could feel myself dripping, my panties unbelievably wet. The moan vibrated down his cock and he bucked his hip forward, that's when he grasped the hair at the back of my head in a makeshift ponytail and without warning pushed my head down until I felt his cock curve down the back of my throat. We both moaned at the sensations, and he held me down for a moment, the little hairs on his pelvis tickling the tip of my nose, my nails digging into his thighs leaving little crescent shapes there.

He pulled back but not out before ramming his cock back down my throat and catching me off guard, causing a sharp pain to hit my throat but only adding to the pleasure. He found a rhythm he liked, kept his hand on the back of my head, both my hands gripping his thighs for dear life as he fucked my mouth. I felt the thick vein on the underside of his dick gliding against my tongue, his ragged breath and soft grunts huffing out with every thrust, the way his cock was curving down the back of my throat, the pain it was all so much in the best way it brought tears to my eyes, but fuck I didn't want it to stop.

"Look at me" he huffed out as he kept going. I glanced up at him through lashes and he grunted a bit. "Fuck so pretty, aren't you. Such a pretty little angel on her knees for me. You like taking Daddy's cock, don't you? You like it when I use you? When I fuck that pretty mouth till it hurts don't you?" fuck me I think I just came a bit, as he also started to go faster. His voice was raspy, and choppy like he had a hard time getting the words out. I moaned roughly either way, and I watched Harry's jaw clench at the same time. To answer him I hummed out a yes, as I felt the first tear fall.

"Fuck such a good girl. Such a good girl" he moaned tipping his head back in pleasure, at this point I was taking in large huffs from my nose to keep me going, but at the same time, it made me slightly dizzy, making my head feel fuzzy putting me in the blissed-out state. He finally pulled all the way out and I took in a breath of air, chest heaving and mind hazy. I felt harry grab my jaw and squeeze so I opened up my mouth knowing that's what he wanted, and he spits in my mouth again before going back to the position he was in.

"Tell me how good I am. Tell me how my little angel likes having me fill her up" he spits aggressively.

"Fuck daddy you fuck my mouth so good. Please don't stop" I begged already missing the warmth in my mouth. He smirked at me before grabbing my hair, lining me up and slamming his cock back into my mouth, I whimpered a bit but I didn't have time to dwell on it before he found his pace again.

"You feel me, baby? You feel Daddy's cock down your throat" when I hummed a pathetic yes, he pushed forward and spoke again. "Put your hand around your neck and squeeze I wanna feel you" Harry breathed out so I did as he said and squeezed when his hips came forward and his dick curved back.

"Fuck!" he yelled out and pulled back. Although with all the things that were happening at once, I let my lip slip from over my teeth, and when I felt him shudder above and he hisses out in slight pain, I got nervous.

"Jesus Christ was that your teeth?" he grasped out, practically hunched over, eyebrows pinched together, and eyes wired shut when I looked up at him. When he felt me nod slightly he responded.

"Fuck do it again" and so I did. The second the words left his mouth he went faster, starting to lose control as his orgasm was about to hit him. He started relentlessly fucking my mouth, tears were streaming down my face, spit and precum dripping off my chin, and the pressure in my lower belly so fucking intense it almost hurt now.

"Fuck angel im so close. Make me cum. Show me how good that mouth is" he rasped out. So I brought one of my hands to cup his balls, massaging them in my hands, rolling them back and forth, before squeezing them in my palm at the same time I let my teeth poke through grazing along his cock and that was his final straw. He shoved his dick back until it was so far down I couldn't breathe and his cum starting shooting down my throat.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck charlotte" he shouted followed by the most pornographic moan, his head, tipped back, jaw dropped open, eyes screwed shut and eyebrows pull together as he let go. His chest was moving up and down heavily and quickly as if he couldn't catch his breath. His neck and forehead were covered in sweat, his shirt sticking to his chest a bit, and his hair sticking to his forehead as well. It was the sexiest fucking thing I've ever seen.

He came quite a bit too. He released in several spurts, more than I thought he would, but when he finally pulled away sloppily, I hunched forward and grasped my thighs taking in gulps of air, I swallowed everything he gave me, which now hurt my throat, which sucked because now I don't know how much of dinner id actually be able to enjoy. Fuck if I cared though, that was so fucking hot and although I probably can't speak now and im pretty sure I wet right through to my pants, I would do it all over again.

I guess it had been a moment or two because I felt harry hands grasp my cheeks gently till I looked at him. He was crouched in front of my hair pushed back and out of his face, cheeks red and flushed. A beautiful post-orgasm glow left behind. While I on the other hand probably look like shit. He wiped my cheeks with his thumbs and brought me closer until our lips touched in a soft, and gentle kiss.

"You were so good for me baby" he murmured against my lips with a small smile to which I retired, he kissed me lightly again before pulling us both to a standing position, to which my knees almost buckled from being on the hardwood floor for too long.

"You ok?" he asks softly his hands on either side of my jaw now, thumbs sliding up and down my cheeks. I nodded.

I need so-" I could barely get my words out. The throat was raw and in pain, my voice was raspy and horse, almost unrecognizable. Well fuck. I cleared my throat and swallowed thickly even though it hurt.

"Water, please" I rasped out. My breathing finally returning to normal. I heard harry chuckle as he walked a few steps to rise and fill my wine glass with water.

"It's not-" my voice broke as if I was going through puberty all over again which didn't help my case, it only made his chuckle turn into a full on laugh. I smacked his shoulder and pouted.

"It's not funny, asshole" I grimaced at him. His smile went from amusement to apologetic as he handed me the water, to which I gladly gulped down. The first sip hurt like a bitch but I ended up drinking the whole thing.

He took my glass and placed it on the counter before coming up to me a placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Im sorry baby" he murmured against my head, in a tone that was so genuine and adorable I couldn't help but lose my pouty face.

"It's fine" I replied as best I could. He smiled down at me and looked at me with adoration.

"Don't worry Ace I'll repay you-" he smiled cheekily. I gave him a pointed look and poked my finger at his chest.

"You better"

"I promise. After dinner though" he smiled charmingly before turning around and pulling stuff from the fridge. My face dropped in shock. Tell me I didn't hear that right. Tell me he did not just fucking say I have to wait till after we're done cooking and eating.

"Ex-fucking-scuse me?" I question in shock. "You're joking right" he turned back to me, stalked over to me and lifted my chin with his finger his lips inches from mine, his emerald irises boring into my brown ones.

"Oh, angel Daddy never jokes. You'll get your turn, after dinner and if you behave. Told you, you giving me permission to do whatever I wanted was a bad idea" he pecked my lips cheekily before heading back to the counter and getting started with dinner while whistling whatever song was playing in the background that I had completely forgotten about. I was seething in my spot. That fucker, I can't believe he'd do that. He's going to get it next time fuck ill tease him all day if I have too but he's going to pay for this one.

Fuck he's going to be the death of me.

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