Ephemeral You | Shoto Todorok...


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"Soulmate?..." The male groaned slightly, staring at the body laid on top of him. βΈΊ π–πŽπ‹π… π€π‚π€π‚πˆπ”οΏ½... More

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Aizawa opened the door to Nezu's office as he and Wolf had arrived just minutes after walking from the dorms. As the two entered the room, they could see the principal having a serious yet laid back conversation with Tsukauchi over a cup of tea.

"Oh, you two are here," Nezu paused his conversation with Tsukauchi as the sounds of the two males' footsteps caught his attention. "We were about to call for somebody to check on you. Has something happened?"

"Nothing serious," Aizawa shook his head, declining to explain the details.

"Good morning, Mr Nezu," Wolf greeted the principal with his hand over his chest.

"Good morning to you too, Wolf," Nezu waved his little paw slightly, gesturing the boy to sit on the couch too as Aizawa had done. "Have a seat. Would you like a cup of tea? It's green tea."

"Thank you, Mr Nezu," Wolf sat down beside Aizawa, not sure if he should drink the tea given by Nezu.

Wolf was truly a fan of tea and even carried tea set in his dimensional pocket, but green tea? He had never heard of them. So, he took a sip while copying the way Nezu held the cup to show his gratitude towards him. It tasted quite well for him. Aizawa, on the other hand, didn't drink the tea at all and told the two to cut to the chase.

Tsukauchi nodded before starting, "So, Wolf. You've told us about yourself and your kingdom briefly yesterday. But we need to find our more clue about what actually happened and the abnormalities of this situation right now."

"The abnormalities?" Wolf was lost for a moment.

"Like how you can speak the same language as us," Nezu explained to the boy and placed his cup onto the table. "You're speaking Japanese, aren't you?"

"Japanese? I'm speaking in my mother's tongue language, it sounds just like what all of you are speaking. That why I believed that I was still in the continent," Wolf answered. He was just as confused as Nezu. So, he was speaking Rhyladonis and Japanese at the same time?

"Can you read this?" Tsukauchi opened an article of what seemed to be a buff barbarian in a tight suit and charismatic yet creepy smile to Wolf's eyes. But the article was, in fact, All Might rescuing some citizens from minor criminals that morning.

Wolf frowned for a second, "I can't."

"You can't?" Aizawa's eyes widened a bit as Tsukauchi was stunned in his spot.

"There's actually a spell that helps me understand any languages verbally but non-verbally. I haven't used it even until now since the time I was found in the alley. So, it was confusing for me to understand what you were saying too," Wolf elaborated the details as he was still looking over the three.

"Hmm, it could be that our languages are the same in verbal but the non-verbal is different. Can you write us something in your language?" Nezu requested and the boy nodded.

Tsukauchi was about to take out the little notebook he had with him for the boy but Wolf being half-warlock was faster than him. The boy had pulled out a vintage looking book and a quill pen dipped in a small bottle with ink from a silver ring before he could even blink.

"Tch," Aizawa gazed at the boy, seeing how convenient his magic was.

Wolf took the quill pen, wrist flicking slightly as he directed his hand towards his notebook. With sophisticated movement ⸺that the three had rarely witnessed before⸺ he wrote down words that were impossible for the three adults to read. They couldn't understand it at all but all that they learned was the boy was truly a noble in his kingdom.

"What's that?" Tsukauchi asked as he peered over the paper with the other two.

"It's my full name," Wolf simply replied as he pushed he paper further to the middle of the table.

Nezu hummed, "It's quite obvious that we absolutely can't read this. I have never seen this language before. What do you call it?"


"And about your magic. Can you explain them?" Nezu intertwined his paws as he placed them on top of his knees. He smiled politely towards Wolf.

"There's a lot of spells that I have learned. Almost all of them but I missed some of my lessons due to knight training or my magic tutor just didn't put them in the lesson," Wolf found himself fidgeting with the end of the cardigan as he pulled the sleeve to his wrists.

"There are mostly three types of spells in one category. I can do all Minor Spells, Arcane Item, controls earth and water, apply Enchanting to my weapons, Heal, create and summon minor items, creates illusion and one spell in Psionic which is Telekinesis."

"That's a lot," Aizawa seemed shocked as he took a glance at the boy.

"It is but there's more that I haven't mastered yet," Wolf nodded as he heard what the male was mumbling.

"Do you know why Tsukauchi can't use his quirk on you?" Nezu asked after thinking for a while.

"Mental spells mostly wouldn't work on people that reached magic capabilities as me. High mages are trained to build an invisible barrier in their mind to avoid being hypnotised by Mental spells," Wolf pointed to his temple for a second.

"Then, what's 'Arcane Item'?" Aizawa inquired for an explanation as he turned to the boy.

"It means to create magic items that can possess magic that you have learned. There are three tiers for this magic and I'm still in the process of learning the third one. It is to create an item that holds the magic that you haven't learned," Wolf took out a dagger from his ring. "For example, this dagger over here is successfully made after my fiftieth attempt. It holds Meta-Magic's Spellblade. This dagger has lightning element but I barely used it because I can't control rare elements well. It might risk others' lives."

"What a great power you have," Nezu commented as he nodded once again. "Erasurehead."

"Yes?" Aizawa looked up from the table.

"Bring Wolf to Gym Gamma."


"May I ask what's this place?" Wolf questioned as he entered Gym Gamma. He stared into the place and only saw the huge space the hall-like place was providing, it was almost as wide as the ballroom in the castle but still not comparable.

"This place is called Gym Gamma. One of the training ground for the students," a simple answer came from Aizawa as he passed the boy with his hands tucked into his pants.

"We're here to observe your fighting and defence skills," Nezu added as he trailed beside the confused boy.

"May I also ask why?"

"You'll get your answer after this session," Nezu didn't answer Wolf's question as to how he had wished.

Wolf failed to hide his frown, feeling a bit of anger rushed in him. Were they thinking of him as a threat? It seemed logic but there was no way would he step so low then how he already had.

"Of course," Wolf simply replied. "What was the first training?"

"Combat," Aizawa was the one to speak at the moment as he gripped onto his scarf. "You can't use your magic and only try holding me down with your bare hands."

"Is that so?" Wolf seemed amused for a moment, scoffing shortly as he took off his cardigan. It vanished into thin air as he let them go and he dusted his clothes a bit. "Then I'll accept it."

"Great," Nezu nodded in satisfaction as he walked away from the two, standing somewhere safe in the gym at a safe distance.

Wolf took a deep breath, heaving before staring back at Aizawa. He knew many movements techniques after years of training harshly to be a knight at the age of 15 but seeing that he had turned back to the starting point of his career had him not confident enough in his strength now.

'Just hold him down,' Wolf chanted in his mind as he waited for the signal from Aizawa to start. He cleared his mind, easing them to not send himself into recklessness. He imagined the water fountain in Vaughan's residence, serene and surrounded by roses. Calm. He was calm⸺

"Let it all out, kid. I'll not go easy on you," Aizawa sighed as wore the yellow goggles that revealed themselves when the scarf from his neck was taken off loosely. His hair was up, again, and Wolf could see the slight glare the older male had given him through the goggles.

"Well understood, sir," Wolf nodded and get into his combat fighting stance.



Aizawa's scarf was directed towards Wolf, trying to capture him. The boy ran in his direction, dodging the scarf smoothly as he slid against the ground. The scarf came again at a fast pace and he tumbled away.

"Stop dodging, kid. Are you sure that's a good strategy?" Aizawa mocked slightly as he sprinted towards the boy, scarf directing again towards him.

"Why don't you tell me?" Wolf scowled slightly, his polite demeanour dropped for a moment. He too ran towards the male's direction, taking a grip of the end of the scarf.

"Wrong move."


Aizawa dragged Wolf's body against the ground for meters and the boy tried to break away. With a groan, the poor boy was thrown slightly against the ground. He cursed under his breath, seeing the teacher wasn't as worn out as he was.

Lunging forward, Wolf darted towards Aizawa and tried to elbow the male. The scarf smacked him on the back and his face met the ground harshly. Cuts and scratches adorned his once pale face.


Wolf charged but rolled onto the ground once again.


The boy failed.


With the quickened pace of his breathing, Wolf lunged again towards Aizawa. The male dodged and Wolf once again ended up on the floor, but this time close to him. Wolf took the opportunity and swiftly kicked Aizawa's feet off the ground.

"Whoa!" Aizawa struggled to balance himself, at the same time trying to restrain the boy.

Shortly, Wolf's arm was wrapped with Aizawa's scarf. This time, instead of pulling it off his body, he tugged on the scarf with all his might making Aizawa collapsed in front of him. The two were tangled up, Aizawa attempting to stop the boy's movement with Wolf trying to make the male surrender under his foot.

The two struggled as they were laced by Aizawa's scarf. Constantly pushing and pulling, trying to send a blow towards each other. The boy gasped slightly, trying to breathe.

Managed to glare a bit, Aizawa punched the boy's face while crouching down, stunning his opponent who unexpectedly collected himself.

A growl rumbled slightly in Wolf's throat as he raised his leg, mumbling an inaudible sorry as he kneed Aizawa's head. The older male dropped to the front, managing to not bite his tongue. Wolf landed his leg on the side of his body, holding down the teacher with his other knee.

"It's over⸺"


Aizawa's scarf came and yanked Wolf's hair hardly, rolling away from the boy's knee. Wolf was torn away from his back and now was the one to lay on the ground as he knelt onto the boy's torso.

"Nice try, Wolf, but you failed," Aizawa's words came crashing the boy's expectation down.

"I...know..." Wolf patted Aizawa's knee, pleading for the male to let go. He felt awful. He thought that he could win and thought highly of himself yet, he was the one being captured on the ground of Gym Gamma.

Truly, Wolf was a failure. And he knew that.

Aizawa stood up and dusted his clothes, "You need to try harder and sharpen your skill. Don't miss the opponent's movement. They could have anything up their sleeves."

"Noted, Sir. Thanks for the advice," Wolf simply replied. It would be a lie if he said he regretted accepting the challenge because he didn't.

Wolf would never regret.

"Well done," Nezu clapped as he came towards the two. "Your fighting and defence skill is quite good for being a 15-year-old. However, Erasurehead is right. You should sharpen your skills back now that your body has rewind."

Wolf nodded. He couldn't speak, not much when a hard lump seemed to form in his throat as he begged for air silently. He was still adjusting to his body and a combat fight surely wasn't something great for him. He didn't tell anyone but he actually fully healed all of the wounds he had at the hospital except the one on his back.

"Now, I can proudly say that you pass the test," Nezu stated and smiled wider than before.

"Test? What are you planning, Nezu?" Aizawa seemed unpleased, frowning slightly at the principal.

Wolf coughed a bit and he could feel something rising from his oesophagus but held it back. He shouldn't talk and would let Aizawa find the truth for him.

"Nothing bad, really. I just find this boy perfectly fit to be here. He has worth and should be recruited in the meantime. Also, to secure his safety," Nezu explained and Wolf was balling his fist, trying to control his fast breathing.

Bad. The situation was bad.

"But we have only tested his combat skills."

Wolf could feel the mana from the earth overflowed into him and it was too much to take.

"We can find out more after taking him in. He was once an adult and is probably way more experienced than we thought."

Too much.

Aizawa sighed, "Whatever..."

Too much...

Nezu turned to face the boy, "Well, Wolf. Welcome to U.A!"

Wolf hurled his body forward.

"Wolf?!" Nezu and Aizawa spoke in unison.

The two were stunned in their spot for a split moment before rushing towards the male. Blood was dripping from Wolf's mouth, running from his jaw to his torso. The iron soaked the black material, wetting them with an unpleasant smell. The boy collapsed to kneel onto the floor as he gripped hardly onto his chest, wheezing for air desperately.

"Call the Recovery Girl!" Nezu instructed Aizawa as he observed the boy, pushing his hair away from his face. Aizawa nodded and took out his phone. "Wolf, can you hear me?"

The semi-unconscious boy blinked slowly, the sounds around him muffled as he struggled to keep his eyes open. Hands rested on the ground, Wolf coughed rapidly and more blood seemed to sputter from his lips. Nezu frowned in worries, taking off his suit and attempting to wipe clean the boy's lower bloody face.

"Try to stay awake, help will come soon," Nezu dabbed the cloth onto Wolf's jaw, hushing a little in comfort.

"I-I'll try," Wolf winced, fighting to keep his eyes open but black spots started to fill his vision.

And as many footsteps reached his eardrums cloudedly, the boy gave in to the darkness.


Thank you for reading!

Any polite comments are welcomed.
I hope that you enjoy this chapter.

Stay healthy❤

Please do look forward to seeing the next chapter!

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