By dtrixiane

513K 15K 945

30 years old Trixia was a successful lawyer who devoted all her life from childhood to adulthood solely to he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Extra Chapter

Chapter 21

10.7K 322 22
By dtrixiane

It was almost 8pm and Herain had waited for more than 30 minutes already

She was waiting for Ishid outside the desert shop with a luggage on her hand

"Did something go wrong?" she uttered to herself

Just then, a black Mercedes-Benz suddenly stopped in front of her

"It's one of Rhaveir's car" she nervously uttered to herself

The car door opened and what came out was just as Herain predicted

Rhaveir glance at her luggage and a glint of despair was shown in her handsome cold face

Herain was not able to see it as she hang her head down afraid that she might cry if she gaze at him

"Enter inside" he coldly stated

Herain obediently entered inside the car for she knows better that she had no personal rights anymore

The car was in deep silence which made the chauffeur even more nervous to clearly see that the Miss has no intention in talking with his boss

The both of them are gazing in an opposite direction

"Remember this, your body only belongs to me and everything that you are has already been sold to me" Rhaveir coldly stated

"If your heart by chance falls in love with a man other than me, I'll force it to love only me no matter how much it cries, all of you are mine to take, you're my doll and mine alone" he added

"I know" Herain responded in a reserved manner

'But you know, my heart had long been yours and I hate that' Herain bitterly thought to herself

They returned back to White Wisteria and Vivian immediately approached Herain as she entered

"Miss, were you hurt?" she worriedly asked

"I'm fine, I'll just go take a rest" Herain calmly replied

"From now on you are not allowed to set foot out of White Wisteria" he coldly ordered

He glance at Vivian as he said "All you want to get from outside must be relayed to your maid and she will inform me first before getting anything"

Vivian was shocked to hear that Herain can no longer step outside and that she even has to report every little thing to his boss

"I understand" Herain calmly replied as he walked upstairs towards her room

After she was gone, Rhaveir returned back to Reign

The chauffeur entered the house as he handed Herain's luggage to Vivian as he said "This is Miss Herain's belongings"

A while later, Vivian knocked on Herain's door as she said "Miss, I brought you some ice cream"

"Just leave it in the fridge" Herain replied

Vivian was surprised for it was the first time Herain declined something she gives especially if it's sweets

Vivian walked back to the kitchen and left the ice cream then she came back knocking on Herain's door again

"Miss, can I enter?" she worriedly asked

It took a little while for Herain to respond then she said "Come in"

Vivian slowly entered her room and what greeted her eyes is Herain lying lifelessly on her bed

"Thank you for cleaning my bed" Herain uttered lifelessly

"Have you seen my phone?" she asked

"The president has your phone Miss" Vivian replied

"Miss, did something bad happened?" Vivian asked as she walked towards her

"It's nothing, don't worry about it" she replied

Vivian didn't probe any further seeing that Herain has no intention on telling her, she just silently stayed by her side

2 days later, Elayne visited White Wisteria

"Where is Herain?" she asked to Vivian

"Miss Herain has been staying in her room all the time and she only comes out when it's meal time" Vivian worriedly stated

"Did the president do something to her after she came back?" Elayne asked

"The president did not allow Miss Herain to step out of White Wisteria but I'm more worried with the Miss" Vivian stated

"Ever since she came back, she never smiled once even when I bought her favorite deserts she didn't react at all" she added

"He did not allow her to go out?" Elayne asked

"Yes and the president even hired more security guards so White Wisteria is more stricter in letting anyone in" she explained

"No wonder they asked for my personal information" Elayne stated

"They must have informed the president by now that you are here" Vivian replied

"Can I go see her?" Elayne hastily asked

Vivian guided Elayne towards Herain's room as she knocked on her door

"Miss, Secretary Elayne has come to see you" Vivian stated

"Can I come in?" Elayne politely asked

Herain uttered a small sound of approval and the both of them slowly entered the room

Herain was playing games on her laptop as she calmly said "Why are you here?"

"May I talk to you for a minute?" Elayne asked

Herain paused her game and looked at Elayne as she said "What is it?"

Elayne walked towards her as she asked "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Herain calmly gaze at her as she asked "Have you visited your mother?, Is she doing well?"

Elayne was surprised by her unexpected response as she shook her head and said "I haven't"

"Then, can you visit her and be kind to her in my stead?" Herain asked

"Why are you being like this?, I was partly to blame that you were violated by the president" Elayne exclaimed

"Because you stood up for me, those persons gave you the aphrodisiac" she added

Upon hearing this, Vivian was in a total shocked and it dawned to her the reason why Herain's white sheets was stained with blood

"I'm sure you didn't mean for this to happen" Herain replied

"How can you be so sure that I didn't wish for this to happen?!, I see you as my enemy" Elayne exclaimed once more

Herain stood up from her seat and gently pat Elayne's head as she said "Because I know you are not an evil person, everyone tries hard for the one they love and I do too"

Elayne's tears uncontrollably fell down her face as she hang her head down and said "Why didn't we just became normal friends"

"You can be my friend if you want to" Herain stated

Elayne's eyes tears up once more and she embraced Herain and said "I'm sorry"

Herain patted her back as she said "You don't have to apologize, you haven't done anything wrong"

Just then, Assistant Ryuo suddenly barged in as he said "Miss, the president is waiting for you downstairs"

Elayne lets go of Herain and all of them got out and walked towards the kitchen

Rhaveir glance at Elayne as he coldly said "Did I not tell you to ask permission to me before entering here?"

Before Elayne could apologize, Herain immediately replied "I invited her here, forgive me for overstepping my boundaries, it will not happen again"

Elayne was touched by Herain's words but at the same time she was worried that her bright personality was disappearing

"You can now go" Rhaveir stated to Elayne

Elayne bowed her head and exited at White Wisteria

Assistant Ryuo and Vivian were also ordered to go out leaving just the two of them in the kitchen

"I bought you a cake, eat it" he calmly stated as he gazed at Herain

She obediently sat on the chair and took a bite on the cake without much reaction

"Did you not like it?" he asked while gazing at her

"It's alright" Herain lifelessly replied

Rhaveir sat near her as he said "Aren't you going to ask why I'm here?"

Herain glanced at him as she apathetically asked "Why are you here?"

"I'll be eating dinner with you from now on and you will sleep with me in my bed everynight" he replied

Herain was surprised but she didn't let it show as she calmly said "Okay"

Rhaveir gaze at her as he said "Don't worry, I won't do that to you again"

"You can do anything you want to me since I'm just a toy doll and you're my owner" she lifelessly replied

After her response, everything went silent and Herain just resume eating the cake

After he took an interest on her, he was always used to the cheerful Herain who always had a smile on her face as she talks to him

Her sudden change of approach towards him is like thorns in his heart, slowly but constantly prickling him

That night, the two of them ate together and it was the most silent dinner ever

After Herain washed herself up, she quietly entered Rhaveir's room and he was currently accessing some documents on his table

She walked towards his bed and lay down to sleep as she closed her eyes

Sensing her presence, Rhaveir gaze at her figure as he walked towards his bed

It was a huge bed enough for 10 people to sleep with but she was laying on the edge of the bed

He laid down on his bed and glance at Herain whose back is facing him

"Can you turn to this side and face me?" he asked

Even for just a moment, he desperately wanted to gaze at her

Upon hearing this, Herain turned her body around facing him with her eyes still close

She never knew that this simple gesture of her had made the man beside her happy

Rhaveir grabbed her closer as he embraced her in his sturdy arms and her little figure was completely enveloped by his

Her scent calmed his heart and he slept soundly afterwards

Herain on the other hand was in a desperate situation of calming her beating heart

Even though this man before her was as cold as ice, his body was warm and he was even wrapping his hand around her

That night, it was the best sleep Rhaveir had in his entire life while Herain on the other hand was only able to sleep for 2 hours

After he returned back to his company, Herain immediately goes back to her room and sleep till her heart's content

At Reign Company

Ever since his boss have known that Herain was with another guy

The company workers were in a turmoil, their boss made them overworked and he even made the next month's work finished in just a week

Then after having his work done, he suddenly said that he will be returning at exactly 9pm at White Wisteria from now on

Assistant Ryuo thought that he should get used to the hostile ambience in his office but surprisingly when he entered his office today it was particularly calm

"Is the president ill?, since when did he have mood swings" he uttered to his self

All his years as he worked for him, he had only seen one reaction from his boss no matter the circumstances

At Rhaveir's office

"President, can I go visit Herain this afternoon?, I think her mood will get better if I gave her some homemade dumplings that she likes" Elayne politely stated

"Did you become friends?" he casually asked

Elayne nodded her head then said "I'm curious about something, can I ask?"

Rhaveir glanced at her so Elayne gathered the courage to ask

"Does the president perhaps love Herain as a woman and the things that you did were out of jealousy?" she curiously asked

Rhaveir reverted back his gaze and responded with silence

"If you keep on doing this to her, she might really slip out of your fingers and get captured by another man" Elayne calmly stated

He coldly glance at her as he said "30 minutes, after that get out of there"

Elayne bowed her head and exited his office

At White Wisteria, In Herain's room

"Did you get permission from him?" Herain asked

Elayne nodded her head as she said "He only gave me 30 minutes to stay here"

Just then, Elayne suddenly got closer to Herain as she whispered "Which thing did you name Rhavy?"

"Why?" Herain asked in response

"The president placed an audio recording device on it so he knows whatever we talk about" Elayne whispered on her

Herain gaze at Rhavy placed on her bed whom she cherished very much since it was the first gift he gave her

"So he didn't gave it as a gift but to keep watch on me" Herain commented with disappointment clouding in her eyes

"So did you already visit your mother?" Herain asked

Elayne nodded her head as she said "It's awkward at first but she doesn't have much days to live so I decided I'll stay by her side till her last breath"

"I'm glad you decided that, I kind of pity your mother in a way" she replied

"I brought some dumplings that I made myself, do you want to eat it downstairs?" Elayne asked

"Sure, you can go down first I'll catch up later" she replied

Elayne got out of her room and Herain walked towards her closet

She removed the diamond ring from her finger and hid it in her jewelry box

Even after Rhaveir violated her, she still hold on to her ring hoping that all the time she enjoyed with him he was even a little bit sincere

"I guess I was wrong again" she mumbled as she gaze at the fluffy teddy bear she once adored

As Herain got down to the kitchen, the aromatic dumplings were already at the table

Just then, Vivian suddenly arrived carrying a box on her hand

"What is that?" Herain asked to Vivian

"I brought you your favorite vanilla ice cream Miss" Vivian stated with a smile

"You two, although I like eating these do you both think I'm a pig or something?" Herain stated

"Well it's what cheers you up right?" Elayne replied

"Yeah, you two are the best" Herain stated as she sat on the chair and grabbed a piece of dumpling

"Thank you" Herain stated with a smile as she gaze at the two of them

"Miss, you finally smiled" Vivian exclaimed

"It's good that you got your appetite back" Elayne stated

"I'll make sure to treat you two next time" Herain stated as she stuffed the dumpling on her mouth

The three of them enjoyed eating ice cream and dumplings together as they talked about random things

Afterwards, Elayne and Vivian left for work leaving Herain to her room watching a movie

That night, Rhaveir Wisteria arrived at exactly 9pm and the two of them shared dinner together

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