Exotic Love | Yeonbin

By lil_rachaaaaa

302K 16.5K 18.9K

Yeonjun works at a strip club and is used to getting flirted with by just about everyone but this guy is more... More



11.9K 618 738
By lil_rachaaaaa

Yeonjun was bored at home watching tv by himself and decided he would actually use Soobin's number for the first time in a few days.

He called him and it rang a few times before he answered.


"Soobin...h-hey its Yeonjun."

"What can I do for you princess?"

Yeonjun blushed, he wasn't usually soft, he definitely acted cocky and his eyes seemed to put a little fear into people sometimes.

"I wanted to do something."

"And what do you want to do?"

"Go to the mall."

"Okay what time do you want me to pick you up?"

Yeonjun was surprised by how easy it was for him to get Soobin to do things for him.

"Whenever you are free today."

"I'll be there in 20 minutes." He hung up and Yeonjun got up running to put on a cute outfit and do his makeup.

He heard a few knocks at his door and he got up answering it.

"Hey beautiful."

"Is all you know how to do is flirt?" Yeonjun asked.

"Of course not, there's a lot of other things I can do

"You know it's not that easy to get my heart."

"Good thing I'm not going for it." He scanned over his body and Yeonjun could feel his eyes. "Come on let's go." They walked to Soobin's car which was an expensive looking camaro.

"How many cars do you have?" Yeonjun asked remembering that he rode in his Mercedes Benz last time.

"Four, why? Do you wanna borrow one?"

Yeonjun gave him a look. "I can...borrow one of your cars?"

"Yeah I don't mind, you can have whatever your pretty heart desires." He opened the door for Yeonjun who got in looking around the car in awe.

Soobin got in and they drove to the mall.

They walked around for a bit before Yeonjun saw a store he wanted to go into.

"Can we go in there?" He asked pointing in the direction of the store.

Soobin looked up and nodded. "Of course princess, we can go into any store you want." He answered with a gentle smile.

Yeonjun returned the smile and happily went inside with Soobin following behind him.

It was a pop culture store with a little goth in it. He went inside getting some cute crop tops and oversized shirts, fishnet stockings and a collar like choker.

(A/N: Had to bring back baby boy Yeonjun ;))

Soobin bought the clothes for him and walked out holding his bags for his sugar baby.

"Anywhere else you wanna go?" Soobin asked.

"I can go somewhere else?"

Soobin chuckled and nodded. "I said my limit is 700 per date but since you're so cute I'll up it to 1000 so in other words yes."

The way Yeonjun's face lit up made Soobin's heart flutter. He was happy that he found a sugar baby as cute as him.

Yeonjun didn't seem to care for the big name brand places and Soobin was surprised that he didn't make a b-line to an electronic store like past sugar babies had done. Instead, he got cute things like keychains, accessories, shoes and they even went to build-a-bear.

"Have you ever built a bear before?" Yeonjun asked.

"No I don't get out much." He answered.

"Really? Let's make one together, it'll be fun."

Soobin nodded and followed him inside. He was genuinely enjoying himself with Yeonjun, a warm feeling he hadn't felt in awhile

"What about this outfit for him?" Yeonjun asked.

Soobin tilted his head. "What about that one?" He pointed to a cute t-shirt and shorts.

"Oooo I like that one." Yeonjun picked it up and they went to check out, the workers put the clothes on the bear for them before they left.

Yeonjun looked at the bear holding him up. "What should we name him?"

"Soojun." Soobin answered immediately.

Yeonjun giggled. "Soojun?" He asked.

"It's a combination of our names since we made him together."

"I love it, Choi Soojun it is."

"Where else do you wanna go?"

"Mmmm...let's get lunch." Soobin stared at him and then laughed, earning a confused look. "What?"

"I've never met someone who had a 1000 dollar limit leave the mall so fast, besides this is barely 400 dollars worth of stuff."


Soobin looked at him. "You're extraordinarily Yeonjun."

The pink haired male blushed looking down at his feet. "So we can eat right?" He asked.

"Of course we can baby. Where do you wanna go?"

"You pick this time."

Soobin was a bit surprised. "Really?" He asked and Yeonjun nodded. "Okay um...I know this really nice restaurant across town let's go there."

"Really nice? Am I dressed okay for that?"

"Not really but that's okay."

Yeonjun pouted. "Let me change first."

"Junnie it's okay really, no one will judge you besides what you have on now is really cute."

Yeonjun reluctantly went and the restaurant was a lot nicer than what he expected. He felt so out of place, they looked through the menu and soon order.

"So baby tell me about yourself." Soobin spoke first.

"What do you want to know?"


"Okay well...I'm the only child, umm my mom lives in Busan and my dad left when I was 5 and-"

"He left?" Soobin asked and Yeonjun simply nodded. "I know what that's like."

"Your dad left too?" Soobin nodded. "Does that have anything to do with you being a sugar daddy?"

Soobin smiled at him. "You're a smart guy." He picked his drink up sipping. "He wasn't someone I looked up to and we didn't get along well, but I guess I could thank him for being rich since he died last year."

Yeonjun really regretted asking now. "Soobin I'm so sorry-"

He shrugged. "Don't be, he was abusive I didn't need him anyways." They changed the subject but had a good conversation laughing with each other.

Not a bad day at all.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

How is everyone todaaaay??! 💛💛💛

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