Imagine to believe || Fillie

By strangerodds

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(fillie au) In which Finn find's out about the deep secrets behind all his abilities, and why it's there in t... More

Chapter 1: Changes
Chapter 2: Back
Chapter 3: Cat
Chapter 4: Trailer buddy
Chapter 6: Dream
Chapter 7: Baking
Chapter 8: Alpha
Chapter 9: Sleepover
Chapter 10: Blurry flashbacks
Chapter 11: Silhouette
Chapter 12: Sick
Chapter 13: Delmi
Chapter 14: Spirit
Chapter 15: Help
Chapter 16: Believe
Chapter 17: Invitation
Chapter 18: Confession
Chapter 19: Time
Chapter 20: England
Chapter 21: Cookies
Chapter 22: Golden
Chapter 23: Show me
Chapter 24: Family
Chapter 25: A promise you can't keep
Chapter 26: Determination

Chapter 5: New information

49 6 14
By strangerodds

Millie's pov:

"Yesterday was really interesting, so first of all there is a freaking Harry Potter sequel" I squealed in front of Sadie and Noah. We we're in mine and Finn's trailer and we are on our break from filming.

They looked shocked then there faces broke into the widest grin and they squealed with me.

"And Finn just got asked if he wanted to audition for Damsel Potter!, that's why I know about this" I said excitedly

"Wait did you say Finn is being casted with the Harry Potter cast?" Sadie asked shocked

"Yeah, but he still need the audition and I doubt he's not gonna get the role" I replied smiling and they gave me knowing looks

"Yeah! Harry Potter is gonna happen again" Noah exclaims

"oh and this weird thing happened yesterday too, there was this bunch of weird looking people and they had staff's and weapons with them. There was this one woman who step up and asked for Finn and he asked her why and she just said to come with them and Finn declined then we both tried to get away from them but they blocked our way glaring at us but Finn was not having any of it then surprisingly he swooped me in his arms and found a way between two men and continuously running for a WHOLE 15 minutes and when we got back from here he doesn't even look tired! not even one bead of sweat formed!" I told them the story and they just sat there open mouthed.

"Uh guys? you there?" I said waving my hand infront of them and they broke out from their stance.

"Wait what?" Noah asked confused and I just shrugged

"Finn can cary you?!"Noah added utterly shocked

"Yes Noah I was shocked too, believe me" I said nodding my head

"Wow, didn't know Finn has that kind of strength cause Millie your really heavy even I can't cary you" Noah bluntly stated and Sadie laughed.

"I take that as really offensive guys" I said crossing my arm acting mad but then broke out laughing with them.

Then the door shoots open which made the three of us jump from our seats.

"Yes Ryan I'm coming don't worry. No I just got an extra scene to shoot. Okay see you there" Finn was talking fastly on the phone he was holding to his ear while walking rapidly around the trailer to get his stuff and he looked at us then stopped.

"Uh hi Finn" I awkwardly waved, Noah and Sadie did too.

"Oh hi guys sorry for the racket I'm just really trying to catch the time for the photoshoot" He explains apologizing and continuing what he was doing

"No it's fine" I said smiling the two beside me just kept silent.

Finn looked down at his watch then cursed "shit well uh, bye guys. Oh and mills, there's brownies in the fridge, I baked it for you so you better it eat" He sternly stated on his way out the door and I almost melted at his kind gesture.

"Aw thanks Finnie we'll eat it" I said smiling and he smiled back dashing out the door.

"Aww... my fillie heart is melting" Sadie cooed and Noah agreed

I rolled my eyes at their antics "So you guy's want brownies or not?" I asked standing up to go to the fridge

"Yeah we'll try it. We hadn't tasted Finn's baking before though" Noah confessed

"Me too" I said loolimg around the small fridge then spotting the good looking brownies.

I raised the brownies that was on a tupperware signalling it to the two that was seated on the couch.

I went to join them again "Ooh.. open it!" Sadie demanded eagerly

"okay, okay" I chuckled opening the tupperware and the smell was the best I've ever smelled my whole life in all hisrory of brownies.

"Oh my gosh this fucking smells so good!" Noah exclaims grabbing one cube of the brownies.

I grabbed one and Sadie did too "Oh my gosh.. I'm in heaven" Sadie exageratingly said

"mmm.... I agree" I said biting into the brownie I'm holding

"Gosh, Finn can bake" Noah commented and standing up with the tupperware containing the brownies

"What are you doing?" I asked skeptically and he just went to go out me and Sadie following questionably.

Noah started running to the place where the filming was going on "Noah slow down!" Me and Sadie called out laughing confusedly.

"FINN FREAKING WOLFHARD CAN FUCKING BAKE!" Noah suddenly esclaims holding the brownies up his head like a precious diamond.

Everyone stopped at what they were doing and looked at Noah, me and Sadie behind him jumped back a bit at his shout.

"What?" someone ask's from the crowd

Noah cleared his throat "Finn can bake" everyone just looked back at him and started laughing

"are you sure?" Matt said wiping a tear while laughing

Noah scoffed and I crossed my arms 'just wait till they try this heavenly delicious brownies made by my son'

"If you want proof, then here's your proof" Noah said stepping closer to Matt the brownies in front of him signalling Matt to grab one.

"What's this?" Matt asked questionably

"Finn's really delicious brownies" I stated proudly and he looked at me then back at the brownies finally picking up one.

"Gosh, just bite into it!. It won't kill you" Sadie said rasing both hands in frustration.

Matt shrugs then bit into it me, Noah and Sadie watching intently for his reaction.

His eyes widened "What The, this taste's better than grandma's!" Matt exclaims clearly enjoying the brownie he continuosly munched.

"Told ya" I said proudly and Gaten and Caleb came forward

"Can I try one?" Gaten asked looking at Matt's satisfied look

"Me too" Caleb added in

"hmmm... I don't know, are you worth it?" Noah jokingly asked

"Yeah!, we're also Finn's best friends" Caleb answered Gaten nodding

"m'kay here you go" Noah said handing them the tupperware and Gaten grabbed it.

They both enjoyed it and soon enough the whole cast tried one 'good thing Finn baked a lot'

"Wow, we didn't know Finn could bake all this time" Ross announced unbelievably and everyone agreed.

"Finn should bake something tomorrow for the buffet" Natalia voiced out

"Yeah, we could convince him" Shawn said

"I never thought he could be even more talented" Cara added in sounding proud

"Yeah, he's great" I said and everyone gave me looks

"What?" I asked confused and they just said 'nothing'
Finn's pov:

"Okay, thank you guys!" I called out to the people on the photoshoot "And thank you Andy for having me" I told the middle aged woman shaking her hand.

"And thank you too Finn, your really amazing hope we can have you again" She said smiling and I smiled back.

"Yeah, hope next time I wont break one of your lighting's" I said chuckling her doing the same.

"It's fine, you didn't shatter it so it's still usable" She said kindly

"well we better get going now" I said gesturing to me and Ryan who is by my side and they both had they're farewell's.

We went out the studio "So Finn do you need a ride back to the set?" Ryan asked walking to the parking lot.

"Nah it's fine dude, and besides you go to the other way and I'll just call an uber or something" I replied and he looked at me unsurely.

"seriously it's fine" I confirmed hoping I could convince him.

"Well if that's what you want sir" He answered professionally 'geez this guy is the most formal person I've ever met'

"Okay bye Ryan I'll meet you tomorrow at Jimmy Fallon" I announced walking down to the sidewalk and Ryan nodding going to his car.

Later on the uber arrived and Ryan already left earlier before. I went back to set to continue my night filming with the (wheeler's) 'speaking of set, hope Millie, Sadie and Noah liked the brownies I baked'

I arrived at set and only a few people we're there like The Duffers, Shawn, some of the workers and of course Cara, Natalia, the price twins and Joe Chrest.

I walked up behind the duffers who still did not notice me "Hi guys!" I exclaimed loudly than I meant to.

They jumped up a bit looking my way and I chuckled "Geez Finn you could've given us a heart attack" Matt said.

And I just shrugged "So what's the scene for the night?" I asked

"Well you have a scene with Natalia in Mike's bedroom where Nancy caught you taking out a box of cigarettes beneath your bed" Ross announced looking at the script his holding

"Okay then let's get this over with" I walked away going near Natalia

"Hey Nat" I said standing beside her

"Oh hey Finn" She smiled and I smiled back.

Cara went to our way "Hey sweetie we juat tasted your brownies and it was amazing!, did you really baked it yourself?" Cara asked and I flushed 'I bet Noah is the one responsible for this'

"You tasted it?" I asked shyly and she nodded "Yeah I baked it last night for Mil- because I was bored" I stated more like a question.

"Wow that's impressive where did you learn that from?" Cara asked curiously

"My mom actually, she's really great at baking and she taught me, at first I always make mistakes but she keep incouraging me that I will do better next time and I guess I did" I explained smiling

"Your mom is really nice hope we can meet her someday" Cara smiled

"Yeah she is. Next time teach me how to bake Finnlard" Natalia added in giving me a sidehug, me just smiling awkwardly.

"Sure Nat, when do you wanna do our baking lesson?" I askes seriously

"Wait are you serious?" Nat asked unbelievingly

"Yeah why not" I shrugged and she brought me to a tight hug

"Yes! I really need to learn how to bake, cause Charlie believe's I can freaking bake so he asked for a Red Velvet cake and of course me without thinking it through just agreed straight away" She rambled annoyance present at her tone and I just chuckled

"Okay how about on Wednesday, it's my free day so we can go to my penthouse or yours" I declared

"how bout' your penthouse I wanna see what's in there" she answered sheepishly

"Okay then, my penthouse it is" I announced

"I want to come too, even just to look how everything goes" Cara pointed out

"Sure Cara we'll be baking then" I said not before Ross yelled at both me and Natalia to shoot the scene.

After the filming:

We we're done filming at the time of 10:00PM and I was pretty exhausted so I went to grab a bottled water and drank it.

I said goodbye to everyone then made it back to the trailer.

I opened the trailer door to grab few things I left like my laptop I left yesterday.

I used my telekinesis to lift up the laptop and made it fly in my direction and I caught it.

Then I felt something wash over me like a powerful energy that made me weak to my legs and I fell down feeling wasted 'what's wrong with me?'

I went out the trailer my laptop forgotten on the ground and sprinted out the set to the cliff.

I fell down on my knees again feeling the gravel ground come in contact with my jean covered knees.

I felt the same energy as earlier but this time it feels like it's from me and I felt....felt more powerful.

As that crossed my mind I shoot to the air wind and leaves surrounding me and I felt free "WOOO!" I continued flying around at full speed just enjoying how the wind hit's my face and my hair flying back.

I stayed suspended in the air and tried something. I made little droplets of rain and made it slightly rain beneath a forest and instantly plants started growing in there maximum size.

I looked up from the sky in a laying position and stopped the rain to watch the million stars just shining so bright 'I wish I could bring someone up here and make them fly. I could do that to Nick though or mom maybe even dad, but it would be nice to bring a special someone not that my family isn't special because they are but a different kind of special' I thought daydreaming

I decided it was time to go back home and see if my laptop is still fine 'I think that was a new ability cause compared to my flying abilities, it actually can control wind!'

"Oh my gosh, I have wind ability" I mumbled to myself landing back on the cliff.

I slowly walked back to my trailer and took the laptop, locked the trailer and went on my way to home.

I arrived at the complex and quickly went up to my penthouse to finally relax.

I plopped down on the couch and checked my phone.

5 messages from 'Mills'
4 missed calls from 'Nick'
15 messages from 'Noah'
Instagram 89 notifications

I opened Millie's first
Mills: Hey Finn just here to thank you for the brownies

Mills: They are awesome!

Mills: Hope you can bake one of those again for us

Mills: Noah really loved it and of course he bragged about it to the whole cast

Mills: But seriously teach me how to bake!

You: Thank you Mills! :)

You: I knew it was Noah, I just came back to set and Cara just asked me if I really baked them

Mills: Hi Finn!

Mills: Yeah Noah was a little crazy about the brownies earlier

You: Haha that's fine atleast he enjoyed them.

You: and speaking of baking, of course I can teach you! Natalia also wants too

Mills: Yay! when?

You: On Wednesday Mills, if your available of course cause if not then we can do it on weekends :)

Mills: No it's fine I will make it, where though?

You: Oh my penthouse

Mills:Okay then! see you tomorrow! xx

'Why am I suddenly a baker?' I thought amused and confused over the fact that they don't even let me go near a stove and now they want me to be their baker.

Noah: DUDE

Noah: YOU

Noah: ARE


Noah: Seroiusly what can't you not do?!

Noah: like I can list all the things your great at but I think it will cost my life so I will not.

Noah: Oh and Millie called you GREAT!

Noah: Millie totally likes you maybe even LOVE

Noah: But I don't know your WAYYY out of her league

Noah: NAHH kidding I'm a freaking fillie shipper and I think my ship is gonna sail now or later

Noah: Oh yeah about your brownies I'm gonna order one and stuff them on Chloe's face till she choke.

Noah: And Im gonna praise it for the rest of my life.

Noah: I LOVE those brownies, more than my non existent dog

You: tuturutu here is Noah Fanboying about Fillie again, I'm so surprised

Noah: FINNNNIEEE YOUR HERE!! so here is my orders: one small box of Brownies
two medium box of brownies
And 3 box of large box brownies

You: You do know I dont only bake brownies right?

Noah: if I did then I should've ordered other pastries from yours, but now that you've mentioned it... WHAT DO YOU FUCKING HAVE!?

You: Well... I have cookies, cupcakes, cakes, brownies and pies

Noah: great I'll take a whole box of cookies, one blueberry cheesecake, one box of brownies and an apple pie.

You: Wow... you sure you can finish all that?

Noah: nu-uh I can't so Im'ma bring it to set

You: of course you are. so I will bring it all at Thursday

Noah: Your really gonna do it!?

You: of course I am now bye and be impatient with my delicious pastries on Thursday

Noah: Noooo.... it's too long I'm Gonna die

You: m'kay bye!

I called Nick and on the second ring he answered

"Hey Nick! how are you? and why did you call earlier" I questioned

"Well I just wanna ask how my little brother is" He cooed and I rolled my eyes playfully

"Nick you won't believe what happened to me, so first of all I got a new ability which I assume is nature and later on I gained the ability of wind and my eyes changed it's color it has a color of gold, silver, blue and purple which is pretty cool" I rambled in one breath

"The fuck!?" He exclaimed surprised 'Mom! Dad! Finn has new abilities!' I heard him called out to our parents on the other line.

"Sweetie?! you there!?, Oh my gosh" I heard my mom almost hyperventilating

"Mom, breath" I chuckled

"Oh my gosh my son is powerful not that he wasn't but he is more powerful now!" I heard dad rambled on the other side

"Guys! relax" I heard Nick spoke loudly and everything went quiet

"Uh... are you guy's still there?" I asked and they all responded yes'

"Are you serious that you have a bew ability or your just messing with us?" Mom asked unsurely

"No mom I'm serious" I stated sternly and all break lose again.

"You guys done now?" I questioned and finally they calmed down

"So Finn what have you been up to?" Nick ask curiously

"Your not gonna believe this to, so apparently Harry Potter has a sequel and they asked me to audition Damsel Potter which is Harry Potter's son!" I spoke happily

"What's a Harry Potter?" Mom ask

"I'll explain it to you later mom" Nick answered

"Congratulations son!, Is it a famous movie?" Dad congratulate

"Yes dad, it was once a famous movie but it actually came from a book written by JK Rowling" I explained

"Oh" Dad responded

"My baby brother is gonna be on Harry Potter!" My brother suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs.

"I'm not a baby" I whined

"That's what they all say" Nick teases

"okay anyways, something funny just happened earlier. So mom did you remember teaching me how to bake?" I asked mom

"Yeah I remember" She responded curiously

"well last night I baked brownies and brought it on set to give it to Millie, but Sadie and Noah was there so they tasted it too and they liked it and apparently Noah spreaded the news that I can bake and now Natalia, Cara and Millie want's me to teach them how to bake well Cara just want's to watch and so I accepted. Now I have a baking lesson on Wednesday" I rambled and they all bursted out laughing

"Oh and Noah even want's to order" They laughed even harder

"This is the most entertaining story I've heard so far this day" Nick said between laughs

"I'm proud of you Finn, told you baking will be worth it" Mom said and I could just picture herself smiling

"Yeah it is" I smiled

"Wait did I just heard you baked it for Millie?" Dad asked teasingly and I realized my slip up and immediately became flustered.

"Uh, well you must've misheard" I reasoned

"Your a bad liar Finn" Nick added in and I sighed

"Yeah it was originally for Millie" I told them truthfully

"I like Millie she's sweet" Mom said

"Mom" I whined

Then I checked the time 11:23PM "Okay guys it's really late here so I'm gonna head to bed now" I announced and they said their farewells and I hanged up.

I went up the stairs to my bedroom and changed into something comfortable and entered the bathroom to remove my contact lenses.

But when I stared at my eyes the colors seems to swirl around beautifully. "Wow" I breathlessly mumbled.

I went out the bathroom and dived in my bed and for a minute or two I fell right asleep peacefully.

Fifth chapter done!

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