||The Music Freaks || oneshot...

By Zamsa88

86.1K 1K 1.7K

Characters belong to RosyClozy (I don't like some of these) More

πŸ”— Soulmates πŸ”—
🩹 Your safe now 🩹
πŸŒ™ Sleepover Nightmare πŸŒ™
⭐ Prank turns upside down ⭐
❀ I'm where I'm meant to be ❀
πŸ’•Together againπŸ’•
πŸ’—After schoolπŸ’—
πŸ₯€ Hanahaki Disease πŸ₯€
πŸŒ„ Mornings πŸŒ„
🎐 Freeing him 🎐
πŸ’Š We care about you πŸ’Š
πŸ₯€ Hanahaki Diease 2 πŸ₯€
❔ Do I love her? ❔
🏠 Coming home from work 🏠
β›“ Everything is Alright β›“
🚫 Kicked out 🚫
πŸ₯€ Hanahaki Diease 3 πŸ₯€
πŸ’ Anything for You πŸ’
β›ˆ Thunder β›ˆ
β›² Come with me β›²
β˜€οΈ Like the Sun β˜€οΈ
πŸ’§ Let it out πŸ’§
πŸ”₯ Night of the Competition πŸ”₯
β™₯️ Heart Snatchers β™₯️
🀍 Crying Angel 🀍
⏰ Waking up ⏰
🍷Tipsy 🍷
🎀 Stage Fright 🎀
🐰 πŸ₯¬Henry's Birthday πŸ₯¬πŸ°
Favorite Oneshot + Announcements

πŸŽ€ He'll be Okay πŸŽ€

2.6K 41 80
By Zamsa88

Ship: Jailey

Type:Angst? Fluff

(Hailey's P.O.V.)

"Jake still isn't here.........who wants to drag him out of the cafeteria?" Zander asks

"Babe, he's only.........11 minutes late" Luke says

"Well, one of us-"

The door opens and we all turn to find Drew and Liam standing in the doorway

"What are you guys doing here? Where's the simp?" Zander glares at them

"About that..." Drew makes a hand signal

Henry comes in the door way with.....

"JAKE!?" We all exclaim

Jake was in Henry's arms, but he was a kid! About......4 or 5....

"What happened?" Sean asks

"Jake stayed in the science classroom, but since he was there for to long we went to check on him and we found him like this" Liam explains

"And you guys are gonna take care of him." Drew says

"What!? Why us!?" Zander questions

"To see how you treat him. We don't want our Jake in a toxic situation. Sooo.......consider this a test. And if I find him crying and he says you did something ill make sure your life is hell." Drew glares at us, but then smiles and turns to Jake

"Your gonna stay with the music club ok?"

"Ok!" Little Jake smiles

Henry puts Jake down and waves then closes the door leaving us with Jake as a kid

"Big bwother!"

Jake points to Sean

"Awwwwwww, isn't that sweet" I giggle

"Ooooooo~ Drums!" Jake walks over to Luke's drums and struggles to get up on the chair

"Do you need help?" Luke says amused

"Yes pwease"

Luke walks over to Jake and picks him up so he can sit on the chair, Jake observes the drums and then looks to Luke then to Zander and asks

"Are you two mawried?"

Milly bursts out laughing as me and Sean try to contain it with Zander and Luke red as tomatoes

"No, sorry kiddo" Luke pats Jake's head

"Luke is daddy and Zander dad?" Jake asks

Milly laughs harder as me and Sean lose it

"U-uh......s-sure..." Luke stutters

Zander looks like he was about to faint

"Do I gotta go to school?" Jake asks

Me, Sean, and Milly stop laughing because of the way Jake said it

"No, you don't, but....why don't you wanna go to school?" Sean walks over to Jake

"The other kids are mwean, t-they pick on me bwecause I wanna be a-a swinger" Jake starts crying

I gasp as everyone goes silent

"Awwww, it's okay.......with us here they can't pick on you" Sean picks Jake up as Jake hugs him


"I promise"

Sean holds Jake and gives us a worried expression

"Hey Jake, we gotta go for a little bit. Do you want someone in here with you or are you okay by yourself?" Luke asks


"I want someone here pwease" Jake says

"Who do you want to stay? Anyone is fine" Sean smiles as Jake looks around

"Big Swister!" Jake points to Milly

"Aawwwwwwwww, I'm not gonna say no to that adorable face!!!!!" Milly rushes over and takes Jake in her arms hugging him

"I gotta admit he is pretty cute as a kid" Zander admits

"What is Hailey?" Luke asks

Jake looks to me and thinks then his face lights up

"Hawiey is mwy future wifu!"

I feel my face heat up

Jake likes me?

"W-what about Daisy?" I ask

"She and big brother Sean are mawried though?" Jake tilts his head

Luke starts laughing as me and Zander struggles to keep a straight face

"O-oh well" Sean struggles to come up with an excuse


"Class time, Milly why don't you try and teach Jake electric guitar" I look to Milly

"Ok! See you later! Say bye Jake"


~After Class~

"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm sooooo tired!" I whine

"I don't blame you" Luke sighs and closes his locker

"I hope everything went well with Milly and Jake"

We all start walking towards the music room and open the door to find Milly sleeping with Jake in her arms also asleep

"Awwwww" I whisper

"We need to wake them up or else we'll all be locked inside the school" Sean says

I walk to Milly and shake her, she opens her eyes and looks at me then looks at Jake

"Don't wake him" Milly puts a finger over her mouth

"Ok, what did you guys do?" I ask as Milly stands up with Jake still sleeping in her arms

"I taught him to play an easy song, then we snuck into the cafeteria and got 2 pieces of cake and I have no shame" Milly says proudly

I sigh and look to Jake who was still sleeping soundly

"We should all come to me and Zander's house and take care of him, also we have "How the Grinch stole Christmas" the original cartoon so Jake can watch that" I think aloud

"Alright, let's go" Milly grabs her backpack

~At Zander and Hailey's house~

We all watched from the kitchen as we saw Jake looking up at the TV watching "How the Grinch stole Christmas", he sat on the carpet with cookies and milk on a stool. It was very cute, he reminded me of the puppy that watched the TV in "101 Dalmatians".

(Lucky from 101 Dalmatians, also their TV is bigger and more modern. This is just what Hailey got reminded of)

"Hawiey?" Jake turns to me

"Yes Jake?" I ask

"Can I have more mwilk pwease?"

"Sure, I'll be right back" I grab Jake's empty glass and head inside the kitchen

(Zanders P.O.V.)

I hear Hailey open the fridge as me and the others continue to watch Jake, he kept watching the TV and took another cookie. It was cute I'll admit, he reminded me of Lucky from "101 Dalmatians". I feel Luke lean on me as I blush, but keep quiet, I countine to watch Jake as the final part of the Grinch played. He grabbed the movie 101 Dalmatians and put the CD in, he stared back up at the TV as the intro played. I toke a sip of the warm milk in my hand as Hailey sat down a glass of milk next to Jake and he nodded in thanks.

"He's getting pretty tired, he'll probably fall asleep when Cruella calls the 2 idiots that steal the puppies" Hailey smiles and then walks back into the kitchen to tidy things up

I look back to Jake to see she was right, he was laying on his stomach with a pillow still looking up at the TV barely holding his cookie, I let out a sigh of amusement and tap Luke


"We need to get him to bed, or else he'll fall asleep making a mess" I explain

"Sean? Can you take him to bed?" Luke asks


Sean walks foward and taps Jake on the back, they talk bit then Jake sits up and turns the TV off. Sean picks Jake up and walks upstairs, I kiss Luke's head and mutter words so only he can hear

"Maybe..........one day, we can have kids of our own......."

Luke lets out a laugh and smiles at me

"I'd like that"

(Sean's P.O.V.)

"Goodnight bwig bwrother........." Jake drifts off to sleep snoring softly

"Night Jake"

I walk out a close the door quietly, I go downstairs and sit on the couch

"Is he asleep?" Milly asks


"He's been through so much we don't know...." Luke sighs

"Its going to be okay though, we'll help him heal from the scars on his heart......" Hailey smiles

We all go upstairs and creak the door open to see Jake, back to himself still sleeping soundly.

"He'll be okay" I say

Author: Hope you enjoyed this! Fun fact: I was watching the Grinch and 101 Dalmatians when I was writing this :)

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