⏰ Waking up ⏰

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Ship: ??????

Type: Fluff & lemon (nothing happens, just mention of stuff)


(Stacy's P.O.V.)

I slowly open my eyes to reveal the bed empty next to me, I look to the curtains to make sure their closed. Once I confirm their closed I sit up with a bra on and pajama shorts, no I didn't do "that". I stand up and walk to my closet and grab my boyfriends magenta sweater, I put it over me and walk downstairs, I go into the kitchen to find a note on the counter that said

"Went to get us breakfast, be back in about 15 minutes

-Your future husband"

I chuckle at the last words and decide to go watch some TV on the couch while I wait for my future husband to come home. I turn the TV on and switch through some channels before landing on a channel playing Titanic and stop their to watch it, lucky me landed on a emotional part and I begin to cry and right as I start crying

Beep beep

My phone let out a notification that someone texted me, I grab my phone and look to see Zander had texted me

Who made you cry? Was it that asshat?

"God, its like he's spying on me" I laugh, I type in a response

No, I'm watching titanic, also he has a name you know? But thanks for being worried about me, for real tho, are you watching me?

After a minute Zander texts back

Yeah yeah, I just don't trust him completely. Nah, I'm still in bed with Luke, I just immediately get brother senses when you or Hailey cry

I smirk to myself and decide to tease Zander a bit

In bed with Luke? Did you.......

Zander immediately responded


I burst out laughing and lay on the couch

Are you sure????  I mean that one time I came over-

Z: H-Hey! We don't talk about that!!!

S: Okay, okay, well thanks for checking in on me

Z: No prob

I smile, I countine to watch Titanic for about 5 minutes when I hear the door open


"Over here sweetheart!" I sit up

"Hey, did I keep you waiting for long?"

"Nah, I just woke up about 10 minutes ago"

"Thats a relief" My lover sits next to me

"I love you.."I mumble


"I love you Drew" I lay on his chest

"I love you to Stace"

Author: Did I keep you in suspense?

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