⛓ Everything is Alright ⛓

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Ship: Hilly


❗Homophobic parent❗

Type: Angst & Fluff


(Millys P.O.V.)

I stand infront of my house shaking, my father is the reason I'm shaking. He's homophobic and the fact I'm telling him I'm lesbian is absolutely terrifying. I slowly open the door and step inside my house, I close the door behind me and look around.



I jump, this was it. God please help me.

"I-I have something to tell you"


I gulp and prepare to face pain head on

"I'm lesbian"

~The Next Day~

(Haileys P.O.V.)

I walk to my locker and pick out a few books to take home, Milly was absent today which made me worried because I overheard her talking with Jake about telling her father she's lesbian or something like that.....me and Zander are lucky to have parents who respect that we're gay. But the fact she didn't come to school today us a little concerning.....I could go to her house, I think I will, just to make sure she's alright.

"Zander, could you tell mom that I'm going to a friend's house?" I ask

"Sure, but mom and dad will be home later. Also Luke's coming over, just so you know"  Zander shuts his locker and puts his backpack on

"Have fun making out with Luke, I bet he tastes real good huh? " I smirk

Zander blushes a deep red, but glares at me and looks away

"S-shut up" he mutters

I laugh a bit, then put my backpack on

"You'll understand once you have a girlfriend or boyfriend" Zander sighs

"Alright whatever you say, see you later"

"Bye sis"


I start to walk to Milly's house questions still flooding my mind, what if she is hurt? Am I overthinking this? Ugghhhhhhhh! I sigh and calm myself down more, Milly is my crush and I've been pining over her for a while. Zander is the only one who knows I have a crush on her, he's my stepbrother of course so he should know first. I walk into Milly's driveway and stop at the front door, I knock once and there is no answer, I twist the door knob to find its........open? I open the door and find the place filled with broken plates and glasses, I gasp and close the door behind me locking it.

"Milly?" I ask

No reply....

I walk up the stairs carefully and what made this more scary was that their was blood spots every now and then, I walk slowly towards Milly's bedroom and knock lightly

"Milly? I-It's Hailey"

Once again no reply.

I open Milly's door and stand in shock of what the shap of her bedroom was in, their was blood, broken dishes, and hed signature guitar on the ground. I walk to Milly's bathroom and open the door to see Milly on the ground crying with brusies and cuts

"MILLY! OH MY GOD!" I exclaim

"H-hailey? *hic*" Milly looks to me

"Milly what happened!?" I crouch to her level

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