❤ I'm where I'm meant to be ❤

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Little bit of

(Jakes P.O.V.)

We were waiting patiently for the announcers to call us up on stage....I was shaking, there were voices in the back of my mind telling me

Your gonna be awful.

The same thing that happened in kindergarten is gonna happen here.

The club is gonna poke at you saying you weren't perfect.

I couldn't help it. I started to cry, I was afraid. I made the mistake of sniffling as the music club turned to me

"Jake? Whats wr-" Haliey stares at me wide eyed, as does the rest of the music club

"I-im sorry" I start letting it out

"I-Im sorry I just......I can't do this anymore!" I turn around and start to run

"Jake!" All the music club members call my name

I burst the back door open as I feel rainy hitting my clothes and skin, I trip over myself and fall to the ground still crying. I felt like a coward. A betrayer towards the music club, but did they even care? Probably not, I joined their club and they didn't want me in it, but still agreed because they needed me to win the competition which is probably not gonna happen with me now....

I silently cry sitting up and bringing my knees to my chest, until I dont feel the rain hitting me anymore....when I look up I see Hailey standing over me with an umbrella in her hands.

"Jake...." Hailey gives me a soft look

I turn away and ask pretty rudely

"What do you want?"

"I want to know whats wrong Jake....we all do" I hear more footsteps

"Jake why did you run off like that?" Sean asks

"I-I" the tears keep coming

"You've told me about all of y-you, b-but I haven't t-told you about m-me" I wipe the tears away

"Do you think we could learn more about you?" Luke asks

"I-I guess" I sniffle as I stand up

"Alright" Hailey gives me a smile

"I-It started in kindergarten, even back then I had wanted to be a singer. I was so confident about it that I told my whole class about it and most of their reactions were positive."

"Most of their reactions?" Zander asks

"Yeah......" I answer

"S-so you had...." Milly starts

"Bullies? Yeah I did" I finsh the sentence for her

There was a pause of silence for a minute then I countined

"They hit me with every single name I can think of, girly boy, loser, failure, freak, or Music freak. Of course they got to me at some point and from that day I decided I would never sing again, until you guys started to really come into my life"

Hailey flinches a little, but keeps listening

"Honestly I don't think I've been this happy in a long time, and just waking up all I can think about is seeing you guys at school.
Seeing you mess around, having fun, and just....being yourselves, I remember the nightmare I had one night about you guys though....."

Hailey stiffened, as did the rest of the club

"I walked into the music room and you guys were furious with me saying I had spread a rumor on you, you guys turned your backs to me and Hailey you told me that I was officially kicked out of the music club.....I cried and cried, but you guys disappeared leaving me in the dark. That is one of the things that scare me, that's part of the reason I started crying to, I don't want to leave your guy's sides ever. I want to stay with you until the day I die."

||The Music Freaks || oneshots || Completed|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now