A Little Kept Secret + other...

By -BisexualinDisguise

25.7K 753 26

The reader meets the sisters when Leo has to bring her to the manor to heal her. Afterwards, she keeps runnin... More

|1| A.k.a grumpy
|2| what if i am?
|3| dance with me
|4| Breakfast for dinner
|5| Tag Along
|6| you win some, you lose some
|7| betraying her own
|8| couldnt get enough of me?
|9| im so glad i met you
mistaken identity
Before the hypothermia sets in
Young Love


852 26 1
By -BisexualinDisguise

The crystal ball shines softly as she waves a hand next to it, lighting it up further. The woman sitting across from her is sniffling and clutching so hard onto a small red jacket that her knuckles were turning white. She was in her late forties or so, her hair pulled up in a messy ponytail, baby hairs frizzy. Her face was holding all of her emotions and Y/n could see that even without being able to sense them. Her eyes were red rimmed, cheeks blotchy and tear stained her lips a mess of smudged nude colored lipstick.

Y/n gave her a soft smile, putting her hand out slowly.

"May I?" she asked, gesturing for the jacket. The woman hesitated, clutching it a bit tighter before slowly handing it over. Y/n smoothed her hand over the material of the jacket, laying it down on the table and placing both hands on it. She stared into the ball as images started to swarm it, moving fast like looking at trees while you're driving. She breathed steadily as she slowed them down.

"Was your little boy wearing a blue tee shirt?" she asked, watching as a boy no older than four clumsily climbed over a fallen log, looking behind himself with a gleeful smile on his face.

"No," the woman answered wearily. Y/n watched as the little boy in the image fell, his face contorting in pain. A woman ran in from the side, gently scooping him up and placing a kiss to his knee. The image changed and the little boy and the woman were standing beside a car. The boy was scratching at a patch of dirt with a stick as the woman searched for something in the backseat of her car. The little boy was only a few feet away from her when a man walked into the frame, scooped the boy up, and ran. The woman looked up ten seconds later, holding a black jacket and looking for the boy. She called his name, looking around frantically.

The image fell away, another one in a similar area of the woods taking it's place. A similar looking boy was walking through the woods.

"Was he wearing a red Flash shirt?" Y/n asked.

"Yes!" the woman gasped. Y/n watched the little boy play, stomping in puddles and picking up different rocks to show someone that Y/n couldn't see.

"Who was with him?" she asked.

"Um, no one I don't think. The woods are right behind our house, he wasn't even supposed to be in there," she cried softly. Y/n watched the little boy smile a the person she still couldn't see, but it was slightly forced and his eyes kept darting around. After only a few moments, once the little boy had jumped a few feet away, he started running. The images came faster now, following the little boy as he raced through the woods, ducking under fallen branches and moving swiftly around trees. Y/n contained her expressions as the boy was grabbed and pulled into a mans chest. She could see the excited expression on his face as he was finally revealed.

The image followed them as the man placed a rag over the squirming boys mouth, smiling wide as the boy fell limp.

A cabin was the next image in the crystal ball, slightly dilapidated She was expecting him to go inside, but he didn't. He stopped a few feet away from the cabin, kneeled down, and grabbed something on the forest floor. He lifted up a thick piece of wood, revealing a staircase built into the ground. The wood was covered in leaves and rocks and dirt that Y/n assumes he glued on because they didn't fall when he raised it up. The man climbed down the stairs with the little boy thrown over his shoulder, the wooden piece falling into place once they were fully underground. The boy from her first vision was in the hidden bunker, handcuffed to a bed that was nailed to the floor. He looked terrified and injured but he was alive.

The vision fell away from the man laid the boy on the bed.

Y/n looked up, only now realizing that she had been clutching the red sweater tight enough to make her knuckles white.

"There is a man with a cabin in the woods, that's who has your boy," she said. The woman instantly began shaking her head, leaning over the table to take her sons jacket back.

"I knew this was a waste of time," she said, sniffling. "You read that in the papers, didn't you?" she sneered.

"No," Y/n shook her head calmly.

"They searched everywhere in the house and around the woods, they didn't find anything!" The woman shouted.

"They are not inside of the house," Y/n said. "There is a bunker, maybe ten of fifteen feet away from the house, hidden underground. He is keeping your son and another little boy in that bunker. You find that bunker, you find your boy," she explained. The woman stared at her for a long moment, holding her sons jacket against her chest.

"On which side of the house?" she asked hesitantly.

"In front," Y/n said. "Looking straight at the door, just a few feet in front of it." The woman bit her lip, nodding slowly as she stood up. She reached inside of her purse and pulled out her wallet but Y/n held her hand up.

"I don't charge," she said. The woman furrowed her eyebrows at her. "I help people, I don't need money to do that," she explained. The woman hesitantly placed her wallet back in her purse.

"I'll come back and thank you if I find him," she said, gathering herself before walking out. Y/n sighed as she looked at her crystal ball, the color now swimming with a light purple instead of horrible images. She took a second to collect herself and force the images out of her head before standing up. She moved over to sit at her computer, but someone was orbing into the front of her shop beside she could sit down. She rolled her eyes as she made her way out of the room and into the front part of her shop. A man was browsing through the crystals, picking them up and inspecting them before putting it down.

"Can I help you?" She asked. The man turned around, jade-green eyes looking her up and down.

"I'm looking for the seer," he said, putting the crystal in his hand down.

"You found her, how can I help you?" she asked.

"I need you to look at my future," he said. She looked him over, taking in the scruff on his jaw, the tightness he held in his shoulders even though he tried hard to make the rest of his body relaxed, and the unsureness in his eyes even as the rest of his face looked confident.

"Follow me," she waved him along as she walked back into the back room. The lights were still low, her crystal ball already shining and swimming with color. She closed the door once he was inside, his eyes scanning the room.

"You have a lot of protective wards up," he acknowledged.

"Can't be too careful. Anyone who doesn't make it past the doors of this room isn't to be trusted." she said, sitting back down in front of her crystal ball. He hummed in reply, following her to the table and sitting across from her.

"Your name?" She asked.

"Chris," he said, placing his hands on top of the table. "Do you need me to do anything? Touch the ball?" he asked, looking at her questioningly.

"No, your energy is enough. It's terribly muddled, you're hiding a lot from the people you're around," she said, shaking her head. The man looked at her with furrowed eyebrows, but didn't respond. She focused her attention on the crystal ball, watching as it swam for a few unsure seconds. She could feel the ball tuning into her magic, this time much stronger than with the people she usually helps.

"You're not from here," she said, "a future man I see," she nodded. "Ah, a Halliwell boy, what an honor," she said semi-sarcastically.

"How did you-"

"I'm a seer, Chris," she looked up at him, her eyes rimmed with a bright violet, "I see things."

"I've never had a seer figure me out like that, all they did was tell me my future," he said, looking slightly alarmed

"Well, those seers aren't as powerful as I am," she said, looking back down at the crystal ball. She sighed as the images kept playing through. "You're in trouble future dude," she said.

"What? What do you see?" he asked.

"I see you fading. You're existence is at stake here, I can't..." she paused, watching the ball flicker and fade. "It's undecided," she looked up at him, the purple in her eyes melting away. "I can't see if you faded completely, which means no matter how many seers you go to, none of them are going to be able to give you whatever answer you're looking for because that part of the future is undecided. As of right now at least," she explained.

"Great," he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "Just great."

"You need some serious down time dude, your energy is completely out of whack."

"I don't need down time, I need to stop myself from ceasing to exist," he replied, pushing himself out of his chair.

"Good luck with that," Y/n said, watching as he started to orb. "Oh, wait!" she called, stopping him from fully leaving. She got out of her chair and walked to her desk, digging through a few drawers before pulling out a small bracelet.

"This is a charm bracelet, enchanted by yours truly. It won't magically fix your problems but it will give you a little bit of luck and it might help calm your energy a little bit. It'll also help you sense me if you need help. I can't promise you anything but I can try to help you if you're in trouble," she tossed him the bracelet, watching his catch it and inspect the tiny crystals embedded in the silver. "I only give these to people I feel need it and you my friend, you need it." the man stared at her for a second before slowly nodding.

"Thanks," he said, sliding the bracelet onto his wrist. She gave him a soft smile, watching him orb out of the room.


Y/n drew the curtains in her living room closed, smoothing them down before turning and walking to her kitchen. She locked the small window above her sink and drew those curtains closed. She turned to walk to her bedroom, but white and blue lights filled the middle of her living room and someone was falling to her carpet with a pained grunt.

"Chris?" she called questioningly. The man laid on his back on the floor, clutching at a large stab wound on his hip.

"I'm sorry," he shook his head. "I didn't know where else to go."

"What happened?" she asked, placing her hands over his. Before he could answer, two more men were shimmering into her living room, fireballs ignited in their palms. Her eyes bled purple as she threw her hands out. Bright purple electricity shot from her hands, shocking the two demons and making them explode into nothing. She turned back to Chris with a shaky breath, hovering her hand over his wound. It started to stitch itself back together as that light purple color shone from her palms.

"A seer, a healer, and a bad ass witch? Are you trying to make me feel inferior?" he teased, laying his head back against the carpet with a sigh. She laughed softly, grabbing the mans hand and helping him up. She guided him onto the couch, sitting on the coffee table in front of him.

"I see your existence is still intact," she said with a soft smile. He chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, I guess I'm harder to get rid of than I thought," he shrugged.

"You said you didn't have anywhere else to go? What about your mom and aunts?" she asked. His expression fell a bit, his eyes training on his blood stained shirt.

"It's complicated," he said shrugging.

"It's complicated or they don't know who you are?" she asked, completely reading between his words. He looked up at her and sighed.

"Is that you or your powers asking?" he asked.

"Me," she said. "Yeah I'm a seer but I don't have to be a seer to know that you're in pain. My powers are telling me that you're confused and emotionally drained, but my intuition thinks that you're keeping a lot from them and due to that they don't fully trust you. And because they don't fully trust you, they're treating you poorly and that kills you inside but you can't tell them the truth, how am I doing?" she spoke softly but her words cut deep. Chris closed his eyes for a second, biting his bottom lip hard.

"Pretty good," he breathed a pained laugh.

"Your energy is making mine fritz out so I'm going to make some hot chocolate, and you are going to sit here and watch a movie with me until you calm down enough," she said, standing up from the table.

"No, I should get back, I still have a demon to find," Chris said, standing up too.

"No," she placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back down. "I gave you that bracelet to come to me when you need help, vanquishing those demons isn't the only help you need. I'll get you a clean tee shirt that may or may not be an ex-boyfriends and you pick a movie," she tossed him the remote and left the room. Chris sat back down with a surprised smile on his face, flipping the remote in his hands a few times before fully relenting and turning the TV on. Y/n came back only a minute later, tossing Chris a plain black tee shirt. She gave him a small, genuine smile, her cheeks heating up a bit when he sent her a wink. She turned and walked to the kitchen before her cheeks got any redder.


"Okay, I have M&M's, Snickers, Peanut M&M's, and Recess," Chris said as he kneeled on Y/n's bed, crawling up to the head of the bed where she was leaning back against a mountain of pillows.

"No Red Vines?" She asked, pouting out her bottom lip. Chris looked into the bag and rolled his eyes at himself.

"I knew I forgot something," he sighed, dropping the bag and crawling up towards her. "I'm sorry," he said, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"It's okay, I'll just eat all the peanut M&M's," she smirked, snatching the bag and pulling it to her chest.

"Oh no you don't," Y/n laughed as Chris grabbed at her waist, pulling her into him as he wrestled for the bag.

"Ah! Okay, okay, I'll share," she caved once he started tickling her sides. Chris laughed, pulling away to sit up against the headboard. He pulled up until she was between his legs. She smiled up at him, laying her hand on his cheek and pulling him down for a kiss.

"Your energy is crystal clear," she said. Chris smiled, smoothing a hand over her hair.

"Yeah, because I'm with you," he said. Her cheeks went red as he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.

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