The Wolf and The Rabbit

By Stillwell03

601K 12.2K 7.8K

Izuku was alone in the world. Abandoned by the ones he called his family and left to his own accord. But than... More

Friends and harem
New Friends
Standing Strong
Entrance Exams
Genius Combat
The Party
Brutal Battles
The Bakugou's
Sports Festival
Fighting for the Top
Third Event
Finals and Dreams
Midoriya Squabble
Inner Turmoil
Work Studies
Nightmare of Hosu
Easy Day
Most Awkward Date
Calm Picnic
Training Camp
Night of Madness
Effects of Support
Paying Dues
Two Titans and A Rabbit
Parent Teacher Talks
Dorm Move In
Special Moves
Push Through
Rescue Work
Parents Day Meeting
The Child
Planning Raids
The Raid
Fight for Hope
Pure Rage
Okamure vs Overhaul
In The Dog House
Culture Festival
A Gentleman
Ties and Bonds
Painful Choice
Festival Roar
Final Farewells

First Christmas

7.6K 178 64
By Stillwell03

Ok this is going to take place back when Izuku first came to live with Miruko. This'll be the first Christmas they have with Miruko somewhat freaking since it's been a while since Izuku had a 'good' one. Enjoy.

Rumi POV:

"Bye mom." "Don't forget, I'm having your uncle Fat pick you up since I have something I need to do today." "Ok." I watched Izuku run off to school with today being the day before his winter break. On the outside, I was completely cool. But inside is a different story. 'HILY FUCK I NEED TO GET MY ASS IN GEAR WITH CHRISTMAS!' I ran as fast as I could calling Ryuko who was helping me today. "Hello?" "I'm heading to get the tree now. You got the ornaments?" "I do and I looked at the tree stores. They don't have by that aren't missing limbs in a notable way." "Dammit. I'll head out of town to find one." "Wait, you're wha-" I shut my phone off to jump into the air and head as close to the woods as possible. When I got there, I began looking around for a decent pine tree.

'Now which one would be ok to use?' I began searching before seeing Ryuko in her dragon form flying near me. She transformed to land on the ground carrying the bags of decorations. "You're not serious about looking and chopping down your own tree, right?" I ignored her and found one I liked. "This one looks nice. FIRE IN THE HOLE!" I gave a solid kick to the trunk for it to go through and have the tree rock back. "TIMBEEERRRR!" The tree fell in the snow for Ryuko to glare at me. "Are you insane!?" "No. I just want a nice Christmas for Izuku." She smacked her head while I did a little trimming to get the tree small enough to fit in my home. After, I looked at Ryuko with a smirk. "What?" "You honestly think I'm lugging this thing home myself?" She rolled her eyes before transforming into her dragon form. I got the tree on before sitting on her neck. "Now MUSH!" "You whip me, I'm dropping both you and the tree." I started to laugh while Ryuko sighed. "The things I'll do for Izuku." "I know, right? I wonder what he's doing today for class?" "Probably something like a small Christmas party with everyone." We flew out of the area while I thought about what Ryuko said. 'I wonder what we should do for a Christmas dinner and Christmas Eve dinner? Should I also get cookies?'

With Izuku, Izuku POV:

"Ok kids. Today we'll be having a Christmas party. For those that didn't finish their Christmas gifts to their family yet, you can finish that while we celebrate." Everyone cheered as I pulled out my gift to mom, aunt Ryu, and uncle Fat. My uncle's was about done with me only needing to put a bit more on it along with my aunt's. Mom's though needed a bit more time. "Whatcha working on Izuku?" Kino and Yui came over curious to see my presents to smile. "It wooks so coow!" "I-it really d-does." The teacher soon came over curious while I finished aunt Ryu's gift. "What do you have here Izuku?" "Just a Christmas present for my family." "Would you mind if I take a look at your gifts?" I gave my finished gift to her and her seeing what I did. "O....OH MY GOODNESS!" She was staring at a picture on painting boards before showing it to me. "You did this all by yourself Izuku!?" "Uh huh." "Amazing! The lines are so precise and the shading is almost like I'm looking at the real thing. How did a six year old draw this?"

We looked at our teacher for her to be so caught up in thought I had to tap her elbow. "Teacher, can I have my aunt's gift back?" "U-Uh, sure." She gave it back before seeing me finish uncle Fat's. "Izuku, how did you do all these?" I shrugged my shoulder so "I just knew what they looked like and I drew them. Do you think they'll like them?" I grabbed mom's for the teacher to see that one with me hiding it. "It's not finished yet! Please don't look!" Teacher went silent after seeing a little of what I did and collapsed not long after. "TEACHER!" Everyone went around her for our teacher to slowly wake up. "W-what happened?" "You saw Izuku's gift and feww over shroom." She got up before smiling at me. "Izuku, you have a gift for art." I hid my eye a bit before looking away. "I-it's not that big of a deal. I-I just know how to d-draw." "On the contrary Izuku. During winter break, I want to try and get you into a school for specially gifted kids. What do you say?"

I thought about it and looked at Yui and Kino. "I don't know. Will I have to leave my friends?" "A small price, but you're talents would be properly nurtured. Talent like yours isn't something that should go to waste." "Hmmm. No thanks. If I need to leave Kino and Yui, then it's not worth it to me." The teacher looked at me shocked while trying to reply. "B-but this is truly something you need to show the world. You should make it grow in the surrounding it should be." "I'm ok with just being more gifted in a few things than everyone else. I'm not in it to show off." I smiled for the teacher to look at me shocked. "Well if you don't mind, I'd like to at least run this through your mother when I can." "Ok, but I still don't wanna do this." She left for Kino and Yui to look at me. "Why didn't you wanna stay here. You couwd do coow things." "Maybe, but I'd have to leave you both. I just don't wanna do that. I like you both too much to do that." Both went red for some reason for me to begin back on my Christmas gift for mom.

Few hours later, Rumi POV:

After getting the tree and the ornaments inside the house, Ryuko and me went food shopping for some stuff that would make a good Christmas as well as some things that Izuku would like to have for under the tree. "So what does Izuku do in his spare time?" "He doodles." Ryuko looked at me confused. "He doodles?" "yeah. You should see what he doodles on the back of his notebook. Some are kinda awesome. He also knows how to draw some awesome things out of mental memory." "Such as?" "He's drawn our house from memory alone as well as his friends Komori and Kodai. He's pretty good." We walk past a set of drawing utensils for professionals as well as a sketch notepad. "Perhaps making him feel more professional could help." After grabbing it, I find an All Might figurine as well as a Ryukyu figure that Izuku's been dying to save for. 'Maybe we should get these for him too.' I grab them and keep searching with Ryuko for other things. "So he likes me as a hero, huh?" "Yup. He thinks we're both really cool. You should see his room. Literally a hero otaku's paradise."

I kept laughing before seeing a pair of mini mix martial arts gloves in Izuku's size. "We need to get him these." "He's a child. What will he do with fighting gloves? Train to be a MMA master?" I held my mouth for a second while Ryuko came to the realization. "You're teaching him MMA, aren't you?" "Maybe a little." She gave me a death stare before I answered. "What? He wants to be a hero, so it's only natural I give him a few lessons of how to fight in order to increase his chances of defending himself. Besides, it's also teaching him self discipline which is good for kids to learn." Ryuko sighed at me before continuing to walk. "Get him what you want. I'm going to find a little sweater for him to wear for my gift to him." We went our seperate ways in the store with me finding some notebooks that are the same kind he uses for his hero notebooks. 'He's reaching the end of his one that he's working on. I should probably get a couple more to help him out.'

Ryuko POV:

While Rumi gets Izuku some gifts for Christmas, I find a sweater for him that had All Might on it. 'Aww. I can see him wearing this.' I keep walking before I see something definitely worth my while. A jacket based off of his mother's hero outfit. "He'll love this." I went to grab it before a woman tried to steal it out of my hands. "GET LOST BITCH! I'M TAKING THIS!" "I apologize, but I had a hold on it first." "SCREW YOU!" The woman punched my face with my grip on the jacket remaining strong. "Now you've done it." I knee the woman in the stomach to leave her on the ground while walking away with my prize. I reunited with Rumi at the checkout line with her having a bunch of things. "I take it your endeavors were successful?" "Hell yeah!" "Can medical assistance report to isle 4 please?" I look at Rumi for a moment for her to smirk. "What? They didn't wanna let go of what I had in my hands." I sigh before hearing another announcement from the speaker. "Can we have medical assistance report to isle 7 please?" 'Guess I can't blame her this time.'

Few hours later, Izuku POV:

Class ended with me, Kino, and Yui walking out to our parents. There, I saw uncle Fat sitting down eating a gingerbread man. "Hey Izuku. ready to head home?" I smiled while nodding. I turned though to Kino and Yui who were with their parents getting ready to leave. "By Kino. By Yui. I'll see you all after Christmas." I give them a hug before running over to uncle Fat who picked me up and put me on his shoulder. "Cookie?" "Thank you." He gave me a gingerbread man while we walked down the street. "So you excited for Christmas?" "Yeah! I have all my gifts for mom, aunt Ryu and you done as well." I took a bite of my cookie as we started heading home. "So what do you want Santa to bring you?" I thought about it before shrugging. "I don't know. Maybe a new notebook. The one I'm using is getting very full." "Hehe. You just want a notebook? I think you can think of other things you'd like." I thought about it while shrugging my shoulders. I didn't really know. "To be honest, I got probably the best thing this year and I'm happy about it."

Uncle Fat gave me a bit of a crying smile before hugging me. "You're such a good kid Izuku. Don't do something to change that kind heart of yours!" He kept crying before noticing someone coming down from the sky. "What's up Fatgum. Miruko's kid." "Pervert." I smiled at pervert with him feeling a bit annoyed at what I called him. "Why do you always have to call me that? It's Hawks. Not pervert." "Mom calls you pervert and doesn't tell me not to. So why is it bad?" He didn't answer before pulling something out of his pocket. It was a small gift. "You wanna give this to your mother for me kid?" I grabbed the box before putting it in the trash like mom tells me to whenever I get something from pervert. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING KID!?" "Doing what my mom tells me whenever I get something from you. Throwing it out." Uncle Fat began laughing and falling down while pervert grabbed the box out of the trash and flew away. 'I don't like him. He says weird things about mom that gives me the ok from her to kick him in the balls if he says them again.'

Time skip to Christmas Eve night

"Alright. Dinner's ready." Aunt Ryu says for me to run into the kitchen and be picked up by mom. "Seems you're in high spirits tonight." She smiled while placing me in the chair with uncle fat to the right of me and mom sitting on the left. "Ok. Time to eat." Everyone put their hands together and smiled at what was on the table. "Thank you for the food." Mom grabbed my plate to start putting ham, potatoes and a bunch of salmon on it. Aunt Ryu though put some vegetables on before she left no room for anything else. I grabbed my fork and started eating right away with mom making a plate for herself stuffing her face as well. "The way you two act, you'd almost think you both were actually related." Aunt Ryu said with both of us glancing over to see the other with their face stuffed with food. 'I don't get it. Aren't we already family?' I kept filling my mouth before finishing and getting seconds.

After we finished dinner, we sat down on the sofa to watch a few Christmas movies with it getting close to bedtime. "Alright. It's starting to get late. I think you should turn it in for the night Izuku." I yawned before nodding. "Goodnight mom. Goodnight aunt Ryu. Goodnight uncle Fat." "Goodnight Izuku." "Sleep tight kiddo." I walked into my bedroom and noticed the gifts in my bag. 'Oh yeah. I forgot.' I pulled them out to place them under the tree before heading back to bed.

Rumi POV:

Izuku went back in his room after putting three presents under the tree with all of us waiting a half an hour before I checked to make sure he was out like a light. I came back out for Ryuko to ask. "He's asleep?" "Out cold." "Then let's get to work." Me and Ryuko went into the storage closet to get the gifts while fatso started on the cookies and milk. "Who made theshe?" "I did. You know Rumi can't cook or bake to save her life." "Oh come on. I'm not that bad." Both of them looked at me to force me to rephrase my words. "I got better." They kept looking at me with a blank face. "Ok can we keep going."

I placed the gifts under the tree while Ryuko filled Izuku's stocking. Meanwhile, fatso was making sure Izuku was still asleep. When we were done, everyone called it a night and started heading home. "I'll be here early to see him open gifts." "I got a day shifts, but I'll be here before I need to go in." I walk them out before shutting the door and heading into my room. Before I did though, I checked in on Izuku to see him sleeping soundly. "Goodnight Izuku." I kissed his right eye where the scar was before going into my room to sleep.

The next morning

I got up to the sound of knocking to see the time on the clock. 'That's probably Ryuko and fatso.' I came out to open the door and see them waiting patiently for me. "Sup." "Sup nothing. We've been waiting here for half an hour." "My bad. I just got up *yawn*." "*sigh* Did you get Izuku up yet?" "Not yet." I walked into Izuku's room to see him sleeping with his foot near the head of the bed and the resto of him turned around. "Izuku. Time to get up. It's Christmas." He got up to look at me before smiling. "Does that mean I can give you, aunt Ryu and uncle Fat my gifts?" "Yeah. They're waiting out in the living room." He got up and began heading out while stretching. When he came in the room, Izuku looked in awe at the tree. He then ran for the gifts he had before giving the ones he had for the three of us.

"Merry Christmas." Izuku sat down patiently for all of us to open ours for me to just go ahead. When I did, I noticed it was a drawing. But it wasn't just a drawing. It was one of me in my hero costume. "Holy crap Izuku! This is awesome!" "Rumi. Language." Ryuko and fatso opened up theirs for it to be the same exact thing but of them. "Did someone make these for you Izuku?" "I made them myself uncle Fat." Ryuko looked at me with surprise while I explained. "I told you he's pretty good." "When you said 'good', I didn't expect you to say he was this good." "Do you not like it aunt Ryu?" Izuku looked at her with tears in his eyes before Ryuko corrected herself. "A-actually I like it very much. I just think it's very good for your age and that you might want to try doing something with it." "No thanks. My teacher asked me that too with me not wanting to leave Kino and Yui for a new school." She glanced at me for a response. "He doesn't wanna do it, he doesn't have to do it. His talent. His right to it."

Izuku began looking at his presents before picking one of them that had a figurine in it. When he opened and realized what we got him, his face lit up like a light bulb. Same thing happened with all his gifts for me to somewhat gloat that my gloves for him was a good gift behind Izuku's back to Ryuko. When he finally got to his aunt's and uncle's gifts, he smiled and hugged them before opening them. When he saw the sweater and jacket from Ryuko, he ran to her and hugged thanking her for them. Then it came to fatso's. He got Izuku a 101 easy recipes that kids can make. I felt angered, but Izuku was happy to get it and gave the giant tub of lard a hug as well. Eventually, fatso had to leave with the rest of the day being Izuku enjoying his gifts and trying out his new gloves on a small punching bag I have in the house. All I can say though to this Christmas is that it's one he'll never forget.

And that finishes this chapter. So next chapter will get back to the real story with this more being kinda a family friendly one. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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