How To Save A Life (Grey's An...

By dinsgirlll

114K 2.6K 194

**author currently on hiatus** Audrey Karev has worked her whole life to make it mean something. When she is... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four

Chapter Thirty

1.7K 47 0
By dinsgirlll

Chapter 30

Season 5, Episode 7-9

    Four years of medical school and another year of internship, all leading up to the one main goal. Becoming a kick-ass surgeon. The only way to do that is to eventually complete a surgery on your own. I've been waiting to be the one on the leading side of the surgical table, barking orders at everyone instead of being on the other side, the one being barked at. As we all stand in a lab with Doctor Webber, I can feel something is different.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce... Stan." Webber says, pulling back a sheet off of what appears to be a surgical dummy. Only this one actually has a face and isn't just a chest. "A state-of-the-art, computerized patient simulator. Stan can educate you in airway management, trauma assessment and care. He breathes, he seizes, he hemorrhages and he speaks. Hello, Stan."

    "Hello, Doctor. I'm not feeling well." A computerized voice can be heard from the plastic body, making all of us laugh.

    "Stan will tell you what he needs, and he's more forgiving than most patients. Make good use of him." Webber says, giving us a nod before leaving the room and making way for Bailey.

    "We're operating on robots now?" George asks in disbelief.

    "Can we please go back to pigs?" Alex asks from beside me and I scoff in disgust.

    "Nope. How about actual humans?" I ask and Bailey looks up at us in amusement.

    "When the Chief decides which one of you gets to do the first solo surgery, you'll wanna be ready." She says before going back to her notes. Little did she know that would start a full-on panic from all of us.

    "Wait, did you just say solo surgery?"

    "What! We get to go solo?!"

    "When is he deciding that?!"

    "Only one of us?!"

    "I do not know what it will be. I do not know when it will be." Bailey says putting her arms up and interrupting all of us who were speaking over each other. "I do know what the winner should be prepared to do any surgical procedure and will choose one intern to scrub in. Practice your skills, impress your attendings and just do not make me look stupid."


    "Have you ever lost someone?" Izzie asks from the doorway of my room as I get ready for bed. It's been a long day and I just want to get some sleep. George and I were working on Stan the whole day and he kept dying, only for us to find out that Webber was controlling him in the other room and we were set up to fail.

    I look up at her from my bed in alarm. She looks quite distraught and I pat the bed with my hand, gesturing for her to sit. She walks over and sits on the end of my bed cross-legged. I sit up in the bed and lean on my headboard.

    "What do you mean, Iz?" I ask and she looks down at her hands.

    "Sorry, I just... have you ever lost someone you were close to?" She asks again and I hesitate a moment before answering.

    "Is this about Denny?" I ask her and she lets out a shaky laugh.

    "Yeah, actually." She says, looking up at me and I study her a moment before answering.

    "I've never lost someone the way you have. But, I do know loss." I mutter as she looks at me with an unreadable emotion. "Is everything okay?"

    "Yeah, I'm fine." She says, moving back and off of my bed, suddenly very closed off from me.

    "Did I say something?" I ask concerned but she shakes her head.

    "No, It's just, you probably wouldn't understand." She says crossing her arms over her chest; a defence mechanism.

    "I've seen my fair share of crazy and depressing. Try me." I say with a smirk, trying to lighten the mood in the room but her attitude doesn't shift.

    "Thanks, but I think I'm just going to go to bed." She says lightly, turning to the door and leaving before I can speak again. I lean back on the headboard, scrunching my brow. That was weird. I have noticed she's been acting off lately at work. Always disappearing and seeming quite distracted. I pull myself from the covers and over to my door. When I open it and look out, it's an empty hallway.

    I walk over to Alex's room and knock on the door. When he doesn't answer I knock again and he finally opens it.

    "What?" He asks annoyed before noticing it's me standing on the other side. "What do you want?"

    "Uh, I was just wondering if Izzie talked to you?" I ask him and all of a sudden his face drops as if I cursed him out.

    "What? What did she tell you?" He asks defensively and I frown, even more, confused as to why everyone is acting strange.

    "Nothing, it's more what she didn't tell me," I explain, crossing my arms and he sighs.

    "I'm sorry, I didn't want you finding out this way." He mutters, rubbing his eyes and I tilt my head.

    "Find out what?"

    "We're kind of... a thing again. I don't know. It's whatever." He groans and my eyes widen. I definitely was not expecting that out of all things.

    "Oh, okay. I didn't get that from her." I say and he shrugs.

    "Look, I don't know. Can I go to bed now?" He asks and I put my arms up in mock defence.

    "Fine. Sorry for bothering you." I say and he sighs, closing the door to his room and leaving the hallway empty once again. Everyone is acting so weird today.


    The next morning was like every other, except for the strange feeling that I couldn't seem to shake. It was like everyone around me was suddenly keeping secrets and purposely leaving me out of the loop. The kitchen is empty and peaceful as I sit with my coffee, that is until there is a furious banging at the front door.

    I wait a moment as if someone else is going to open it but when the banging just keeps going, I stand up with a groan and walk over. I can see through the glass it's Cristina. I open the door and before I can say anything, she pushes through desperately.

    "Is Mer upstairs?" She asks me, pulling off her coat and throwing it towards the hallway closet, but it just ends up on the floor. I sigh in annoyance as she kicks her boots off.

    "Yeah, in bed." I croak, sleep still in my eyes which Cristina notices as she looks over at me.

    "Oh, you poor thing." She says sarcastically, grabbing a coffee from the drink carrier in her hand. "Drink up." She says handing it to me. Before I can tell her I already have a mug in the kitchen, she's already disappeared in the house.

    I shrug, taking a gulp of the coffee and heading back to the kitchen. Before I can sit down though, the doorbell rings and I audibly groan.

    "This is not an open house!" I yell even though no one can hear me. I make my way back into the hallway and see someone I don't recognize on the other side of the door. I open it and stare at the blonde girl on the other side. "Can I help you?"

    "Hi. Is Grey home?" She asks and I accidentally let out a laugh. "Oh, yeah." The moment I say that she pushes into the house and past me, almost making me drop my coffee.

    "Death! Where are you Death!" She yells out, running up the stairs towards Meredith's room.

    "Meredith is a popular girl today," I mutter to no one in particular as I take another gulp of the drink. Before I close the front door, I poke my head out. "Anyone else?" I ask as a joke before closing and locking it.

    After an eventful morning of squealing coming from both Meredith and the girl who I now know of the name Sadie, we all carpooled to work. Apparently, this Sadie person is coming to work with us. Considering I have never heard Meredith squeal in all the time I've known her, I'm not sure if I like this girl.

    "This woman is the reason I went to med school in the first place," Sadie says, throwing her arm over Meredith's shoulder as we walk up to the building. "I figured if a slacker like Death could handle slicing people open, then I could, too."

    "That's not her name." Cristina hisses from beside me as Sadie talks. Somehow we've been pushed to the back of the pack and Cristina is not taking that well. Turns out now she has some best friend competition.

    "Meredith's not a slacker." Derek points out from beside them.

    "I could tell you some stories." Sadie voices excitedly but Meredith is quick to shut her down.

    "But, you won't." She smiles before Cristina speaks up from beside me.

    "So, Sadie, you postponed your residency to work in a morgue?" Cristina asks and Sadie barely even turns around to answer her.

    "Yeah, a lot of the fun cutting, none of the rules, but I got bored. Started craving blood that was flowing." She says while sounding more like a vampire than a surgeon.

    "And now you're here. I can't believe you're here." Meredith says with a big grin and Cristina and I give each other a look.

    "Yay," Cristina says, clearly unimpressed.

    "Yipee." I return the gesture as we follow them into the building. Before we make it all the way inside, I notice Izzie stopped outside the entrance. The picture is all too familiar, like when she came back after Denny died. "I'll catch up," I mutter to Cristina before walking over to her. "You okay?"

    "Yeah, I'm fine. I'll just be a minute." Izzie says giving me a little smile and I nod, following her gaze into the building.

    "Okay," I say, but I can't stop myself. "You know, Alex told me about you two."

    "He did?" She asks and I nod. "You're not mad?"

    "Why would I be? If I remember correctly, he's the one who hurt you." I say with a smirk and she gives me a light-hearted smile before we fall into silence again.

    "Look, you go inside. I'll be there in a minute." She says and I sigh before agreeing and making my way into the building.

    Unfortunately, Seattle Grace is down a cardio god since Hahn left the staff unexpectedly. I thought nothing of it until I remembered that Callie maybe felt something for her. I wonder if that had anything to do with Hahn leaving. Knowing me and the fact that I hate when people ask about my personal life, I'm not going to talk to her about it unless she comes to me.


    After a very long day, I ended up getting a night shift with George in the ER. I love being at the hospital when the other residents are at home because then I get to the good cases first, but I really hate the night shifts.

    "Slow night in the pit," George mutters, playing with the cord from the phone behind the desk in the ER.

    "You can't say that!" I exclaim hitting him on the shoulder as we look out at the virtually empty ER.

    "Why not?"

    "You say that and next thing you know we're flooded," I mutter and he hesitates before raising his brow.

    "Don't we want it to be flooded? That means surgeries." He says with a grin and I shake my head with a sigh.

    "No, that means everyone will be paged in. We want one really messed up person that we can have all to ourselves." I grin, looking intently at the phone, willing it to ring.

    "We are terrible." He laughs and I return it.

    "Morbid even," I add when all of a sudden the phone rings and I jump forward. George manages to grab the phone before me and I slump back into my chair in disappointment.

    "Hello? Seattle Grace ER." He says into the phone and waits for an answer. I watch him expectantly and when he says nothing for a couple of seconds I smack him on the arm. He pushes me away but I continue to pry.

    "Well?" I ask when he finally hangs up the phone.

    "Possible appy ten minutes out," He says, turning to me with a grin on his face and I pump my fist in the air.

    "That solo surgery is mine." I grin to myself and he frowns.

    "Or mine." He suggests and I roll my eyes, patting his shoulder in comfort.

    "Yeah, right." I laugh as we both stand and grab our trauma gowns. After waiting for the ambulance for about five minutes, I notice people running into the ER. To my horror, it's the rest of our class. "What are they doing here?! They're not even on call!"

    "What are you all doing here?" A voice rings through the ER, echoing my own. We all turn to see Bailey walking towards us with a surprised look on her face.

    "He's mine!" Cristina is quick to run in front of us, obviously talking about our incoming trauma.

    "And she's sharing him with me." Meredith joins her at the front and I'm quick to push between both of them to get in front.

    "Actually, I'm on call, so he's mine," I state, looking at Bailey for help. George speaks up from behind the pack.

    "I'm on call too." He says as Bailey looks at all of us, obviously unimpressed.

    "Good morning, Dr. Bailey. You look nice today." Alex says with a fake smile and I scoff.

    "Kiss ass." I cough.

    "Brownnoser," Cristina adds before stepping forward. "I got here first and the Chief said I'm the one to watch."

    "What? When did he say that?" I frown, turning to her before letting it go and turning back to face Bailey. "And, I was actually here first. I've been here all night!"

    "Oh, I see." Bailey leans back, taking us all in with new eyes. "It's solo surgery time, and you all have heard that the past two years, the chief has assigned an appendectomy, so you little mini surgeons dragged your butts out of bed to pick up some final tips from the master. Yeah, it's kinda cute. I can use two of you."

    "Audrey and I are on call!" George exclaims from the pack but Cristina pushes forward again.

    "I just filled Meredith in on the case," Cristina says proudly and I roll my eyes. Anyone who can read the file sent over can fill themselves in on a case.

    "Jason Kron, 47, tenderness over McBurney's point." Meredith proves Cristina's point and Bailey gives her a little nod before turning to Alex.

    "Karev, what do you know about Mr. Kron?" She asks him and I watch as he struggles for an answer.

    "I know he's a lucky man to have you as a surgeon." He says with the same fake grin and I lean over.

    "Double kiss ass." I cough and he elbows me away from him as Bailey raises her brow, unimpressed with his lack of knowledge in the case. Before she can continue her interrogation, sirens blare through the ER and we turn to see someone on a gurney being pushed into the hospital. The paramedic explains that the man fell from a second-story window.

    "Dr. Bailey, I'm gonna need one of your residents." Dr. Hunt says as he follows the gurney to a trauma room. She turns to look at us and George is quicker than me to put his hand up.

    "Me! Mine. I am on call." He gives me a little glare as Bailey nods in his direction.

    "It's yours." She says and he runs after Hunt, leaving me with the group.

    "Dr. Bailey, we have a patient with severe abdominal pain. Can you spare a resident?" A nurse walks over and the moment the words leave her lips I see Cristina shaking her head subtly at Bailey in a silent plea.

    "Grey and Yang, prep Mr. Kron for surgery," Bailey says, turning to them. My mouth drops open in disbelief as the two of them run off.

    "Alex, you never know, severe abdominal pain could become an appendectomy," Bailey says, swatting him away.

    "Dr. Bailey, I'm here to help in any way that I can." He says with a forced smile, every word seeming to pain him. He gives her a wink before turning to tend to the patient. Bailey lets out an amused chuckle before turning to me. My hands are on my hips in annoyance.

    "I'm on call-" I start to argue but she silences me.

    "Exactly." She says, shrugging and gesturing to the bustling ER around us. "Who else is going to run the ER?"

    I sigh in disappointment, if I'm lucky I'll get a broken bone. This is not what I expected when I offered to take a night shift in the ER. I had the perfect opportunity right in front of me but it was swiped before it came through the front door. Pathetic.


    Just my luck, another boring night in the ER with no more than a sprained ankle and a concussion. I'm practically falling asleep behind the ER desk when the hand holding my head up slips and I fall forward. I catch myself before I hit the table and look around in alarm. Nothing is happening so I lean back. I don't know how long I was zoned out.

    When I look at the board behind me, there are no new patients and the phone is silent with no one on hold. All I can think about is how I could be in bed right now. I don't normally think like this. I'm a surgeon and this is the only place I want to be, but after a thirty-hour shift, I'm about to drop.

    "Dr. Karev, I need a line put into bed four." A nurse says, walking over and I look up at her.

    "Interns do central lines. They need the practice." I say, rolling a pen between my fingers in boredom.

    "Well, I don't see any interns and this patient needs a central line." She says, sounding a little ticked off so I put the pen down and stand up, taking the chart that she hands me.

    "Okay, I'm on it," I say politely, not wanting to get on a nurse's bad side. I start to walk over to the bed when I realize the ER is unusually quiet and I don't have the feeling of being watched that I normally do when my interns are around. I spin around trying to spot anyone's interns, but can't see any. "Hey, has anyone seen my interns? Or, any intern?"

    When no one answers, I shrug and move onto the patient who needs a central line. Once I finish, I've nothing more to do than go back to my spot behind the desk but something in my gut won't let me. Something isn't right.

    As if on cue, my pager goes ballistic at my hip and when I look down, I'm being paged 911 to one of the abandoned rooms in the underground hallway. I knew something wasn't right about tonight. I turn and take off at a run out of the ER and turn corners until I get to the hallway. When I finally get to the room, one of Cristina's interns is standing outside the door looking terrified.

    "Excuse me," I say trying to get to the door but they stand in my way.

    "I can't let you through." He says and I take a step back, raising my brow in amusement, he gulps, clearly terrified of me at this moment.

    "What are you? Some bouncer? I was paged here." I scold him as he tries to stand his ground. Before he can answer, a familiar voice yells from inside the room.

    "Let her in, four!" Cristina yells to her numbered intern and he reluctantly moves to the side. I push through the door and the moment I lay my eyes on what's inside, my jaw drops.

    "What the hell happened?" I ask as I watch Cristina and Meredith frantically working over Sadie's open stomach.

    "These idiots decided to do a dissection lab on their fellow intern." Cristina hisses as she attempts to stop bleeders. I turn to look at the panicked interns in the room, eyes settling over my own interns.

    "Audrey, you need to go get Bailey," Meredith says and I nod slowly, almost in a trance. I don't understand how we've managed to get ourselves in this situation on more than one occasion. We're supposed to be surgeons, not crazy lunatics who keep almost killing people. I turn to my interns with a glare.

    "None of you move. Got it? You don't leave this room or talk to anyone." They nod along petrified until I turn to Lexie. "You. Come with me."

    Suddenly, I know how Bailey felt about us when we were interns. I race down the hallway with Lexie right behind me. As we run through the halls, trying not to draw attention to ourselves, I try to piece together what happened.

    "You wanted what?" I ask Lexie after she attempts to explain what they were trying to do.

    "We felt like we weren't learning enough surgical technique. They... we decided to teach ourselves." She mumbles in disappointment, obviously not used to being this deep in trouble.

    "Teach yourselves on yourselves?! Do you realize how stupid that is?! No wonder you guys aren't learning anything!" I exclaim as we turn a final corner and I spot Bailey at the end of it. "Okay, time for you to shut up." I try to walk calmly down the hallway and the moment Bailey sees me she smirks.

    "Karev, how's the pit?" She asks, not looking up from her chart. I step in front of her and she looks up at me in confusion.

    "Dr. Bailey, there's an emergency in outpatient surgery," I say in a calm voice but I know she can tell from my eyes what I really mean.

    "What kind of emergency?" She asks, frowning and closing her chart.

    "Follow me," I say and turn to follow the same hallway we came from. I notice Bailey look at Lexie skeptically. Unlike me, Lexie is unable to hide her expressions and is currently wearing her fears on her sleeve. I can feel Bailey's alarm increase with every step closer to the greater issue. I'm not looking forward to opening the door and revealing the mess to her. I don't know how I keep landing in this position.

    When we do finally get to the door, I don't have a chance to open it for her. She runs forward and barges through, everyone in the room turning to see her in horror.

    "What the hell is going on?!" She demands when she enters the room. The chaos has multiplied since I was last here but fortunately, my peers were smart enough to page an anesthesiologist and scrub nurse to aid the disastrous surgery.

    "We were trying to take out her appendix," Lexie says from beside me and I sigh in disappointment at my intern. I really tried to teach them but apparently, I didn't do a good enough job if they thought this was a good idea.

    "Well, who's foolish idea was that?" Bailey says as a scrub nurse puts a surgical gown over her shoulders.

    "Mine." Lexie breathes out and my head snaps to her. She happened to leave out that part when telling me the story earlier.

    "Yours?" I scold in disbelief as she looks at the ground in shame. I turn to look at Bailey who makes wide eyes at me before turning to the woman on the table.

    "Where are we?" She asks, walking up beside Cristina.

    "We just found the artery in the mesoappendix. Apparently the stitches the interns did came off." Meredith explains as she continues to work. I notice some of the interns have crowded around and I realize I'm the only person of authority right now that's not trying to save Sadie. That leaves me one job.

    "Okay, people, this is not a show. Get over here." I snap and they all turn to me in fear, shuffling their way over to my side of the room. They all stand along the wall on the far side, now unable to see the surgery. I turn to face all of them. "Chances are you idiots won't live to see another day at this hospital. If you're lucky, this will be on your permanent record and once you finish your internship, other hospitals won't go anywhere near you."

    I watch as they all look at the ground or each other in embarrassment and fear for the future of their careers. Somehow, we were able to recover from Denny who was a patient, but I don't know how you recover from this. Doing actual surgery on someone is way more intense than cutting an LVAD.

    "You're all going to stand here, hoping, praying for a miracle and that you didn't just kill this girl." I finish turning back around to the surgery and take a step forward. "How's she doing?"

    "She is really bleeding," Cristina mutters as her hands work furiously. "I can't see anything."

    "The stump isn't closed right. She needs a partial cecectomy." Meredith adds and I cross my arms in anticipation. I want to do something, I feel so useless standing around, but there are already enough hands in her small body, I would just be in the way.

    "I can't get to the appendiceal artery." Cristina groans in frustration but Bailey nods.

    "Yes, you can. You almost had it." She encourages, voice surprisingly calm considering the situation. "Look, don't panic. Put that down." She says as she realizes Cristina is getting more upset. "Feel down for the mesoappendix. All right, find the pulsations. Follow it to the end."

    "I think I got it," Cristina says in relief as she follows along with Bailey's every word.

    "Good. Place your clamp." She says with almost a smile in relief.

    "Are you guys good in here?" I ask, stepping forward and Bailey turns to me slightly.

    "Yes, you can get them out of here now." She says and I give her a quick nod before turning to the interns. I don't even have to say anything, they follow me to the door and walk out behind me. I lead them all the way to the Chief's office and let them line up along the wall outside.

    When the surgery finished and Meredith found me, I almost collapsed in relief when she told me Sadie made it through. Unfortunately, now is the part where we have to talk to the Chief about what happened. When he got to the hospital, he pulled the three of us into a board room.

    "I was sleeping, and sleep isn't easy for me to come by. But I was finally sleeping, then I get a call-" He says with a loud and unimpressed voice. Before he can continue Meredith speaks up.

    "I can't believe it. I still can't believe it." Meredith sighs, still unable to get over the stupidity of our intern's actions.

    "Don't beat yourself up too much about it." He says which surprises me. "I've seen a lot of maturity in the three of you through this mess. You handled the crisis, saved that girl's life and you called for help right away. There was a time not so long ago that you would've reached a different conclusion. You could've tried to hide the whole mess. Sometimes protecting your colleagues is solidarity and sometimes it's just hubris. I'm glad to see you know the difference."

    I can feel the tension in the room disappear as his words sink in. We're off the hook for this one, but I can't say the same about our interns. Suddenly, the door bursts open and Lexie runs into the room. We all turn to her in alarm and I frown.

    "Dr. Grey. Go back outside." I scold her disturbance but she ignores me.

    "Chief, I can't let them get in trouble for this." She starts but Meredith tries to stop her.


    "No, it's not right. People tried to stop me. Dr. Yang told me yesterday to shut this down but I didn't listen!" Lexie rambles trying to shift the blame to her but as Webber's eyes darken I realize she just made it a hundred times worse.

    "You knew about this yesterday?" Webber turns to Cristina sharply as her mouth drops open at the confession that just slipped through Lexie's mouth.

    "Sir-" Cristina tries to defend herself but Webber turns to look at Meredith and I.

    "Did you know?" He asks harshly but before I can answer Meredith is quick to defend.

    "No!" She exclaims as Cristina turns to look at her with a look of pure betrayal.

    "What about you? Dr. Grey is your intern." Webber looks at me and I feel his glare burning into my skull.

    "I had no idea, sir. I'm sorry." I say quietly, not wanting to be on the receiving end of Cristina's glare but also not planning to throw myself under the bus with her. It's true, I didn't know what was going on. When he excused us, I could tell that Cristina was going to get an earful and I couldn't help but feel awful. We all had interns in that room and Lexie was my own.

    When all of us went to ask Bailey about the interns. She turned us away and said that we had to figure out how to punish them and what to say to them. It's understandable, she's not their resident, we are, but it doesn't make the task any less grilling. It wasn't until this moment that I realized Izzie hasn't been here all night. She was never actually paged in, but I would have expected her to jump at the opportunity to get to work. Now we have to lecture her interns.

    We bring all of them into Sadie's recovery room, luckily she's awake and responsive. They crowd around her bed as all of us residents, stand on the other side.

    "Dr. Grey," I speak up, looking at Lexie. "Present."

    "Sadie Harris, 30, three hours status post-appendectomy complicated by severe hemorrhaging." She presents quietly but manages to keep her voice professional.

    "Death, what is this?" Sadie turns to Meredith in confusion and fear but she ignores her.

    "Dr. Spalding," Meredith says simply.

    "Vitals stable, triple antibiotic coverage. She should fully recover within two weeks." He explains, his voice less professional than Lexie, cracking slightly.

    "And?" I urge, raising my brow at Lexie.

    "And, we, your surgeons, made mistakes that compromised your care, mistakes that reflect poorly on this hospital and it won't happen again." She rehearses from earlier when we scolded the entire intern class. I give her one nod, signalling her to step back.

    "Effective immediately, every intern here is on probation. So much as sneeze and you're done." Meredith announces, earning more than one groan or gasp from the crowd of them.

    "None of you will see the inside of an OR until further notice," Cristina adds, crossing her arms over her chest.

    "If you asked me, you all got off easy. You should be thankful you still have a job." I say, staring all of them down.

    "You've lost the Chief's respect, which, believe me, is not an easy thing to get back," George says, looking out at the crowd that was once his peers. Now and forever, they will be children in all of our eyes.

    "Speaking for myself, you've lost my respect, and you probably won't ever get that back," Alex speaks up from beside me and I see one of the interns lean over to his friend and whisper something.

    "But he still respects Izzie Stevens." He mutters but I can barely hear him.

    "What did you say?" Alex says, pushing off from the desk he was leaning on and I sigh in annoyance.

    "You seem to still respect Izzie Stevens, and she killed a patient." He says confidently and I raise my eyebrows in surprise. This guy may be cocky, but he's stupid if he thinks he's going to get away with that statement.

    Alex steps forward in rage and pins the intern up against a wall. I take a step forward to pull him off but realize he's not going to punch him out, just try to scare him.

    "She was trying to save a man's life. You almost killed a friend for fun. It's different." He says, pushing the intern into the wall before stepping away. I remember being excited to have interns. I thought it would be fun bossing people around and being the big shot surgeon like Bailey was for us, but in reality, this job brings out the worst in people.

    After finding out that Cristina knew the interns were practicing on themselves without reporting it, he made it clear that she would not be able to win the solo surgery. To torture her, he made her choose who would get it, and let's just say I wasn't so happy with her choice...

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