Ephemeral You | Shoto Todorok...


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"Soulmate?..." The male groaned slightly, staring at the body laid on top of him. βΈΊ π–πŽπ‹π… π€π‚π€π‚πˆπ”οΏ½... More

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Wolf's attention moved from the tired-looking male, head snapping to the door in awareness. There entered a mouselike creature with bear paws wearing a suit, a man in a trench coat and the demi-humans that helped him earlier before ending up in the hospital.

'Which tier of familiar is that?' Wolf thought about the mouselike creature with a scar across one of his eyes that piqued his interest as he averted his gaze quickly, seeing that the lady from earlier was also in the room.

'Perhaps it's a Holy Beast?'

"We're here," the mouselike creature spoke in slight enthusiasm as he rose a paw. "Good morning, there. I'm Nezu! This is Detective Tsukauchi and Pro Heroes, which are Kamui Woods and Mt. Lady."

"Good morning," Wolf bowed a bit as he was still sitting on the bed.

"Why are you here too, Nezu?" The male beside Wolf turned to face the people at the door.

"Good morning too, Erasurehead. I was called just now. The investigation needs my knowledge to diagnose the situation. Apparently, Tsukauchi and these two heroes noticed slight abnormalities about the boy over there," Nezu replied and walked closer to the bed. He stood on the side, smiling friendly before turning to the detective.

"You were found in the abandoned alley near Street E this morning, injured badly and were barely conscious. Can you tell me what happened?" Tsukauchi crouched down a bit at the end of the bed, eyes meeting Wolf's mismatched ones with a focused look.

It was as if the male was trying to dig into his mind and Wolf couldn't help but felt uncomfortable.

"You wouldn't believe me but I don't think I'm actually from here. I wasn't attacked by any villains that you were kept mentioning too," Wolf simply replied, waiting for questions as he didn't want to explain the unneeded.

"Tsukauchi, is he joking?" The male, Erasurehead, asked the detective across Wolf with a slightly annoyed look that he had been holding since earlier. He sure wanted to get away as soon as he could.

Tsukauchi frowned hard, not answering the male instantly as he kept staring into Wolf's eyes. What seemed like a minute passed as the detective blinked away to break their locked gaze and sighed. He later paid attention to Erasurehead.

"I can't use my quirk on him," the answer seemed to wake the tired-male fully.

"What do you mean?" Erasurehead moved his attention to Wolf who was as confused as Tsukauchi. "Hey, kid. What's your quirk?"

"Quirk? I don't know such things as 'quirk'. And to make it clear, what I was doing earlier when you came in was magic," Wolf's brows drew together. Who were these strange people? Why were they calling his magic as 'quirk'?

"You don't know what's a quirk?" Wolf didn't glance at the lady although she was speaking. She was sounding to hold a laugh though, as she stood beside the hero called Kamui Woods.

The hero beside her sighed, "Please don't laugh at him. I think this is a serious matter. Has he lost his memories?" His brows furrowed as he too focused on the knight.

"It's okay," Nezu told them. "We haven't asked him to introduce himself yet. Forgive our rudeness, young man, but may I ask about yourself before proceeding with the investigation?" He smiled slightly towards Wolf.

The male finally calmed down a little, pushing his worries aside.

"I appreciate your consideration, Mr Nezu. My name's Wolf Acacius Vaughan. The last descendant of House Vaughan from the Kingdom of Rhyladon," Wolf introduced himself simply, bowing slightly as his hand was placed against his chest.

"What kind of joke is this?" Mt. Lady cackled and it seemed as if she was slapping Kamui Woods arm as she did so.

Tsukauchi and Erasurehead, on the other hand, seemed stunned by the situation that they didn't utter a single word as they looked at Wolf.

"So, do you remember everything?" Nezu received a nod from the male silently as he looked over him. "Good. Then please elaborate more about yourself and this kingdom called Rhyladon. It seems that you're right."

"I hold the positions of the leader of Platinum Knights and the personal guard for the Crown Prince, His Highness Luke Arianwen Astra.  I was supposed to be 20 but shrunk due to the spell I used on myself to save the kingdom. I heaved my last breath with a sword piercing through my body but then I woke up to this place," Wolf gritted his teeth at the memory, tightening his fist. "All of the wounds I received were there but the one on my chest seemed as if it was never there."

"Rhyladon is the kingdom I was raised in. It's the smallest kingdom in the continent and the only kingdom that hasn't been conquered by the emperor from the South kingdom called Siron until that moment I died," Wolf finished with a sigh, staring at the blanket at the end of his feet.

"You're supposed to be dead?" Erasurehead questioned, raising a brow. "Then why are you here? I can't understand this..." He turned away and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"It's confirmed then. The government has zero data about you when the officer took your fingerprint while you were sleeping in the ward this morning. He's speaking the truth," Nezu whirled his head to face Tsukauchi. "The chances of different universes collided is thin but never has it been truly impossible. It could be due to a quirk or magic if it happened from his side of the universe."

"It might be why I can't use my quirk on him..." Tsukauchi sighed in realisation, nodding his head in understatement.

"Maybe. It would be best to just believe him."

Erasurehead asked, "So, you can do magic? How much?"

"There are too many. But I'm sure that I'm not that superior," Wolf lifted his hand and a silver dagger appeared in his hand before vanishing into thin air. "And I can't do much as I'm still a bit wounded and my energy has drained too much."

"So, this kid is literally from another universe?" Mt. Lady hummed. "What should we do know? He wasn't attacked by any villains too, right? And how can he speak the same language as us?"

"That might be a mystery for another day, but for now we have to do something," Nezu answered the female.

"We have to find temporary custody for him..." Kamui Woods rubbed his chin as he was trying to think of a solution.

"I'm sure that I can take care of myself. I was once 20 years old if you've forgotten," Wolf spoke as he glanced reassuringly at the people in front of him. He felt a bit irritated by their behaviour although he trie his best to show his best politeness. He was once an adult, so why wouldn't they want to find custody for him so bad? It shamed him a bit as he was a prideful person in the first place.

"Listen here, kid⸺"

"Umm, excuse me. I have to check on the patient," a nurse in white stood by the door with a clipboard in her hand. Her straight hair was black, reaching past her shoulders slightly and her eyes were golden in colour.

"Oh, sure..." Erasurehead stepped to the side, gesturing the others to do the same as the nurse came closer.

"Good morning, I'm Youko Hanasaki," the nurse greeted Wolf as she somehow was smiling sadly. She seemed quite old, age almost close to his deceased mother when she heaved her last breath.

"Good morning, Ms Hanasaki," Wolf replied, bowing slightly towards her although he found himself unable to just simply smile.

The nurse nodded, proceeding to check on the male. She seemed a bit furious as she noticed that the IV drip from Wolf's hand was taken off. Erasurehead apologised and explained how Wolf was using his 'quirk' earlier to heal himself. Other than that, everything was okay.

Until Wolf noticed that the nurse was crying.

The male was taken aback, "Pardon me, Miss. Have I done something wrong?"

"Are you alright?" Tsukauchi walked closer to where they were and worriedly tried to peek at the nurse's face.

Mt. Lady panicked slightly, "W-Why are you crying, Miss?"

"O-Oh, nothing," Youko laughed a bit, sniffling as wiped her tears. "It's just this boy looks a lot like my deceased son. Like...a lot..." She smiled through her tears and patted Wolf's shoulder.

"Is that so?" Wolf was startled as he stared at the lady.

"Yes, I thought that he was still alive for a second," Youko stood up. "It seems that you're fine now. The hospital would most likely let you go."

"I'm so sorry to hear that. You might want to drink some tea to calm yourself, I suggest," Nezu smiled softly at Youko and she thanked him before walking away.

It was silent for a moment.

"So... Who's going to take him in?" Kamui Woods spoke after a long moment of silence. "Except Mt. Lady. I found that it would be inappropriate, adding to how he isn't used to our clothing style."

"Of course," Mt. Lady winked sent a playful wink towards Wolf and the poor male tore his gaze away as fast as he could while gritting his teeth in shame. She laughed, "My, he's so innocent!"

'What a vulgar lady. Forgive me for staring at her, mother.'

"Stop teasing him..." Erasurehead groaned a bit and scratched the back of his head. He turned to glance at Wolf, face held seriousness as he bored his gaze into the boy's heterochromia ones. "So, kid. Who's going to take you now. For temporary, of course, until we find you the right guardian."

Nezu hummed, "Let's see..."


"Out of all people, they've chosen me..." Erasurehead grumbled as he stomped a bit through the exit of the hospital. "Listen, kid. I don't live in my house for some reason and lived in the teachers' quarter of the school I'm teaching. But now that I have to take care of you, that dorm might as well be yours for the moment. I can't have a stranger live in my house."

"I understand and thank you very much, Sir Erasurehead. Trust me that I don't need any custody but I wouldn't burden you as much as possible and would try to assist you if you ever needed help," Wolf stopped walking and bowed towards the older male in gratitude.

"Don't suddenly stop walking! And please just call me, 'Aizawa'," the male sighed and waved a hand in front of his chest as he shook his head. He turned away and started to walk off again. "Seriously, why do I have to take care of a kid..."

"I was once 20 years old, Mr Aizawa. Please don't forget that," Wolf spoke as he trailed a meter away from the Hero. He scratched his arms a little, a bit uncomfortable at how body fitting the clothes he was wearing.

Earlier, before going with Aizawa, Mt. Lady and Kamui Woods had gotten him some clothes to wear while Nezu was discussing with Aizawa and Tsukauchi as he obviously shouldn't go around wearing the same bloody uniform he had worn that morning. Wolf didn't need any help with the clothes though but he let them do what they wanted as the heroes had offered their time helping him.

But that didn't mean that Mt. Lady could get him this fitting maroon turtle neck either. Moreover, the black leggings ⸺as what she mentioned⸺ that were hugging around his thighs too well.

"I don't care. If you're a kid now then you are. It doesn't matter if you're once twenty years old or what if you're going to stay as a 15-year-old horny teenager and can't turn back," Aizawa snapped a bit. "How did you even turn as a teen? Is that spell really that

''Horny'? What a foul word you're using against me.'

Wolf shrugged just a bit, "It's a bit powerful. I rarely use it. It a spell that reverses your body until the injuries are healed fully or just majorly." He adjusted his bangs slightly, the blood-red strands brushing off his shoulders slowly.

Aizawa sighed and shook his head, "Even as a young adult, you can't be too reckless when it comes to handling your own power." He continued walking, not sparing a glance at the boy.

"I admit that I was desperate at the moment. I felt as if I was the only hope for them yet I failed miserably. It must've brought shame to my house," Wolf heaved a breath, eyes darting over the blue sky for a second. It amused him how the buildings could reach that high.

"That's tough," Aizawa unlocked his car as they arrived at the parking lot. "Get in, kid. I don't have all day for you."

"What is this box? Is it a carriage?" Wolf almost jumped but managed to remain calm when Aizawa pressed the key to his car earlier, asking as his eyes caught the sight of the round tyres at the bottom of the car.

"It's called 'car', like your carriage but more advanced," Aizawa opened the door for the lost boy. "You don't need horses or any animals. The driver controls it from this seat through the steering and pedals that trigger the movement of the engine," he pointed to some things in the car lifelessly as he had gotten into the driver's seat.

"Put on the seatbelt. You wouldn't want to injure yourself again," Aizawa gestured to the boy to follow his movements.

"Humans in the future are sure too advanced," Wolf's lips parted slightly in amusement although he was very confused as he looked ahead of the road while Aizawa was driving. Luckily, he managed to follow the male's steps earlier or he would've looked like a fool.

The knight also might haven't been the best to express his feelings but the gleam in his eyes were clear enough to let the older male knew how excited he was.

"We sure are," Aizawa simply replied and kept on driving.

Aizawa might or might not have purposely taken a longer route to their destination so that the boy could take a view around Musutafu City. He didn't know why he did it even when he was sleepy as hell, but it wouldn't be too bad. He wanted to get some air too, he guessed.

"Is this the destination? The building's quite huge, I admit but the castle is sure way larger than this," Wolf commented as he turned away from the window and glanced at Aizawa.

The male gazed at the tall building in slight amusement at how mostly glass materials were used to cover the building. His expression seems like a bored one to Aizawa though.

"I guess, welcome to U.A."

Thank you for reading!

The next chapter will be more exciting >~<

Anyways, RenGa is canon and I can't be any happier than this.
Just discovered that I can actually blush⸺

Y'all better watch Sk8 The Infinity

Bakuverse update is tomorrow. Be sure to look forward to it!

[ 2.5K WORDS | 28.02.21 ]

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