Where Winter Meets Summer (Ru...

By OnyxxCrow

1.2M 33.3K 106K

THE DISCOVERY A fundamentally lonesome person, Russia believed he could survive the Academy all on his own bu... More

Prologue: Lifeless Land of Winter
Welcome Back to the Academy(Russia POV)
The Maiden and Her Bear (Canada POV)
As Normal As It Gets (Russia POV) *intense swearing?*
The CAS (Germany POV)
Rise Little Underdog! Pt 1 (Germany POV)
Rise Little Underdog! Pt 2 (Germany and Russia POV)
Weekend (Canada POV)
The Returning Star (Russia POV)
First Impressions Pt 2
The Experiment (America POV)
Frozen in Time (A glimpse into Russia's past)
Invitation of Doubt (Russia POV)
Prepare! Before the Fourth (Russia POV)
The Time is Now
Let's Start Over... (America Pov)
Things Won't Go Wrong. Right? (Canada POV)
Trapped in Burning Ice (Russia POV)
Prelude of Winter: The Story Before the Tempest
The Compromise (America POV)
The Compromise (continued)
On One Condition... (NobodyPOV)
The Very First Failure (Nobody POV)
The Last Gate To Earth (NATO POV)
Good Luck My Dear Brother
Earthbound(America POV)
Forced or Not, Here They Come
The Special Trial For a Special Case
There Are Things Better Left Unsaid
Fight or Flight
Breaking Through
Reaching the End of a Star
Falling Apart But Holding Together
Back to Where We Came From
Redirected Hope
A Burden
The Art of Healing or Hurting?
Cold Relapse
Another Step Forward
A Thing of the Past
Rubbing Salt in a Wound
Frozen in Time: Roses in the Snow
Washing Salt From a Wound
Uncertain Fates
Tales Untold
Lessons to be Relearned
Breaking the Silent Night
Waiting for Explainations
Disarray on the Final Day
To Love and To be Loved
In the One We Trust
No Turning Back
The Challengers Rise
A New Perspective
Forgotten Wishes Hidden in the Deep
Against the Clock: SIX
Shadow Dance/Strife In the Dead of Night: FIVE
Herald from the Grave: FOUR
Diamond Eyes: THREE
The Final Call: TWO
Forsakened: ONE
Prelude of Winter: His Pipedream
On Thin Ice
How the Robin Stole Fire
Truths from a Liar
Appeals for the Unmended
In the Face of Adversity
Untethered Shadow
By Your Side
Tears For Better Tomorrows
When Omens Stir
The Final Hour
Momentary Peace
Evening Interlude
The Sun Sets
The Underground Blues
The Underground Blues Pt. 2
Divided, We Fall
The Observer's Promise
Silent Silver Linings

First Impressions? (Pt 1) (Nobody POV)

17.1K 518 924
By OnyxxCrow

Special note for a certain someone: Don't- just... don't freak out. XD

"After an entire year of travelling, competitions, ceremonies, business ventures and movie sets, smiling for the cameras had become as normal as breathing to me..."

There were probably over 12,000 people gathered in the Western Garden at the World Academy. All of them had their microphones, cameras, pens and papers out and ready. All of this, for just one person.

The air was tense, stretched thin with anticipation. All eyes were locked on the gateway that opened to the horseshoe driveway where a shining black limo was expected to pull up at any moment. Nobody was willing to miss it.

Nobody except Russia. He really couldn't care less. He had already left the giant commotion, determined not to be a part of it.

"A new student huh," he murmured to himself, "Big deal, just another hotshot who'll be nothing more than a bother."

(a while later...)

The sun was amongst them. Where he went, everyone followed. The lights flashed and hands reached, unable to get enough. It seemed that the only thing stopping the people from pulling him under were his men dressed in black, giving threatening looks to whoever got too close. The star cruised forward, occasionally flashing a wicked grin which melted the fangirls' hearts instantly.

He strolled up the Academy steps at a brisk but leisurely pace, his unkempt hair tossed carelessly in the playful breeze. A slick black leather jacket matched his combat boots and the shades he almost never took off. Ripped jeans and fingerless gloves only added to his badass vibe, something the girls would kill for along with his devilishly good looks and lean build.

America had just reached the door of the building when he was greeted with a familiar voice

"The boss is back in town! What's Mr. Superpower doing here?" Australia teased.

"To see my best bro of course! Dude look at you! Did you get taller?" he replied.

They both laughed and America glanced around, "I don't see Kiwi or Maple Syrup. Are they trying to hide from me or somethin'?"

"Naw. They're both a bit busy. Especially Nada," a sly smirk creeped onto Australia's face, "with his laaaddyyyyyyyy..." he cooed.

America's face lit up.
"HE GOT A GIRL AND DIDN'T TELL ME?!" he exclaimed, "Oh 'nada you're so dead."

They continued to throw jokes around, forgetting the thousands of microphones that were recording their every word. They didn't care. Having a good time was always America's first priority.

He found many familiar faces in the crowd but, unbeknown to everyone, he was looking for one in particular. It was one he did not find.

"So. How's school? Anything change while I was gone?" he inquired in a suddenly serious tone. America turned away from the crowd and glanced over his shades, showing his unusual eyes only to his brother.

Australia caught the hint, "So you've heard? Yeah. We got ourselves a big school bully. And he's... y'know."

The mood abruptly did a 180 flip and the crowd fell silent. The first clouds of the day drifted over the sun, casting an ominous shadow, matching the Superpower's scowl, darkened bit by bit.

"Is this... bully the reason I don't see half of the countries from the European House here today?"

Australia tensed up, because he recognized the face his brother was making. It was not a pleasant one, that's for sure. America's emotions were very unpredictable. His bright and cheerful face could cloud over and rain in a matter of seconds. He also had a very short fuse, so pissing him off was not a braggable achievement.

At this point, Australia was trembling slightly, "Uh... yeah, but-"

He was cut off by a thunderclap. Murmurs began to appear as confused faces glanced at the incredibly dark sky that was threatening to unleash a rainstorm at any moment. The jovial breeze from before had turned into heavy ozone-scented current.

Fat droplets began to hurl from the sky. This was naturally followed by shrieks of panic and a giant scramble for shelter. America, however, didn't even flinch. He was lost in his own thoughts.

"I want to meet him," America finally announced, "I want to see this asshole who thinks he can disturb the peace of this place and teach him a lesson he will NEVER forget."
He began to march down the steps, back towards the gate he entered through.

Australia was seriously panicking now. He needed to calm his brother down before his recklessness caused another disaster. Luckily for him, Canada came just in time.

"Woah, Ame? Where are you going- hey!" he protested as America forcefully shoved past him.

"I'm going to see- whatshisface," he spat, "Where is he?"

"You mean Russia?"

"YES! NOW WHERE IS HE?" his tone had become slightly violent, which frightened everyone around him.

Canada wracked his brain for an excuse, "Uh, um... he lives off campus and... uh you can meet him tomorrow! Yeah! Hey- you should go say hi to South Korea and Japan, I hear they're gonna throw a dorm party for you tonight! How about we go..."

America's face began to clear as he paused to think. He slowly began to nod and his regular grin returned again, as if nothing had happened. He was waved over by the other countries and the fan clubs did a wonderful job distracting him.

Australia and Canada sighed a sigh of relief.

"Thank god for his attention span of a goldfish," Australia remarked.

"Agreed. Now we need to make sure he does not meet Russia, or else... well Nurse WHO will get more work put out for her." said Canada.

Authors Note: SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! And yeah, this chapter was rushed. I might rewrite it when my brain decided to cooperate. Next chapter will hopefully come this Friday (on schedule)

Here is a random sketch I may or may not finish as compensation.

No, it does not have anything to do with the story. It was very random.
Now look out for Pt 2! Thank you for all your support! Love ya all ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Also: Writing/art contest... yes or no?

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