The Moretti Boys

By RayneGenesis

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Meet the Moores, an ordinary family from an ordinary neighborhood. Meet the Morettis, a not so ordinary famil... More

The Moretti Boys - Sebastian
Zoloft and The Loveless World - Tristan

SpongeBob from Hell - Mason

745 32 10
By RayneGenesis

Hey guys!!! How are you? I hope you all are doing well, and if not I hope everything will get better for you in the future. I apologize about the super long absence. Life. That's all I have to say about that. Either way I have been working on this chapter slowly, but surely, and I have probably rewritten it four or five times so here's to hoping I finally got it perfected. I just want you all to know that I love you. Proceed.




It's five o'clock on the dot when I wake up. The living room is still relatively dark and the house rather silent. I lift my head slowly to glance over at the lump under the blankets on the other couch. He seems to be in a deep sleep so I go ahead and roll off of the couch I'm occupying and onto my feet. I shuffle over to my two lone suitcases opening them and grabbing a pair of jeans and a black shirt. It's difficult to pull on my pants in the dark but eventually I succeed in slipping into them before tugging on the shirt. As quietly as I can I reach underneath the couch and pull out my journal and my pen before padding through the darkness to the back door. It's definitely a challenge getting it open without making a racket but I heave it hard enough that it slides open with a relatively quick noise. I take a second to breathe in the fresh night air admiring the way the moon shines over the pool.

The water barely ripples with the breeze giving it the glassy illusion of a mirror.  I lean over and roll up my pants before sitting down and slipping my feet in the water. An immediate shiver curls up my spine but I ignore it and open my book. I stare at the familiar page, the page that I religiously stare at every time I open the book. I follow the curves and the edges remembering as my heart beats faster. I lean over as the overwhelming need to gag crashes into me. I'm fairly close to vomiting my guts when a voice penetrates the silence.

"What are you doing?" I jump but quickly compose myself when I see it's my 'roommate' Gabriele. I don't answer him and instead just stare slightly off to the left of his face. "Who's that?" I tilt my head slightly confused before realizing that my journal is still wide open in my lap. I turn away from him and snap it shut. New tactic Mason. Just pretend he isn't here.

Instead of going away like I thought he would he walks over and sits down in just his black boxers. I watch as he slips his feet into the water right next to mine before a light click shoots through the air. Looking up I stare at him as he lights a cigarette the smoke coming out in a quick stream as he breathes out. He glances at me and I quickly look away staring out at the water. "How old did you say you were?" He questions his deep voice practically traveling through the ground towards me. I don't answer and instead kick my legs in the water gently creating a ripple that travels throughout the whole pool. "Are you mute?"

Instead of replying I pull myself from the ground and make to leave but Gabriele quickly grabs my wrist in his palm holding tightly. "I'm not letting you leave until you say something."

"Twenty-three" I say staring at his hand on my wrist.


With a hasty jerk I yank my hand away from him and continue on my way inside turning on the kitchen light and setting my journal down relatively close to me. Gabriele follows me into the room spreading the smoke throughout the kitchen. I give him a blank stare as he leans against the counter.

"Did you just say Twenty-three?"

"How old are you?" I deadpan staring straight at him. He huffs and turns away taking a drag from his cigarette. "Are you mute?" I say, reaching into the cupboard to grab a mug before turning to the fridge to grab a gallon of chocolate milk. I poor it slowly keeping my eyes on the man in front of me. He looks up as if he's exasperated and purses his lips.

"Seventeen. I'm seventeen alright? What do you think you're superior or something? Because let me tell you if that's what you think you've got another thing coming." He growls squaring his shoulders and puffing out his chest as his eyes grow dark and threatening. A shot of fear springs through my veins but I ignore it. If he attacks me then I won't fight. Fighting is useless.

"I never said I was superior." I answer taking a sip from my mug. I look down at the ground not brave enough to meet his eyes. There's too much passion in them, too much danger. He feels too much. Gabriele puts out his cigarette on his arm and I wince as I watch him walk around the corner of the counter sidling up next to me. His eyes are burning with aggravation as he presses his chest against my left arm leaning in close.

"No you didn't, but I can tell that's what you're thinking."

I bite the inside of my cheek staring at the counter. Don't freak out. He hasn't even done anything. Don't freak out. "So you read minds now?"

Instantly he growls. "Stop mocking me."

Sighing I turn and walk away making sure to take my journal and my chocolate milk with me.

"Where are you going?" He questions following me. Oh my god. Doesn't he have something else to do besides bother me? Am I his only source of entertainment? Why doesn't he go watch TV or something? "Hey I said where are you going?"

Frustrated I turn around but very slowly. I give him another one of my signature stares. "Why?"

His face stares back at me boldly. "Why what?"

"Why do you need to know?"

He scoffs and folds his arms across his chest sending me a withering glare. I direct my gaze somewhere else rather than his eyes. "Would you just answer the fucking question?"

Before I can even think about what I'm saying I reply. "Why don't you just go watch SpongeBob or something? Isn't that what kids your age watch?" As soon as it's out of my mouth I stare at him in shock. Did I just...tease him?

I don't remember the last time I teased anyone. I don't even tease my family members. Gabriele's face contorts in anger and his hand flies up. I cringe expecting a hit but instead he snatches my chocolate milk right from my hands and downs it. He literally just pours it down his throat in two seconds before shoving the mug back into my hand and wiping his mouth. His glare could light babies on fire I swear. He doesn't say anything and instead turns around and sits on the couch turning on the TV.

Was that his way of getting me back? He...drank my chocolate milk. I feel my mouth quirk into a smile but try to pull my face back into its expressionless regard. That was the most childish thing I have ever seen someone do. Pursing my lips I walk into the living room placing the empty mug on the table and sitting on the chair I sat in yesterday when the Moretti family first arrived. Gabriele ignores me as he flips through stations finally settling on Law & Order. I quietly bring my legs up onto the chair making a makeshift desk as I open the journal to a blank page.

I stare at him closely as I copy the lines of his face down on the page. The angry arch of his brow and the sharp angle of his jaw. It only takes a couple of minutes for me to get into the zone. I move the pen expertly across the page not even making one mistake. It's only when I finish drawing the curve of his lips and look up to start on his eyes that I notice he's watching me. I shift uncomfortably pretending that I don't notice as I keep going. I bite my lip trying my best to get the intensity of his gaze down on the paper in front of me.

"Are you drawing me right now?" I stop as soon as I finish his hair. There. It's perfect. I look up at him and then back down at the paper, and then up at him and back down again. I do this for a couple seconds admiring my work when he stands from his seat and shuffles over to me. "Let me see." He says reaching out to look at it. As quickly as possible I shove the page against my chest and shake my head.


"Why not?" He snaps craning his neck.

"No one is allowed to look in here." He sighs and then quickly snatches the book from my hands. I blink. He moves so fast. Hastily standing up I reach to take it out of his hand but he pushes me away holding it high above his head in the air.

"Uh uh. I'm looking you just stay right over there."

"Stop! Give it back!" I gasp jumping to reach the black book. He is far taller than me though so my actions are all in vain. He backs up onto the couch and before I even notice it I'm pressed against him reaching for my book desperately as he holds it back over his head. I shiver as his breathe tickles my neck and I immediately reel back at the realization of our close proximity. I begin to fall back and almost hit my head on the table but he wraps one strong arm around my waist and quickly hoists me against him.

Too close. We're too close.

"You know," he begins, dropping my journal onto the floor behind the couch as he wraps another arm around me unconsciously. "Despite you calling me a kid I have a lot on you. I'm taller, and I have more muscle mass and better reflexes." His fingers feel my waist and I shudder the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. "Your waist is so small." He muses mostly to himself.

Immediately I slap his hands away from me and stumble off of his lap flushing uncomfortably. Too close. Quickly I grab my book from the floor while Gabriele watches me over the back of the couch his hawk like eyes following my every movement. He didn't look at the picture but for now his attention is on another subject so I'll take advantage of that.

"My waist isn't small. Yours is just big."

He quirks an eyebrow. "Are you calling me fat Mason?"


"I think you just called me fat."

I shake my head silently.

"I'm pretty sure you owe me an apology." He states setting his chin down on his crossed arms. I shake my head. Why would I apologize to a guy like him? He seems like a spoiled brat. Instead I turn around and head upstairs into my parents room to take a seat on a small chair in the corner. At least here I can get some peace and quiet.

It's about a half hour later when my parents stir awake. I watch them as they stretch in the bed and turn gazing at each other. It's true that this is probably a private moment but they have four kids. Privacy is over rated. Though I do have the decency to look away at my notebook, silhouetting the drawing of Gabriele in flames of evil. I scrunch my nose and draw SpongeBob in the background with a pitch fork that's fashioned like a trident.

"Hey honey. What're you doing in here?"

I glance up and look at my parents who are both sitting up against their headboard watching me with loving eyes. I shrug. "Gabriele is watching TV downstairs and I figured I could use some quiet so I came in here."

Dad nods in understanding while craning his head to glance at my notebook strategically placed in my lap so that they can't view it. He sits up rubbing at the back of his neck as he stretches, mom doing nearly the same on the other side. "How Is Gabriele? Are you getting along with him?" Mom questions as she rises to her feet and moves to her dresser to dig out some everyday clothes. Dad looks at me still stuck to his spot in the bed as he waits for my reply.

I shrug. "I haven't really talked to him."

My dad nods as if he was expecting this response and then gets up joining my mom in the quest to find clothing. I watch them silently admiring the fact that they look so happy to be alive. I wonder how that happens. When it happens? When do we decide that we are happy to be alive? I watch mom pick up a simple but pretty beige blouse with roses on it and a pair of black pants.

"Alright how about you come downstairs and help me figure out what to make for breakfast?" Dad mumbles pulling a black sweater on over his head. I nod closing my notebook and shoving it under my arm as I follow him back out into the hall and down the steps. Gabriele perks up when he hears footsteps and then stands when he sees me follow my dad into the hallway. "I'm thinking pancakes, bacon and eggs sunny side up. How about you baby?" he asks me. I inwardly cringe at my dad calling me his favorite nickname. No doubt Gabriele heard that.

Instead of complaining I just nod and pull out the drawer by the counter setting my notebook inside before turning and washing my hands. Dad gets started on the pancakes while I reach into the fridge and grab a carton of eggs and a package of bacon. I try my hardest not to notice as Gabriele comes in taking a seat on a stool and watching us as if it's the most interesting thing he's seen all day.

"How was your sleep Gabriele? Sorry that you had to take a couch, I wish I had more bedrooms.  But hey at least you have Mason to keep you company."

Thanks dad. I'm glad we've established what my purpose is.

Gabriele smiles. "No problem Mr. Moore. I don't mind sleeping on the couch. It's actually a lot more comfortable than I thought it would be and Mason is great." I glance back at him to see if I can figure out his angle, but all he does is smile sweetly at me and wave. I choose to ignore it and turn back to the pan of eggs that I'm currently standing over. Mom swooshes into the kitchen rubbing her hand in Gabriele's hair as if that's a normal thing to do to a boy who isn't your son and then skips out into the backyard. Gabriele just kind of stares at the counter in front of him awkwardly before meeting my eyes. He looks like an awkward twelve year old right now. I bite my lip to keep myself from laughing out loud but he notices and glares pointing a knowing finger at me. Before anything can be said Sebastian comes stomping into the kitchen.

I study him silently as I flip an egg carefully. He looks absolutely livid, his cheeks are red and his breathing is shallow. As soon as he sees me he seems significantly relieved and walks over. "Hey Mason, do you need help?" I raise an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Can you make bacon?" I question staring at him. He scoffs.

"Of course I can make bacon. What do you think I'm an idiot?" I hold my hands up in surrender and move over to allow him some room at the stove. Soon the delicious scent of bacon is flooding the kitchen and I can feel my stomach rumbling. I get it now. I get why we decide that we are happy to be alive. Bacon.

Sebastian asks me a question but I don't hear over the thoughts in my head so I'm about to ask him to repeat it when Marcello comes sauntering into the room. He takes a seat next to his younger brother passing him a monotone good morning before looking at us...more specifically Sebastian.

"You know Sebastian something about you and the smell of bacon all in one concentrated area makes me really horny."

I flush at the bluntness of his words, and when I glance over at Sebastian I can see I'm not the only one. His cheeks are ten times redder than they were when he walked into the kitchen a few minutes ago. Dad groans loudly and hangs his head muttering something like not again. I glance back at Marcello who is not so subtly checking out Sebastian's butt. Ew. Gabriele is staring at him with a grossed out expression like he can't believe that his brother just said that when we are preparing food. He turns away from him shaking his head before looking at me. For a split second that familiar glare graces his features but then almost mechanically he starts mimicking his older brother but instead of looking at Sebastian he starts looking at me.

Instantly I feel the heat of his gaze, and I feel judged. So without realizing it and with far more attitude then I intend I turn around to face him. "Don't you have something better to do than just sitting there? What are you 15? Don't you need to go watch the Disney Channel or something?" Immediately all eyes in the room are on me. Ugh. Too many words were used. Too much emotion.

"Damn." Marcello laughs looking at Gabriele like he's never seen anyone talk to him like that before. Gabriele purses his lips and I can practically see his humongous muscles flexing in preparation for a nice beating. Marcello guffaws but places his hand on his younger brother's shoulder in a friendly comforting gesture. "Hey buddy I'm not a doctor or anything but I think you need some ice for that burn. Oh!!!!!!"

Gabriele growls and punches his hand away from him. "Shut the fuck up." Before anything can escalate any further Leonardo walks in his hulking presence filling the room.

"What's all the noise?" He questions taking a seat on a stool next to Marcello, and lord kill me for saying this but seriously looking at all the boys sitting in a line next to each other I just can't help but to admire their good genes. How come I could never develop muscles like theirs? It's not fair. Even Sebastian has bigger muscles than me. I'm a sad excuse for an older brother.

"Aw man." Marcello laughs as Leonardo gets comfortable. "You should've seen the way Mason just spoke to Gabriele. I've never seen anything like it. I'm so glad I lived to see this day."

"I said shut the hell up." Gabriele snaps glaring at him.

Marcello coos. "Aw, I just love it when you're angry. Look how cute he is Leo. He's like an angry kitten." Gabriele clenches his jaw and then gives me a look that says this is all my fault. I shrug and continue cooking. Soon it's all ready and we're taking our seats letting everybody who isn't awake sleep in longer. As fast as a speeding bullet Sebastian slams himself down into the seat next to me an expression of triumph crossing his face. Marcello scoffs and sits across from him with a flirty grin. Gabriele purposely comes around the table and sits on my other side laying a threatening arm across the back of my chair. I give a blank stare and munch on my bacon to make it clear that I feel no fear. At least not right now I don't since there's no possible way that he would ever murder me in front of my father. Though seeing what Marcello is willing to say in front of my father I'm not too sure. As we start to eat family trickles in slowly taking seats. Finally when everyone is seated at the table wedding talk begins. Apparently instead of wanting to find a fancy location for the wedding they're thinking of doing it in the backyard. Mom is in love with the idea since she gets the chance to showcase her beautiful garden that she puts so much effort into maintaining. I'm not opposed to this idea either since this means that I can most likely escape to one of the bedrooms in order to avoid guests.  This also gets rid of any effort we would have to put into getting flowers for tables. I glance across the table at Tristan who looks like a kitten in a huge white t-shirt that practically drowns him and large blue pajama bottoms. I pretend not to notice as Leonardo glances at him from the corner of his eye.

I wish I could be that bad ass brother who throws himself in the path of any people that try to get close to his siblings but...I can't, I am the farthest thing from bad ass. Sebastian is far more likely to be the one to get in someone's face for looking at his siblings the wrong way. He just has that personality type. I see Tristan eyeing the orange juice but he's far too shy to ask for it in front of so many people. Before I can even lift my arm to grab it and pass it to him Leonardo has the jug in his hand and is pouring orange liquid into his cup. Damn. What is he psychic? Is it just me or are the Moretti boys bizarre? Tristan offers a quiet thank you before grabbing his cup in two hands and drinking from it. Once people are close to being finished with their breakfast everyone breaks. Lillian and Antonio go up to their room to get ready to go out and look at place settings for the wedding. All the parentals do the same since they are all going along. Before mom goes up the stairs she tosses back with a wave. "Do the dishes boys." Isabella who is right at her side chatting away happily turns back to add to the order.

"My boys you should help clean up too." And then they are gone. We all sit awkwardly before Sebastian holds his hands out.

"Rock paper scissors for dishwasher and dryer." He states glancing around the table. We all nod and hold our hands out. Of course as per usual considering my amazing losing streak I get dishwashing duty and unfortunately for me Gabriele gets drying duty. "And that ladies and gentleman is how you win rock paper scissors." Sebastian brags, I just stare at his proud smirk before standing up and beginning to clear the dishes. "Come on Tristan lets go watch TV." He announces standing up from his seat. Tristan nods standing and hurrying into the living room with a looming Leonardo behind him. Sebastian follows but pauses when he notices Marcello close behind. "Don't you have a pillow you need to go hump?"

Marcello grins. "I would much rather hump you." Sebastian flushes and scoffs scurrying away.

I flush as well but ignore it taking the dishes to the sink. I fill it with soapy water before starting on the tedious task.

"I should kill you." Gabriele says cryptically besides me twisting a dish rag in his large hands.

"Go ahead." I counter as I scrub Sebastian's dish.

"I don't think you realize how easy it would be for me to snap your neck." He states, I'm aware of him moving behind me his warm hands gripping my neck tightly. A shiver of fear curls up my spine but it's joined more noticeably by a jolt of pleasure. Pleasure at the thought of death. Pleasure at the thought of pain. My body vibrates in anticipation and my hands go limp in the hot soapy water. The air fills with electricity and I close my eyes.

"Please do it. Please." I whisper biting my bottom lip. As soon as I say this his hands rip away from me and he flings me around an expression of incredulity clear on his face.

"Excuse me?"

Shit. Holyshit. I shouldn't have done that.

Quickly I spin around and plunge my hand into the sink grabbing onto the first blade of a knife I can find and squeezing. Immediately a rush of pain shoots up my arm but soon after follows an immediate calm. I'm briefly aware of Gabriele blabbing on and on in the back of my mind.

"Hey look at me. What the fuck was that?"

"What was what?" I question glancing at him.

"Don't play dumb. I may be younger than you but I'm not an idiot." Before I can say anything all of the parents, Lilly and Antonio walk in.

"Okay boys we'll be gone for a couple of hours. I trust you can take care of yourselves." Mom states glancing at me. "Mason you and Leonardo are in charge. Don't do anything crazy while we're gone. I love you."

I smile squeezing the knife harder underneath the soapy water. "Love you too mom. Have a good time." She smiles and blows me a kiss before heading out the door with everyone else.

"How can you just stand there and lie to her like that?" Gabriele growls staring at me.

"Lie? Lie about what? I didn't lie."

"You said you loved her. If you loved her you wouldn't act like this."

I clench my jaw and squeeze the knife again. I don't think I could possibly squeeze it any harder. "Shut up. You don't know anything." Gabriele is about to say something but then he just points at the sink. I glance over and see that the water is slowly turning red with my blood. I stare at it for a second mesmerized but before I can say or do anything more Gabriele wrenches my arm from the sink flinging soapy water everywhere. I still haven't let go of the knife but as soon as he sees it I drop it onto the counter and yank my limb away from him.

"Why the fuck are you such an idiot?" He growls glaring at the blood stained white marble counter. He starts to say something else but I interrupt.

"We need to lay boundaries." My voice shakes a little but I ignore it glaring at him. I feel a sudden rush of anger. Not just at him at everything. "Don't touch me again unless you really are planning on breaking my neck got it?" He starts to say something else but I growl. "We aren't friends understand? You are just the brother of the man my sister is getting married to. That's it. There is no rulebook that states that we have to get along, and if this is you 'caring about me' you need to fucking stop right now. I'm six years older than you so speak to me with a little more respect and don't get involved in my business. Who I am and what I do has nothing to do with you." Before he can respond Sebastian walks in bee-lining it towards the fridge before he comes to a stop staring at the knife and the blood all over the counter and the floor.

"Holy shit Mason are you okay? Do we need to take you to the hospital dude?" He inquires his eyes wide with fear.

I close my eyes in frustration and shake my head trying to drown everything out. I can't even enjoy this right now. I'm bleeding everywhere and I can't even enjoy it. Apparently Gabriele has taken the liberty of making choices for me though.

"Yes we do. Grab another wash cloth to stem the blood flow would you? I'll get him to my car." He replies grabbing my arm in his palm. I jerk away and glare.

"Mind your own goddamn business would you?" Then I stumble towards the hallway before turning to Sebastian. "Wash the fucking dishes." I don't stay in the room for one more second before I'm scrambling up the stairs and into the bathroom slamming the door shut behind me. Without thinking I lean against the counter my palms pressing against the surface. I hiss at the pain but refuse to pull away.

Later before dinner I make a point to stay as far away from Gabriele as possible. Last I saw of him he was in the living room watching TV with the rest of the boys. I took that chance to grab my journal change into a swimming suit and go outside. There's no better cure for a bad day than sitting outside underneath the setting sun. I bend slightly to take a peek into the kitchen where dad and mom are making dinner with Isabella and Carlo. Antonio and Lillian are sitting at the table laughing and flipping through magazines. They're all sucked deeply into limitless bliss, you can see it in the content smiles that paint their faces. Sighing I snap my journal shut after doing rough sketches of each of their faces, too much emotion both in real life and on paper. I opt out of drawing for a little while and instead jump into the pool. I wince at the sting of water rushing against my poorly bandaged hand, I'd like to pretend that I'm pro at handling first aid but alas I never took first aid 101. I keep my head underwater for as long as possible swimming in circles. Something about the light caress of water against your skin is so calming. Briefly I wonder to myself about what I will miss most when I die. First of course is my family. I can't imagine not visiting home, eating my dad's cooking and being called out into the garden to help my mom plant her new obsession. I can't imagine not being able to witness Sebastian's smile or hear his goofy laugh. Not being able to sit with Tristan while he quietly watches the weirdest TV shows. Not being able to talk to Lillian on the phone every week. Besides these obvious things I will miss the feel of water rushing against my skin, I will miss the wind embracing me and I will miss the touch of the grass.

Maybe they have grass in hell.

I gasp as I burst from the water my lugs finally screaming for air. Quickly I rub the water from my eyes and lift myself out of the pool. I ignore the drops of water that fall from my damp curls as I let my feet dangle in the water.


Jumping at the sudden greeting I look up. Antonio Moretti smiles and takes a seat next to me before staring at the water. I'm so out of my element talking to my sister's fiancé, so instead of speaking I just stare at him like an ass. He's intimidating to say the least.

"It's Mason correct?" I will myself to nod if only just. I'm sure I look like a drowned poodle to him, he's probably trying desperately to take me seriously. "Sorry that I had to ask. I just had to make sure. I mean all of you have blonde hair and look sort of alike so it's hard to get names down." He flashes a smile and suddenly I feel extremely comfortable. Immediately it's clear to me that he is one of those people that you can't help but like.

I wish I could smile back.

Instead I nod and point towards the house. "Sebastian's the idiot, and Tristan looks like an elf."

Instantly Antonio bursts out laughing as if my blunt description of my brothers is somehow really that amusing. Either way I flush at the attention and glance at the house where I see Lilly gazing out the window happily as if she's ecstatic that we are getting along. I guess I can try if it's for Lilly. "Wow that really makes it easy I guess. Honestly I'm surprised you can describe them so simply. I don't think I could ever associate one word, trait, or characteristic to my brothers. I would feel like I'm oversimplifying their complexities."

"You should try it. It's empowering." I state nodding my head slightly.

Antonio tilts his head. "Should I? Alright. Well...Marcello is the attention seeker, Leo is a cyborg and Gabriele is a dick." He pauses mulling that over before glancing at me. "Damn, you're right. That is oddly empowering. It makes me seem like the best son."

"You probably are the best son." I mumble glaring at the image of Gabriele in my head. Just the thought of his face makes me want to hit something. I'm not sure if Antonio heard me but he smiles either way.

"Even so there's so much more to them than meets the eye. Leo may be a cyborg but he's a really hard worker and he will never let anyone down. His loyalty is admirable. Marcello is an attention seeker but he has a lot of self-esteem and neglect issues that feed his attention whoring. That's why he's such an outrageous person. Gabriele has issues with his age, that's why he acts like he's a lot older than he is. He feels like he's always being looked down on and that feeds his anger, that's why he's such a dick all the time. He's still in his egocentric stage of life where everything should and will revolve around him. That's why it's so hard for him to demonstrate empathy and compassion. It certainly doesn't help that my parents spoil him because he's the baby." I stare at Antonio skeptically. I'm not convinced that Gabriele's egocentrism is just a stage, I'm pretty sure it's just his way of life.

Antonio raises an eyebrow. "You look like you don't believe me."

I shrug.

"Seriously though. You can even see it in your brothers. Take Sebastian for example, yes I have heard some pretty stupid things come out of his mouth but even so I don't think I've ever met such an energetic person. He practically seethes vitality and satisfaction. I've only known him a day but I can tell right now that life is never boring with Sebastian." I nod to myself. That much is certainly true. "And Tristan may be small but I feel like he might be the smartest out of everyone in the house. He seems like a really observant person and if I'm being honest he makes me a bit uncomfortable." I refrain from snorting. Tristan makes Antonio uncomfortable? Tristan practically wets himself every time Antonio walks in the room. I think he's even beginning to notice Leo following him around and that's starting to alarm him.

"I see what you're getting at." I state nodding my head. "But if you don't mind me me Gabriele is still just a dick." Antonio grins like this statement pleases him.

"Oh I don't mind at all. In fact you should say it to his face more often."

"I plan to."

"Plan to what?" A deep voice questions. I practically jump from my skin as I turn to look up at a dubious Gabriele. Antonio grins and throws an arm around my shoulder squeezing me in an overly friendly manner. I think my heart is going to burst at how nervous I am. Too close.

"Plan to be my best friend! We're gonna get along great Mason!" He cheers before giving me a slap on the shoulder. I wince but let it happen. "What do you want anyways Gabriele?"

"Dinner is ready." He states glaring at us.

"Ah, fantastic. I call the seat by the gorgeous red head." He jokes before heading inside. I follow close behind ignoring the burning gaze of Gabriele Moretti in my back.

It's halfway through dinner when I'm passing Marcello a bowl of olives that my mother notices the wonky bandage job that holds my hand together. "Mason!"

I jump but only barely hoping that no one noticed my startled leap. "What?"

"What happened to your hand?"

Every one's attention slips to my palm the table going silent. "I cut it." I say simply continuing to eat my food.

"You cut it?"

I nod. "Washing dishes."

My mom winces and glances at it with worry.  "Did you clean it? That bandage doesn't look like it's on properly." I resist the urge to sigh and before I can say anything Isabella chimes in.

"Oh don't worry Victoria. Gabriele is practically a bandaging expert. That's what so many fights at school will do to you. I'm sure he can fix it up after dinner."

God no.

Gabriele nods. "I'd be happy to." My eyes snap up to catch his and I glare.  He glares right back.

"Oh really? Thank you so much sweetie, that makes me feel so much better. Mason you should be more careful. Your carelessness could get you killed one day." Gabriele snorts but everyone else seems to be immune to the offending expression. I on the other hand kick him as hard as I can underneath the table. His eyes harden and he barely grunts but the fire in his eyes tells me that he will not let it go easily.

"Anyways," Lillian starts giving me a smile. "Since we are going to have so many groomsmen I have to start thinking of what girls I want to ask to be bridesmaids."

"Can Emma be one?" Sebastian questions looking up from his meal. Immediately Marcello stiffens across the table.

Lillian beams. "Of course! That would be awesome, Emma is great."

Sebastian practically glows with happiness and ignores the steam coming out of Marcello's ears from across the table. Is it just me or are Tristan and Leo the only ones who even remotely get along? "Thanks Lil."

"No problem Sebby."

"Sebby?" Marcello mimics his eyes filled with delight.

"Do not go there." Sebastian threatens instantly glaring at the older boy.

"Why not? It's such a cute name, and you told me I can't call you Seb so I guess Sebby will just have to do."

"Sebby is reserved for my sister. Not for a weirdo perv like you." Sebastian snaps. Gabriele chuckles nudging Marcello with his elbow.

"He just called you a perv."

Marcello shrugs and sits back in his seat completely unphased. "Can't deny what's true. I won't pretend to be anything other than what I am. Unlike some people." He states glaring pointedly at Sebastian. My younger brother throws his fork down on his plate and leans over getting in Marcello's grill.

"That's it. You wanna go?"

Marcello raises an amused eyebrow his strong jaw rippling with the movement of his teeth. "Why yes I would actually. Where are you planning on taking me? Or can I just jump the gun and say I want to take you. Oh wait damn was that too presumptuous of me?"

"You're disgusting." Sebastian hisses. "Don't you have any self-respect?"

"No actually I don't. I lose it when someone catches my eye and I get unbelievably horny. So it's all your fault Sebby. I demand that you take responsibility."

Without another word Sebastian gets up from the table and storms from the room. Marcello promptly stands to follow him but Leo puts a strong hand on his shoulder and pushes him back down while shaking his head. "No." he states.

Marcello growls in exasperation. "God dammit Leo! Why do you have to cock block me! Don't you see it? He clearly wants me! I have to go after him."

My brain isn't hardwired to handle this amount of stupidity. Clearly Antonio feels the same way.

"Hey Marcello. How about you do everyone here a favor and shut up. Thank you. I appreciate it."

All I've got to say is if every dinner in the Moore household is going to end up like this from now on we definitely ought to start recording it.

Eventually everybody drifts from the dinner table. All of them lost in their own thoughts on the showdown that took place tonight. I wish I could say that I slipped away to a quiet place but that would be oh too merciful.

"Mason go upstairs with Gabriele. There's a first aid kit in that bathroom. Make sure you take care of your cut properly." My mom orders taking my plate out from in front of me. Dang it. I thought she would forget after Marcello and Sebastian's oddly entertaining debacle. Apparently I set my hopes to high. Keeping a schooled expression on my face I head up the stairs without so much as a glance in the direction of Gabriele. The only way I can tell he's following me is the scent of his cologne, a minty smell that is spicy all at once. When I enter the large bathroom Gabriele is close behind immediately shutting the door and locking it.

"You can just sit over there while I redo the bandage." I order pointing in the corner where there is a stool pushed against the wall. Gabriele scoffs and shakes his head.

"Shut the fuck up and let me do what I was told. You're too pathetic to be able to redo the bandage correctly and our mom's aren't idiots. They'll know that I made you do it yourself and then I'll get in trouble."

"Honestly I couldn't care less if you get in trouble, and there is no way I'm letting you near me. Sit down." My reply is forceful as if I'm talking to a three year old. I throw the used bandage in the trash before turning towards the sink.

Gabriele smirks and moves like a viper snatching my hand up in his within seconds. I am completely unprepared when he pushes his thumbs against the gash in my palm violently. A shocked and pained gasp bursts from my mouth and I'm immediately falling to my knees in pain.

It kills me to admit it but despite how much I dislike Gabriele Moretti I feel my body's response immediately. There's an unmistakable tightening in my groin. It makes me sick just as it always does but I can't make it go away. I feel my cheeks flushing and sweat gathering all over my body as I glare up at the younger man. On his face is an expression of complete satisfaction.

"You like pain don't you Mason?"

I hiss and jerk my arm against his grip but this does nothing but cause his thumb to dig into my wound again. Gasping I lean my weight against the cupboard dizziness suddenly sweeping through my brain. I can't believe this is happening. It's not that I like pain. I just react to it, if I could make it stop I would but I can't. Then here comes this stupid teenager who reads me like an open book. "Let go." I demand biting my bottom lip.

"Stop treating me like a kid. We both know that I have more power over you so how about we start acting like it."

"If you think I'm just gonna sit around and let you tell me what to do you're a fucking idiot." I growl. Gabriele tilts his head, an expression of amusement crossing his handsome features. I watch indignantly as he crouches down to my level.

"If you're smart you will. You don't know who I am or what I can do, I'm trying to be fair right now Mason. You can spare yourself a lot of trouble if you just do what I say from now on."

"Fuck you."

"I see you're going to be difficult."

"You're the one being difficult." I snap. What is this kid's problem? He goes silent before reaching underneath the cupboard for the first aid kit. It takes him only a second to rip it open and grab the alcohol which he pours mercilessly over my wound. The pain is indescribably intense and I fail to hold back the yelp that bursts from my lips. An expression of gratification crosses his features but he also looks a little unhappy.

"Do you mind if I ask you something?" He questions continuing with what we came in here to do in the first place.


"Too bad I'm asking anyways." I roll my eyes. "Why do you like pain so much?"

I don't answer and instead watch his hands as they expertly patch me up. He's really good at this. It makes me wonder how often he gets hurt. He must like pain too, probably not for the same reasons I do though.


"Why do you know how to bandage so well?"

He shrugs. "Like my mother said. I like fighting, it's fun. It makes me feel powerful because I always win. When you fight as much as I do you pretty much have to learn how to bandage yourself up." I nod pursing my lips. As I watch his skillful hands work I notice that he has a myriad of cuts, scrapes and bruises. Even so his hands are strong and I can see the movement of his muscles in his arms underneath the smooth tan skin. "You never answered my question."

"I know."

Finally finished, he slowly pulls away staring at me. "You aren't going to tell me?"

I shake my head. "No, I'm not." Quickly I stand and reach for the door but he grabs my arm tightly in his palm.


"Because I don't trust you. All I can say to you is that I can't help it. It's not as if I consciously love pain. I hate it. I hate it so fucking much. It's revolting; but it's me and that's something I have to deal with. I'm like this for a reason and there's no changing the past so I have to deal with it." Once again I move to open the door but he tightens his grip.

"Is pain the only way you feel pleasure?" He questions his eyes burning holes into the back of my skull. I bite my lip.

"I don't know...and I don't care to find out."

With that I shove his arm away and exit the bathroom leaving thoughts of pain, thoughts of pleasure and especially thoughts of Gabriele far behind me.

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