Everybody wants you

By mrsjvo

49.7K 680 355

Imagines, series, one shots. Just Johnny pretty much This was a dare but then ppl started reading More

Everybody wants you introduction
Fake a date ☆
Fake a date pt. 2 ☆
Time (fake a date pt.3) ☆
Time pt. 4
Time pt 5
Time pt. 6
Time pt 7
Time pt 8
Time pt.9
Time pt 10
Not an update lmao
Time pt. 11
Update coming soon
Deep Down (imagine)
Deep down pt.2
Time pt.12
I hate everything
Time series*Important*
Dont do this
Christmas Crush
Bra- blurb
Prettyboy birthday
*important* Time series note
Welcome to Uni
Welcome to Uni pt.2
Im back
Deja vu
Im alive..kinda?
Important so read it goofy
Not an update
4 u 🤍
4 u🤍 (part.2)
Time pt. 13
Time pt.14

Dance with me

1K 13 3
By mrsjvo

Authors Note:

Warning: Bad french. barely proofread, short

imagine type tingz lol

{POV: y/n talking to the reader}

"1,2,3,4.....1,2,3,4....STRAIGHTEN YOUR ARMS....1,2..CHEST OUT" Madame Alarie smacks me with a ruler causing my chest to straighten.

If you're wondering who Madame Alarie is she's my ballroom teacher, Mentor, and a pain in the ass. Sorry but someone had to say it, I don't see why it's such a big deal for me to dance with some snobby guy at a ball. I'm getting ahead of myself perhaps I should catch you up. My name's Y/n Esmée Archambeau IV (the fourth for those of you that don't know) princess of l'Île du Valenveil. A small island near France, about 200 years old, you may or may not have heard of it, either way, I don't really care so...

The kingdoms pretty open-minded, we like not being as big as the USA or even Canada, that way we can just sit back and watch; not be as pooched as the other countries. I'd say we're pretty educated over here;  of course, there are still small-minded people but overall we're really accepting.  Anyway, my parents want me to find a husband so I can be 'as happy as they are, and always have someone' but I think I'm perfectly fine on my own. I used to be involved with Viscount Chase of l'Île de Sable but he found some pretty little blonde girl so I guess that's that. And if things couldn't get any better my date to this ball is Prince John IV of l'Archipel Implacable (Yipee a fourth, just like me how fantastic..) 

Sure, he's easy on the eyes, but he's also super cocky. Always trying to flirt with me and act like I'm some piece of meat, and of course, it's just me! He never flirts with anyone else. And now I'm rambling... sorry.

"Mon Dieu, ta posture est horrible. Comment le prince va-t-il survive ὰ danser avec vous pendant plus de cinq minutes si vous marchez sur ses pieds toutes les dix secondes!" translation: My God your posture is horrendous. How is the prince going to survive dancing with you for longer than five minutes if you're stepping on his feet every ten seconds!

"Comment allez-vous garder votre travail si vous continuez ὰ agir comme si je ne puex pas vous comprendre?!" How are you going to keep your job if you continue acting like I can't understand you?! She went silent for a few minutes after that comment. The only sound filling the room was the music and the sound of my shoes and my dance partners clicking on the floor. "Ok, on a fini ici, tu peux y aller maintenant...shoo shoo" Ok, we're done here, you can go now.. shoo shoo

I quickly gathered my phone and walked down the long hall to the fitting room. Today was my final fitting before the ball tonight. My dress is a gorgeous blush pink with a floral design climbing up from the bottom.

(Ignore the girl but look at this dress..wow)

After having some pins stabbed into my sides and gushing about the ball with the seamstress, she said my dress seems to fit perfectly she just wants to pick out the final accessories to bring it all together. I was now on my "break" and decided now would be a good time to explore the town. I put on my playlist and played positions by Ariana Grande cause that song goes hard when suddenly I bumped into someone. "Un fils de pute!(son of a b***h)  Watch where you're going- oh.. y/n" I'd notice that thick French accent anywhere. "Viscount Chase.. un fils de pute is correct.." I mumbled that last part. "I didn't suspect I'd see you here." He laughed awkwardly.

"Why not..the castles literally right there..and I'm the princess.." I said pointing towards the castle. "Oh, I well you see I'm in town for the-" "Princesa?" 

I'd notice that nickname anywhere. It was an odd voice it came from though. For someone who lived near France their whole life and was raised being taught both French and English he didn't seem it. His accent sounding rather foreign, perhaps..Canadian..?

"Prince John IV of l'Archipel Implacable, lovely to make your acquaintance (As if, I think I'd rather drown in a lake) might I ask what you're doing here?" I asked doing a slight curtsy. "Oh wow, the full name, Johnny's fine." He flashed his pearly whites and suddenly he seemed.. I don't know.. charming..?

"Johnny it is." I found myself smiling. "Or daddy works." and smile gone. "I'm kidding! relax cutie just trying to lighten the mood." I playfully rolled my eyes as he nudged my shoulder. Chase now seeming like a third wheel. "Johnny of l'Archipel Implacable? Not sure I've heard of you" He said snarkily. "Yeah, you can call me John. And you are?" John then threw his arm around my shoulder. I'm not sure why, we've only talked a few times and weren't that close. I was pretty stiff at first but soon found myself relaxing into his touch. 

"Chase..Viscount of l'Île de Sable..I'm sure you've heard of me." He crossed his arms and smiled smugly. "Nope doesn't ring a bell." He said popping the 'p' in Nope. "Anyways I'll see you tonight princesa?" "Do I have a choice?" "Nah but I'm sure if you did the answer would still be yes" "I-" "Okay see ya!" He kissed my cheek before winking at me and running off to who knows where. 

Chase and I just stood there dumbfounded. "I- aha um.. yeah.." I jogged back into the castle so I could pick my hairstyle and finalize the accessories for the ball tonight. 

I chose some simple layered necklaces and some pale, blue-ish lavender heels and my tiara, or crown whichever sounds best to you. I was so excited about this ball I only had 2 hours left considering it was now 6 pm, so I now had to get my hair and makeup done.

I had my hair done in a simple tight low bun and pulled out a strand of hair at the front to give it a little bit of flavour. Madame Alerie didn't like that but I'm her boss so she's gotta deal with it! The crown was now being placed on my head as all the royalty attending the ball was being introduced, my family Last since its taking place in our castle. I got to stay back a bit since I'm rather impatient and like 45 royal families were being introduced. My turn was finally approaching and for some reason, I was I guess..nervous? Not about the ball, I've been to quite a few balls and am now used to it. But I'm more nervous about Johnnys' reaction.

Not that I care what he thinks but want to look good. (play song now, don't feel in a rush to read the story will continue after the songs over :))

 Madame Alerie gave me my cue, as the Large doors opened "May I introduce to you, Y/n Esmée Archambeau IV, Princess of l'Île du Valenveil. Then repeating it again in French, Spanish, Greek, Russian, German, Turkish, Italian, Ukrainian, Polish and Dutch. Revealing me standing chest-high confidently. Honestly, I was the baddest one there but let's not talk about it. I walked down the steps slowly, everyone's eyes on me. But my eyes met Johnnys. There was a look in his eyes I can't quite describe, a devious smirk on his lips with a hint of lust in his eyes. God, he looked good.

Once I reached the ends of the steps he held his hand out for me which I gladly placed mine in the palm of his hand. He bowed, kissing it, whilst I curtsied, and we walked off to a spot near the side of the stairs. "Wow, princess." That was all he said causing my ego to have a massive boost. Let's see what I can do with this. We were now standing shoulder to shoulder, well more like head to shoulder, exchanging compliments. "You clean up nicely."I nudged his arm. "You look stunning in that dress." I smiled and grabbed his hand. "I know. Dance with me."

We walked over to the dance floor, doing the dances we learned in the ballroom. Starting with the waltz which soon turned into I don't even know what; did I mention I didn't pay attention in ballroom?

He turned me so my back would face his chest as we did a quick "1,2 step" before turning me around, and sticking our opposite leg from each other out while dragging it back up slowly. He then waltzed me around the room before settling in one place. Our feet doing quick steps around each other then him turning me before gently dipping me and bringing me back up. Once I was back on both feet our eyes were stuck on each other. I don't know why they were, or how long they were but I knew I didn't wanna look away.

"Come with me." He said as if he had a sudden lightbulb moment. "What? where?" "Just come with me y/n." He offered his hand once again, I hesitated for a moment before grabbing it and as dragged me down the halls and outside the castle, sneaking past the guards as giggles erupted from our lips. Soon we were right outside the town center, at a little park which split from large pavement to a field of grass. "Um Johnny..what is this? You're not planning on killing me, are you? Cause I know karate." I held up both of my hands showing I was ready to fight as he just laughed gently throwing his head back. Perhaps I looked a little silly because I was wearing a tiara, but that could easily be turned into a weapon.

"Do you trust me, princess?" He took a step closer and grabbed my hand. "Wha-" He placed a finger over my lips before repeating the question. Softer. And only a centimetre away from my face this time. "Do you trust me?" 

I nodded my head before he let go of my hand backing away and walking towards a tree grabbing something hidden behind it. It was a skateboard. "I'm gonna teach you to skateboard." He smiled innocently before walking back over to me. "Isn't that what the Americans do?" "Yeah, I learned a little when I was on a trip over there. Not sure you'd wanna do this barefoot though since you'd have to take off your heels.."

I lifted my dress slightly revealing the busted converse I was wearing. "Swapped them out right before we started dancing." He laughed and started the 'lessons'.  After about an hour of falling over, some scrapes, some tears, some cheers and laughing till our stomachs hurt, we now had dirt on our very expensive clothes and our crowns were lopsided. We were now sitting in the field of grass with sodas we got from a small shop down the road. "As fun as this has been Johnny we have to get back to the ball or they'll think we've been assassinated." I got up and dusted off my dress, not that it helped much, and held my hand out to help Johnny get up. Instead of grabbing it he just stared at it. "Well, are you gonna get up pretty boy? We don't have much time."

He got up and dusted himself off looking a bit disappointed. Like he had an opportunity and missed it. "Uh yeah sorry let's go." He gave me a soft smile and we started walking back slowly as if this was the last time we'd see each other, even though we both knew it definitely wasn't going to be. As we walked our hands brushed and I took that as an opportunity to intertwine our fingers, to which he eagerly accepted. 

We walked for five more minutes, admiring the lights and embracing each other for warmth. Johnnys arm over my shoulder, that same arm holding my hand, and my head resting on his shoulder while exchanging bad jokes. Finally, we had arrived back at the castle which we had to sneak our way back into and sneak into the fitting rooms to fix our outfits before slyly sliding through the doors back into the ballroom. Where thankfully no one has noticed our disappearance. "Do you think we're safe?" Johnny whispered before someone tapped his shoulder causing us both to jump. "And what might you two be whispering about? I don't believe we've met dear, I'm John's mum Meredith.." "..Orlando Queen of l'Archipel Implacable! It's an honour to meet you, your highness." I said before quickly curtsying. "Oh please no need for all that darling call me Mer! You must be Y/n, John can't stop talking about you and I can see why!" "Alright, mum you said hi, you can go now," Johnny said with his face a crimson red. "Aha well I'm pretty fond of your son as well, you've really raised a wonderful guy Mrs.Orlando." "That's it! We have to have you over for dinner as soon as possible!" She laughed as Johnny laughed uncomfortably before intertwining his fingers with mine and pulling me away. "It was lovely to see you Y/n!" I waved and laughed softly before pinching John's cheeks causing him to blush even more. "You know you're cute when you're not cocky." He smirked as we started to dance again.

Unfortunately, the dance did come to an end and I did have to say goodbye to John and his family. I was now getting ready for bed when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in!" It was Madame Alarie. "One of the staff members said you forgot your heels by the staircase and there was a note in them addressed to you from Prince John." She rose her eyebrows at me and smiled as she handed me the note and I mischievously chuckled. Once she left I opened the note.

Hi Princess,

If you couldn't tell these last few years I've been over cocky because I kinda had a thing for you. Okay, I do have a thing for you. Okay, Fine I actually really like you and today just made those feelings even stronger. Anyways if you're up for it I'd like to continue getting to know you by the field tomorrow at sunset since I'll only be staying for another week. Hopefully, I can spend that week with you. Here's my number, call me! ;)

-xoxo, Pretty Boy

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