Your spirit is what I love |D...

By 3Shoto3

164K 6.2K 1.4K

Everyone came back for their 8 year , except one person - Harry Potter . After the war he desapeard , no one... More

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 7 Pt.II
Day 8
Day 9
Day 11
Day 12
Day 12 Pt.II
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 18 pt.ll
Day 19
Day 20
Day 20 pt.II
End of the book

Day 10

6.1K 254 61
By 3Shoto3


Dear diary

Harry remembers now a lot . Mainly because of us . We are telling him all we know about him , Luna too . I don't want to bring these two griffindors to him . I know they know more about him then us , but still . I'm affraid that they might hurt him .

The sad thing for me is that when he'll get all his memories back ... He'll hate me again ... And I don't want that ... I realy liked him , he's an amazing friend . I wish I wasn't such a jerk from the start . Maybe we wouldn't be enemies now ...

I wish that we could stay friends . I ... I got realy attached to him and I don't want to loose him ... Pansy said that I got a crush on him ... That's NOT true .

" Draco ! " 
Draco turned his head to left and saw Luna and Pansy standing in tge frame door .
" What's up ? "
" Some girl is here , she wants to get in . Should we let her ? "
" From wich house ? "
" She isn't from Hogwart . "

Draco looked at them and stood up . He walked out of his room to the coomon room and opened the door . The second he did that , he was on tge floor and he heard growling .

When he opened hsi eyes he saw a girl with fangs , wolf ears and tail .
" I knew that I would find you here ! "
" Wha- "
" Where is he you bitch !? "
" Who- "
" NAYA ! "

Draco looked up and blushed a litlle . He saw Harry standing at the bottom of the stairs . He was wearing Draco's dark green hoodie wich reached his thights and black shorts along with red trainers . He also had a silver neackle he got from Luna .

" Get of him now ! "
" Why !? "
" Because he didn't do anything ! "
" Yes he did ! He kidnap you ! "
" I went with him on my own ! "

Naya stood up and looked at Harry .
" You ... You didn't trust anybody ... "
" But I did trusted him . He helped me . I am fine , realy . "
Naya looked at Draco who was still on the floor .
" Sorry ... I got a litlle angry . "
" It's fine . "

Naya reached her hand to Draco and he gladly took it . He stood up and smiled to Harry .
" Well , how you've been doing ? "
" Pretty good . "
" He took good care of you ? "
" Yes- "
" Did he helped you with your eye ? "

Harry looked at Draco and looked down .
" You ... You didn't tell him ? "
" Tell me what ? "
Asked Draco now worried about Harry . Naya sighed and looked at the blond .

" When he was fighting with wolves he got blind on one eye ... "
" Harry ... "
" I'm sorry ... I didn't wanted to worry you ... I am fine ... I can see - "
" But only on one eye ! "

Said Naya and walked over to Harry .
" Listen , you're like a litlle brother to me . I want you to be safe and healthy . And if that boy is taking good care of you then you should'ce said that to him . "
" I know ... I'm sorry ... "
" It's fine ... "

The girl hugged Harry and tge boy smiled .
" Well Harry , I'll try to find a spell that may help you with your eye . If I won't find anything I'll get mrs. Pomfrey . I'm sure she won't tell anything . "
" Thanks ferret . "
" Ha ?! You too ?! "

Yelled Draco . Naya and Harry syarted laughing , Pansy and Luna soon too .
" How did you get here anyway ? "
" Oh c'mon . I'm a wolf after all . I can easily sneek everywhere . "
" Yeah right . "

For the rest of the day , group was chatting with Naya while Draco were looking through books to find a spell or potion that would help Harry . The small boy was also reading books , but he didn't understand them , he was just amazed by them .

" What are you reading Harry ? "
" Some ... Expexto Patronum spell . What is it ? "
" It's a spell that create a patronus , it's like an animal spirit , that protects you or helps you . You have a deer . "
" A deer ? "
" Yeah . It's cool isn't it ? " 
" Mhm... "

Harry continued to read and Draco smiled . The boy was cute and funny . He of course had an attidute but it made his personality amazing . He was brave and carrying . Draco after few minutes realized that he was staring at the boy in front of him . He shook his head and came back to his lecture .

" Draco , Harry ! You're done ? We want to play a game with you ! "
Draco and Harry looked at eachother and nooded .
" Yeah sure , we didn't find anything anyways . "

They got up from the couch and sitted on the floor with the rest .
" What are we playing ? "
" Never had ever . "
" And what are the rules . "
" If you did something that the person said , you need to take a shoot . "
" Alcochol ? I am not into it- "
" Oh please Harry ! "
" Fine ... "

" Okay ! I am starting . Never had I ever , kissed someone . "
Blaise , Pansy and Draco drinked and laughed .
" Who ? "
" We are a couple Dray , we kiss all the time . "
Said Pansy and smiled to Blaise .

" And you ? "
" Some girl from ravenclaw , I was too drunk ! "
They all laughed and it was Luna's turn .
" Never had I ever , talked to an animal . "

Harry , Naya , Pansy and Luna drinked and Harry almost spitted it out .
" Oh c'mon Harry . It's not that bad . "
" Says who ? "
" Me . Anyways , your turn Naya . "

The girl smirked .
" Never had I ever , prefered to dress in only hoodies . "
" Naya ! "
Harry yelled and pouted . He drinked and shook his head .

" My turn . Never had I ever , licked ice and my tongue was sticked to it for few hours . "
" Excuse me , it was only once ! "
Said Naya and drinked . Everyine laughed and looked at smirking Harry .

" Okay um , never had I ever , beat someone up ? "
Blaise , Pansy , Naya and Harry drinked and Harry sighed .
" I'll get very drunk tonight . "
The group laughed and continued playing .

" Never had I ever , wished to be oposite gender . "
Naya drinked and smiled .
" What ? Boys have eay easier then us girls . "
" Yeah sure- "
" Except you Harry . But I am sure that if you wore hoodie over your head and stand back to face with someone , they would thought that you're a girl . "
" Naya ! "

Naya laughed and patted Harry's shoulder .
" Okay , never had I ever , been crying because of a bad mark . "
Draco and Luna took a shoot and laughed .
" Never had I ever , tried wearing different clothes style . "

All of the group drinked except of Harry . Girls looked at him and gasped dramaticly .
" Don't tell me- "
" Nope , I've never changed my style ."
" Well ... I know what we will do tomorow girls . "
All girls nooded and smirked .

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