β™ŸPromotions and Sacrifices [S...

By sssarah009

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Dark magic is evolving. Death Eaters are rising. The match has begun. (taking a break from this book but it... More

Character Aesthetics:
First Year
Second Year
Summer At the Burrow
Third Year
The Summer Before Fourth Year
Forth Year
5th Year: Pranks, pranks, and more pranks
5th Year: The Hogsmeade Date
5th Year:
5th Year: The Quidditch Game
5th Year: Truth or Dare
5th Year: Knight in Shining Armor
5th Year: The Library
5th Year: Can't fly
5th year:
Part 1: If I go down, you're going down with me
Part 2:
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

5th year: Partners

281 11 9
By sssarah009

Fifth year had finally come. Rose has never felt more proud of herself, and for a good reason. She was a perfect! The letter came in just a couple days ago, and Rose already knew what it had to say before even reading it. But she still gave herself the pleasure of reading it. Again, and again, and again. Her little brother, Hugo, was also excited because he was going to Hogwarts for the first time.

"Dom did you hear? I'm a perfect!"

"I know! Ugh, I'm so proud of you!" She squealed and ran towards Rose, hugging her.

They were already in the train and Rose headed to the Perfects compartment. She came just in time too, seeing a couple other familiar faces walk into the room with her. After giving the room a brief scan, her face dropped.

Malfoy? Why is he here? Noticing this change in facial expressions, Malfoy smirked.

"Hey Weasley." That stupid little smirk only grew when he saw her face heat up.

"This is a Perfect compartment Malfoy. I think you're in the wrong room." Rose forced out the words as calmly as she could but that didn't fool him. He knew she was raging inside.

He looked down at the shiny badge sitting right next to the small green snake in the top corner of his robe then smirked back at her. "I am a Perfect. Surprised, Weasley? I wouldn't be, I mean my grades are remarkable, I'm talented, amazing, and quite a good role model."

Her eyes twitched at this. "A good role model? For who, a bunch of goblins? Stop flattering yourself Malfoy." Before he could respond, the door opened and all the chatter among the perfects dropped.

"Good morning, everybody. I suppose we are all ready for the introduction?" Professor Mcgonagall looked at the current Head Perfects.

"Uh, yes. For starters, congratulations. If you are in this room, you have been chosen to be a perfect for your house and year. Go ahead and give yourselves a pat on the back." A light row of cheers flew through the compartment. Rose recognized the boy next to her as Justin Pearly, her fellow Gryffindor Perfect. He gave her a small smile in which she returned.

"As for this next part may come as a bit of a surprise to you- we have decided to pair up Perfects of different houses to do their duties together. We hope that as a result, you will learn more the similarities and differences each individual possesses without letting House rivalry get between us. As Perfects, it's important that we understand we are all role models for the underclassmen. Understood?" Then it was the Head boys turn to talk.

"We have already come up with a list of partners for this year." The boy began to read out names and pairing people up. Please, I am begging you, don't put me with-

"Scorpius Malfoy and Rose Weasley." Rose's head snapped up and found herself staring straight into his cold, silver eyes. Of course. Out of everyone in the compartment, she was paired up with Malfoy. How lovely. There was no way she was going to let Malfoy ruin her experience as a perfect and she was determined to do something about it. After a long, boring speech, they were dismissed and Rose headed towards Professor Mcgonagalls compartment.

"Please Professor, there must be something you can do. I can-" Mcgonagall stopped her with a risen hand.

"I'm afraid there is nothing I can do."

"Wha- but what about-"

"Miss Weasley, I am going to stop you right there. This behavior is exactly why you're not switching partners. Now could you remind me of the purpose of partners in the first place?"

"To get along with other houses. And professor, I understand that. You could partner me up with Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff or even a different Slytherin. But please, I beg you not with Malfoy."

"I have made up my mind. And I suggest if you want to be considerate for the position of Head Girl in 7th year then you would let this go and compromise." She said sternly. Without another glance, Mcgonagall waved her hand and dismissed Rose. Unbelievable.


"Good morning class. I hope you all had a wonderful and well rested summer." Professor Deemle, the new potions teacher, walked up to the chalk board and scribbled something down.

Rose sat down next to Dom in the first row. What? It's easier to take notes this way.

"I heard we're being assigned a huge project. It's worth almost half of our grade." Dom mentioned while copying down notes.

"Really? About what"

"I dunno." She shrugged.

Professor Deemle answered her question for her.

"This semester, each individual will focus on a different potion. You and your assigned partner will choose a potion to research and develop, and by the end of the semester I expect a detailed, twenty paged essay along with your potion."

Groans erupted in the classroom and gave a sharp glance at the students before continuing.

"Now, now, this is no time for complaining. You are fifth years and mature enough to comply with the given assignment. Please keep in mind that the more advanced your potion is, the better grade you will get. I will set no other guidelines so please choose your potion accordingly to your skill and performance...now for partners..."

Dom squeezed Rose's hand in hope they would be together. Rose too, hoped Dom was her partner. Although she wasn't the brightest in potions, Dom worked quite well with Rose. Also, she had to consider the fact that they had potions with the Slytherins. God forbid she was partnered with a Slytherin (apart from her dear cousin Albus, of course).

Scorpius and Albus were confident they would be paired together. Similarly to the Rose-Dom situation, Scorpius was the smart one. Albus was pretty clumsy, a trait that did not mix well with potion brewing.

And just as fate had it, Scorpius and Rose were paired together. Again. And just like before, Rose made an effort to change this. She stormed up to his desk.

"What?! No professor please-"

"Miss Weasley I understand that you and Mr Malfoy have a bit of a conflict but I do believe this is for the best."

"I- what how? I can't work with him. Everyone knows this. He-"

"He is an excellent student- top of his class, just like you Miss Weasley. Together, I expect a perfect complex potion."

After a few more attempts of getting a new partner, Rose just had to accept that she would have to work with Malfoy. The universe had to be playing a trick on her. They were partners for duties and potions? Either that or every teacher had it out for her. They know she can't stand him.

Sighing, she walked towards his desk in the back of the classroom. Albus had already gone to work with his partner, leaving Scorpius alone with a couple of girls. They were all giggling and touching his chest and shoulders as he said something. With one glare from Rose, they all scurried away.

"Good morning Weasley."

"Shut it."

He mocked a gasp and put a hand over his heart. "Why, how rude. I was just greeting my favorite little sewer weasel." His smirk grew as Rose slammed her books down.

"You are not going to ruin this for me."

"Wasn't planning on it." He leaned back into his chair and put his foot up on the table.

"Well, do you have a potion in mind or are you just going to be as useless as usual?"

"I don't care." He shrugged.

"I was thinking we could try making the Wolfsbane Potion. Professor Deemle did say the more complicated the potion, the better grade we'll get."

"Sure." He shrugged again. It became clear that he wasn't paying attention to a thing she was saying. She gritted her teeth.

"Are you even paying attention? Hello? I- whatever. We are doing this potion and we are doing it my way."

"Last time I checked, I'm better at potions than you are. Shouldn't we be doing it my way?" He was provoking her and Rose took a deep breath. Huh, she had to do that lot around him. That speaks for itself.

The bell rang and Scorpius lazily dropped his books into his bag and stood up. "I'll see around."


Taking in her confused face, he clarified. "For hallway patroles?" He smirked one last time before heading over to Albus.

"I knew that." Oh great. She was talking to herself now.


Rose found herself sitting alone in the end of the hallways like an idiot. How typical of him not to arrive on time.


She turned around to the familiar voice. "Oh, hey Jacob. What are you doing here? It's past curfew."

"I could tell you the same thing." He smiled and pressed a kiss on her lips. Rose lightly pushed him off.

"Yes, but I'm a perfect. I am supposed to be doing hallway patrols but my no good partner Malfoy has decided to be late."

This caught his attention. "Malfoy? Why do you have to do it with him?"

"As much as I wished I didn't, we have been paired as perfects."

"Yeah but Malfoy? Of all people they gave you Malfoy. Gee, everyone else must have begged to not be paired with him." One thing Rose and Jacob bonded over was their dislike of Malfoy. While her other cousins didn't mind him, Rose's feelings remained the same. She just didn't understand how so many people liked him now. Everywhere he went, he had a crowd of girls following him like a lost puppy. Well, appearance couldn't fool Rose and she knew just the kind of devil he was on the inside.

"Ugh, I just don't understand. And he's my partner for potions as well."

"If he gives you any trouble, just call me. Malfoy's kind are-"

"What about my kind?" The cold, slick voice interrupted. Rose and Jacob spun around to see Scorpius leaning against the wall, smirking.

The regret in Jacobs' face was so obvious.

"It's past curfew Mclacking. Detention. Get out of here before I take away points." Scorpius was a whole head taller than Jacob and towered over him. Jacob looked back at Rose then glared at Malfoy before heading off. She silently hoped Jacob wouldn't talk back. There was no doubt that Scorpius could hurt him with ease.

"That was unnecessary." Her voice was quiet after not speaking for a while.

"Sorry about that. Your little boyfriend shouldn't have been lurking around." Something about his tone made it clear he wasn't sorry at all. They patrolled the hallways in silence, neither of them saying a word. 


Hey :) I'm going to write a couple more chapters for 5th year with a lot of scorose interactions. Anyways, stay tuned and don't forget to comment what yall think, vote and follow =) 

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